5 Aes £ Aston! ye sy os hs BRS es so nee ae - pecistten sneer ealeheies any ‘ cy 2S ee peernteyata es See iss Saaeaas Stat eee if aD Sieirat di i Hi nt aes ahaa aLatoehes we x = cf een aes Ururtietavavee ar aateyae Hel i THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY MANAGING EDITOR CHARLES R. STOCKARD Cornell University Medical School ASSOCIATE EDITORS CLARENCE M. JAcKSON Haroup D. SENIOR University of Minnesota New York University Henry Mck. Knowrr GEoRGE L. STREETER University of Cincinnati Carnegie Institution JANUARY, 1922—JULY, 1922 THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY PHILADELPHIA, PA. CONTENTS No. 1. JANUARY Rospert H. Bowen. On certain features of spermatogenesis in amphibia and insects. IAN WiO) TOVEHIGSH GIO NEN CIS bea 1kea DI) eae GMP Dina eeu Game no acleocu sete dormers ce cilioerc oer 1 E. V. Cowpry. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secretory polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. Two plates (fourteen figures).... 25 WarRREN H. Lewis. Endothelium in tissue cultures. Five plates (twenty-four figures). 39 Otto F. KaMpMEIER. The development of the anterior lymphatics and lymph hearts in anuran embryos. Thirty-five figures including eight colored plates................ 61 Hautsty J. Baga. Disturbances in mammalian development produced by radium emanation. Ten text figures and three plates (figures eleven to fifteen)............ 133 No. 2. MARCH Epwarp A. Boypen. The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. Forty-one figures.....................-..- 163 Ivan E. Watirn. On the nature of mitochondria. I. Observations on mitochondria staining methods applied to bacteria. II. Reactions of bacteria to chemical treat- Pole Ta he CMEC PUBIC (RUIN G) AEUIT CS). cs 51%. sido ovesc 5. 5,30 51.0e A ae OPS Pao roe oes crete a arabes 203 BEATRICE WHITESIDE. The development of the saccus pedal mphaticus i in Rana tem- Pekar a oiiies Nineteen) HP WEES .f.x.5\iuto.s WARREN H. LEWIS Ga. ¥ f 51 PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 7 Culture 681. Endothelium from liver, 8-day chick embryo; 7-day culture; janus green, iodine. X 146. 8 Same culture. X 480. 9 Culture 636. Endothelium from liver, 10-day chick embryo; 1-day cul- ture; janus green, neutral red, iodine. X 480. 10 Culture 678. Endothelium from liver, 8-day chick embryo; 4-day cul- ture; janus green, iodine. X 480. 11 Culture 717. Endothelium from liver, 8-day chick embryo; 6-day cul- ture; pH 7.4; janus green, iodine. X 480. 12 Culture683. Endothelium and liver cells from liver, 8-day chick embryo; 6-day culture; pH 6.4; janus green, neutral red, iodine. X 480. 52 “PLATE 2 ENDOTHELIUM IN TISSUE CULTURES WARREN H. LEWIS 53 PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 13 Culture 636 (same culture as fig. 9). Endothelial cell from mid part of outgrowth. Liver, 10-day chick embryo. 1-day culture. Mitochondria, threads, rods, granules; few neutral red granules. Janus green, neutral red, jodine. X 1450. 14and15 Culture 717 (same culture as fig. 11). Endothelial cells from liver, 8-day chick embryo; 6-day culture; pH 7.4 Variations in shape of cells and arrangement of mitochondria. Janusgreen,iodine. X 1450. 54 PLATE 3 ENDOTHELIUM IN TISSUE CULTURES WARREN H. LEWIS Sesiciundstiedsatonbeaeacieaaicaeretereeeee et ae ae 50 PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 16 Culture 613. Endothelial cell from liver, 7-day chick embryo; 5-day cul- ture. Mitochondrial vesicles, degeneration vacuoles, large centrosphere, cytoplasmic striae. Janus green, neutral red, iodine. X 1450. 17 Culture 612. Endothelial cell from liver, 9-day chick embryo; 3-day culture. Marked striation of cytoplasm. Janus green, neutral red, iodine. x 1030. 18 Culture 716. Endothelial cell from liver, 8-day chick embryo; 6-day culture; pH 7.4. Branching mitochondria. Janus green, iodine. X 1450. 19 and 20 Culture 666 (same culture as figs.5 and 6). Endothelial cells from liver, 5-day chick embryo; 4-day culture. Fig. 19, mitochondrial granules and vesicles, large centrosphere. Fig. 20, mitochondrial threads, rods, granules, large centrosphere. Janus green, iodine. X 1450. 56 ENDOTHELIUM IN TISSUE CULTURES PLATE 4 WARREN H, LEWIS «adler op eee Pb Oe 5" > PLATE 5 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 21 Culture 675. Endothelial cells from liver, 7-day chick embryo; 7-day culture. Numerous large degeneration vacuoles, mitochondrial granules, large centrosphere Janus green, iodine. X 480. 22 Culture 694. Endothelial cells from liver, 7-day chick embryo; 7-day culture. Large vacuoles (dark in figure), pale long mitochondria. Janus green, neutral red, iodine. X 1450. 23 and 24 Culture 676. Endothelial cells from liver, 6-day chick embryo; 10-day culture; pH 6.6. Fig. 23, fragmentation of nucleus, vacuoles, mitochon- drial threads, rods, granules. Fig. 24, extrusion of nucleolus. Janus green, iodine. X 1450. ENDOTHELIUM IN TISSUE CULTURES PLATE 5 WARREN H. LEWIS Resumen por el autor, Otto F. Kampmeier El desarrollo de los linfaticos anteriores y corazones linfaticos de los embriones de los anuros El orfgen y desarrollo del seno linfatico maxilar primario, lifaticos yugulares y corazones linfaticos anteriores de embriones de sapo es objeto de descripcién en el presente trabajo. El seno se origina a expensas de pequenos esbozos discontinuos que aparecen como engrosamientos del endotelio de las yugulares externas en vias de desarrollo 0 como islotes en el mesenquima que rodea a las anteriores. Al principio macizos, estos esbozos adquieren una cavidad y mediante proliferacién se alargan, se funden, ramifican y forman de este modo una red complicada. Esta red se transforman en un reservorio espacioso mediante expansion de los canales interanastomédticos y reduccién de los cordones mesenquimdticos que los separan. El] linfatico yugu- lar se desarrolla a expensas de un plexo venolinfatico que de- riva de las tres primeras venas intersegmentarias (tributarios dorsales del seno venoso pronéfrico), cuando estas se separan del sistema venoso. Después el linfatico yugular establece continuidad con el seno linfatico maxilar primario y con el cora- zon linfatico anterior. El] coraz6n linfatico anterior se origina en una porcidn circun- serita del plexo veno-linfatico, mencionado anteriormente, al nivel de la tercera vena intersegmentaria original. El esbozo plexiforme se desarrolla en la cimara cardiaca por distensién y fusion de sus canales reunidos. ‘Temporalmente se aisla del plexo veno-linfatico cireunyacente, pero persiste unido con las venas en la boca de la tercera vena intersegmental, de la cual deriva la vena vertebral anterior. Las comunicaciones entre el corazén linfatido y los linfaticos aferentes se reestablecen ulteriomente. La formacion de las valvulas y la histogénesis de las paredes del corazon son también objecto de descripeibn. Translation by José F. Nonidez Cornell Medical College, New York AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, DECEMBER 28 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ANTERIOR LYMPHATICS AND LYMPH HEARTS IN ANURAN EMBRYOS! OTTO F. KAMPMEIER Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago THIRTY-FIVE FIGURES INCLUDING EIGHT COLORED PLATES” THE LYMPHATIC GROUND-PLAN OF THE TADPOLE As is well known, the vessels which collect the lymphatic fluid and convey it to the lymph hearts and thus to the veins in the fully developed anuran Amphibia are in the form of extensive subcutaneous sacs and deep sinuses. This condition, however, is a relatively late acquisition in development, appearing during the metamorphosis of the individual. Before this period, the lymphatic conduit system consists of narrower ducts and capil- lary networks, similar to those found in the higher vertebrates. In fact, we can recongnize three periods in the development of the lymph channels in Anura: firstly, the initial formative period, secondly, a phase of specific ducts and plexuses, and, thirdly, the final condition, characterized by broad lymph sacs and sin- uses—periods which in a general way coincide with the three into which we arbitrarily divide the embryogeny of frog and toad, namely, early embryonic, larval or tadpole, and metamorphic phases. To follow intelligently the nature of events which occur during the formation of the anuran lymphatic system fromits inception to its final configuration, as well as to emphasize par- ticular components and to propose a terminology which will facili- tate comparison with other vertebrates, it seems expedient to 1The present communication represents a portion of a monograph intended for publication in 1918. Other papers which will follow complete the subject- matter of this monograph. The reason why it was broken into a number of separate parts is explained in a footnote of the first installment which appeared in The Anatomical Record, vol. 19, July, 1920. 2 The cost of illustrations in part borne by the Anatomical Laboratories. 61 62 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER delineate the topography of the lymphatics functional in an intermediate stage. In Bufo tadpoles,* 12 to 15 mm. long, the chief lymph vessels are already laid down, so that we may say the second phase of lymphatie organization, suggested above, begins at this time. 31 spent the spring and summer of 1913 with great profit and pleasure at the Anatomical Institute of the University of Munich, where, through the kindness of Professor Riickert, I was able to enjoy all the facilities of those delightful laboratories. I wish also to mention Dr. H. Marcus, who placed his series of larval Gymnophiona at my disposal. Further, I express my gratitude to Mr. Otto Balbach, of the University of Pittsburgh, who prepared the later series of my numerous sectioned anuran embryos. Toad embryos constitute by far the bulk of the material used in the investiga- tion. These specimens are of two species, the American common toad, Bufo lentiginosus, and the European, Bufo vulgaris (?), and are respectively from New Jersey and Wisconsin, and from the marshes along the Isar River near Munich. The writer neglected to determine with absolute certainty the specific name of the latter form before leaving Munich. There are but two species which can be considered, Bufo vulgaris and B. viridis, but after comparing them as to distribution, breeding habits, etc., as described in the standard works of Zoology, he is confident that it is Bufo vulgaris. The descriptions and figures are based mainly on the embryos of this European form which were gathered later in the course of the investigation when the writer had attained greater success in the preparation of tissues so profusely filled with yolk as are amphibian embryos. The ova of these Anura were collected shortly after laying and developed in the laboratory aquaria. To procure a closely graded ontogenetic series, active individuals were fixed and preserved at intervals of three to four hours. The ordinary methods of technique were employed in the preparation of the serial sections. Before the embryos exhibited movement, they were fixed directly in Zenker’s fluid, but later embryos were first anesthetized in a weak chloretone solution to prevent the distortion or tearing of the delicate tissues which might result from the writhing or twitching of the body when placed in the irritating fixative. The difficulties at first encountered in making satisfactory serial sections, apparently due to the brittleness of the yolk-laden tissues when xylol was used as the clearing reagent, were overcome by using cedar oil instead and by diminishing the time of paraffin infiltration to a minimum. Both the graphic method and the modified Born’s wax-plate process were enlisted in the execution of the reconstructions. In every case, the outline drawings of the sections were made with the Edinger projection apparatus. The writer also attempted to inject the vascular channels of a number of embryos, but on the whole he met with little success. The continuous layer of brown pigment in the skin of the toad larvae hides the underlying structures, and the cannula needle can therefore not be directed with the same degree of certainty as when transparent fish embryos or the much larger pig or chick embryos are injected under the binocular micro- scope. eire.or.si. mox.prim. cire.or.si. méx.prim. V.jug.exf. Sin. Fig. 1 Transverse section of a 13-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris at the level of the mouth. X 50. circor. si. max. prim., circumoral division of the primary maxillary sinus; cav. or., cavum oris; lab. or., labial structures of the larval suck- ing mouth. Fig. 2 Same, at the level of the eyes. X 50. mand. si. max. prim., mandi- bular division of sinus lymphaticus maxillaris primigenius; v. jug. ext. dex. and sin., vena jugularis externa dextra and sinistra; a. car. ext. dex. et sin., arteria carotis externa dextra and sinistra; cav. or., cavum oris. 63 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, NO. 1 64 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER The most marked feature of the disposition of the lymphatics in the head is the relatively enormous expanse of a lymph sinus situated in the ventral and lateral cephalic territory. Its limits in a 26-mm. frog larva are shown in Hoyer’s sketches, illustrated in Wiederscheim’s ‘Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere’ (7th et al. editions), and in the wax reconstruction of the vascular channels in the head of a toad embryo in figure 28. This lymph reservoir, which the writer designates the primary maxillary sinus (sinus lymphaticus primigenius maxillaris)? because eventu- ally it is resolved into the secondary lymph sinuses in the region of the jaws, is developed very early and, in general form, extent and proportions, is virtually complete in 9- or 10-mm. toad embryos, hence, at a period when most of the other lymphatics are still in the formative state. Figure 28 shows that this sinus does not possess a simple contour, but is composed of several interconnecting chambers of diverse shape and size. For con- venience and clearness, we may refer to the several subdivisions by different names. The broad, roughiy rectangular division (figs. 2, and 28, mand. si. max. prim.) on the ventral side of the head may be regarded as the mandibular one; it is the largest, the first to develop, and the other portions of the sinus arise from it by outgrowth and extension. In continuity with it anteriorly is the cireumoral division (figs. 1 and 28, circ. or si. max. prim.), which encireles the mouth opening. The third division, a pair of temporal chambers (figs. 3 and 28, temp. si. max. prim.), appears in the wax model as two lateral wing-like expansions of the mandibular sac; these extend as far as the pronephroi, where each contracts into a narrow duct which leads to the anterior lymph heart of the respective side. ‘The fourth division of the primary maxillary sinus may be termed the pericardial (figs. 3 and 28, pericard. si. max. prim.); it constitutes a second path of communication between the mandibular and temporal sacs, but at a deeper level. It is paired and branches, as a more slender and somewhat plexiform channel, from the mandibular sac near 4 Hoyer calls this the ‘Kehlsack’ and Jourdain ‘sac gulaire,’ and in my paper on the origin of the lymphatics in Bufo (’15) it is spoken of as the ventral cephalic sinus, but these terms are too general. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 65 its posterior margin, but in its course it curves dorsally, that is, centrally or inwardly, and, closely associated in position with the external jugular vein, passes back along the heart towards temp.si.mox. prim. Ly hy. rg eq Wf ef) or|\ Hy Ff RY * iy a. ‘al aN = ae ; \ oe NS f Be t ee rs Be B V4 }S si. FX. prim eae Weed i oe pericord. gf | ae MT Aa i Si.ven. 31.MOX. Pa y" ie *% 4 S ae oa i ke 7 SE fy sy ay \ ~ cs ; AUC a mG I AY ‘ Maar 7 lh : é Z eS aa 2 int. ia ; da WW ig ee 4 SOG ae ae KE r ae q A ae Le oe a SE NA Low pete ~N GA Oe ens SS oe é4 ripe SS : 2s 23 PS — wa oe it renee 8 SI 8 oP? SS ae Fig. 3 Same, at the level of the auditory capsule. X 50. temp. and peri- card. st. max. prim., temporal and pericardial divisions of the primary maxillary sinus; v. jug. int. and ext. dex. and sin., venae jugulares internae and externae dextrae and sinistrae; sz. ven., sinus venosus; cav. phar., cavum pharyngeus; cav. bran., cavum branchialis; int., intestinum; coel., coelom. the sinus venosus and thence makes a broad sweep outward along the duct of Cuvier to join the hinder end of the temporal sac. 66 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER lym. jug. 0 nephst. proneph. cor. lym. ant. proneph. Fig. 4 Same, at the level of the anterior limb bud (brach.).. X 50. lym. jug., lymphatica jugularis; proneph., pronephric tubules and sinusoids; JI nephst., 2nd nephrostome; glom., pronephric glomerulus; int., intestinum; oesoph., oeso- phagus; ves. fel., vesica fellea; hep., hepar; coel., coelom. Fig. 5 Same, at the level of the 3rd spinal ganglia. X 50. cor. lym. ant., cor lymphaticum anterius; vent., venter. Other references as in the preceding figure. Lying medial to the pronephric tubules and sinusoids (proneph.) are, in the order named, the primary excretory duct, the subeardinal vein and the aorta. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 67 The primary maxillary sinus receives the lymphatic drainage of the head, as indicated in Hoyer’s sketches. The lymph then flows posteriorly towards the anterior lymph heart of the same side through the channel (fig. 28, lym. jug.), which has been mentioned as a caudal prolongation of the temporal portion of the sinus, though genetically it has an independent origin. Hoyer has called this vessel the ‘cephalic duct’ or ‘ Kopfgefiiss,’ but the term jugular lymphatic (lymphatica jugularis)> seems more appropriate on account of its probable homology with a similar vessel in all other vertebrates. It lies immediately dorsal to the pronephros (fig. 4) and only a short distance below the skin. Near the lymph heart a tributary is given off which extends to the anlage of the forelimb, at this time a knob-like condensation of mesenchyme beneath the operculum, and, as it is the parent of the future lymph vessels of the arm, this tributary may be called the brachial lymphatic (lymphatica brachialis). The relative size, shape, position, and connections of the pair of anterior lymph hearts during the second embryonic phase are exhibited in the wax reconstruction (fig. 28) and in the section of a 13-mm. embryo (fig. 5). Each heart is globular in form, placed superiorly at the posterior limit of the pronephros and is in continuity with both vein and lymphatic duct. It is located in the triangular area, bounded by skin, myotome, and the roof of the coelom at the level of the third spinal ganglion. On its ventral side it opens at the junction of the pronephric sinus and a short dorsal venous extension, the rudiment of the anterior vertebral vein of the adult. In the opposite wall of the heart the afferent lymphatic vessel has its entrance. Not only the lymphatic drainage of the head is poured into the anterior lymph hearts, but also the greater quantity of the lymph from the trunk is conveyed to them by two pairs of important ducts, the subvertebral lymphatics (lymphaticae subvertebrales), lying deep, and the lateral lymphatics (lymphaticae laterales) of the trunk situated superficially, one on each side. The latter > The usage of the word ‘lymphatic’ and its Latin form, ‘lymphatica,’ has been made clear in the author’s paper in The Anatomical Record, vol. 16, no. 6, August, 1919. lym. subvert. a iS ey \ym subvert. Jat.v.card.post. lat v.card. post: a es Bion AN cor lym. post. OF. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 69 are a direct continuation backwards of the jugular lymphatics, as illustrated in figure 28, and together they possess a common opening into the lymph hearts. In its course caudalward, each lateral lymph duct runs between the myotomes and the epidermis (fig. 6, lym. lat.), in the lateral-line region. About halfway towards the posterior lymph heart, it sends off a branch which passes over the upper edge of the myotome to fuse with its fellow of the opposite side and assuming a median position (fig. 7, lym. dors.), proceeds distally into the tail as the dorsal lymphatic (lymphatica dorsalis). The paired subvertebral lymphatic, corresponding to the tho- racic ducts of the higher vertebrates, has a position along the aorta and dorsal to the postcardinal veins. Anteriorly, it curves outward under the lower margins of the myotomes to join the anterior end of the lateral lymph ducts in the immediate neigh- borhood of the anterior lymph hearts. It retains the axial loca- tion (fig. 6, lym. subvert.) throughout almost its entire extent and later becomes connected with its companion by occasional anasto- moses. In the vicinity of the posterior lymph heart, the duct again bends outward to reunite with the lateral lymph vessel of the same side (fig. 7). The common duct so formed later com- bines with the opposite one in the ventral midline and is pro- longed caudally into the tail as the ventral caudal lymphatic (lymphatica ventralis) in the base of the ventral tail fin. In this region, too, the iliac lymphatic (lymphatica iliaca) is given off to the hind limb bud. Fig. 6 Transverse section of a 15-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris through the trunk at the level of the 9th spinal gangha. lym. lat., lymphatica lateralis; this duct is plexiform in character; lym. subvert., lymphatica subvertebralis (tho- racic duct); 8 v. seg., 8th intersegmental vein; lat. v. card. post., lateral division of the posteardinal vein; the medial divisions (subeardinals) have fused to form the posteava which lies ventral to the aorta; mesoneph., mesonephric tubules and sinusoids; rect., rectum; int., intestinum; coel., coelom. Fig. 7 Same, at the level of the 11th spinal ganglia. X 50. cor lym. post., cor lymphaticum posterius; lym. dors., lymphatic dorsalis; 11 v. seg., 11th inter- segmental vein. Other references as in the preceding figures. Medial to the subvertebral lymphatics are the aorta, primary excretory ducts and the post- cardinal veins. 70 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER The paired posterior lymph heart is similar in shape to the anterior, though somewhat smaller in size at this period (15-mm. embryo), and lies lateral to the myotomes in the intersegment of the 11th and 12th (fig. 7, cor. lym. post.). It joins the 11th intersegmental vein (1/1 v. seg.) which becomes, as shown pre- viously,® the proximal portion of the posterior vertebral vein. The heart receives the lymph stream from the hinder regions of the trunk and the tail through the lateral lymph duct. All of the main lymphatic conduits described possess sub- sidiaries and capillary plexuses, the ramifications of which in frog larvae are admirably shown in injected specimens, as illus- trated by Hoyer. In the present paper, the origin and development of the pri- mary lymph sinus, the jugular lymphatics, and the anterior lymph hearts will be considered. The formation of the lymphatics of the trunk and tail, including the posterior lymph hearts, will be taken up in a succeeding article. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIMARY MAXILLARY LYMPH SINUS’ In 5-mm. embryos (Bufo vulgaris) a crude vascular plexus exists ventral to the oropharyngeal cavity and has its greatest concentration in the vicinity of the thyroid diverticulum. From this plexus the external jugulars’ and external carotids and their tributaries subsequently differentiate. But at this time veins and arteries are still broadly confluent; all channels are alike in histological appearance, and merely the definite and constant position of certain ones enables us to pick out the future arterial and venous components. Farther back towards the heart, how- ever, a division has already occurred between them, and the external jugulars and carotids are independent, the former curving laterally around the ventricle to join the common cardinal veins 6 Anatomical Record, vol. 9, July, 1920. 7 A short description of the genesis of the primary lymph sinus in the head of Bufo embryos was published by the writer in The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 17, 1915. 8 In using the term ‘external jugular vein’ the author is following Gruby and Ecker; Goette and many other authors refer to this vein as the ‘inferior jugular.’ DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA el and the latter being in continuity with the aortic arches. In the reconstruction reproduced in figure 29 their topographical relations are clearly indicated, though this deals with a later stage, a 6-mm. embryo, in which the demarcation between jugular (v. jug. ext.) and carotid (a. car. ext.) is complete except anteriorly, where they are still in broad plexiform connection. The inception of the primary maxillary sinus takes place in 5-mm. embryos during the period of the indifferent jugulocarotid plexus, just described. Its initial anlagen arise along those channels which are to become the external jugular veins, and at first many of them are in the form of short knot-like cellular thickenings adhering to their lining. Such alymphatic anlage is shown in the photomicrograph, figure 8, as a compact protu- berance (lym.) of the intima of the blood vessl (v. jug. ext. dex.). A transverse section of another sinus anlage of the same speci- men, but from the opposite side, is pictured in figure 9, 6. In longitudinal extent, it passes through seven sections (each 6 u thick). It is a solid cell cord or column attached to the wall of the vein (v. jug. ext. sin.) by its anterior end, while throughout the remainder of its course it lies free in the mesenchyme ventral and parallel to this vessel. Besides the adherent lymphatic anlagen, there are at this stage other anlagen, which, though they be similar to them in size, shape, and location, are not in immediate contact with the lining of the blood channel, and the question naturally arises: Were such anlagen formerly connected with the haemal endothelium, or did they arise independently? Observations on the succeeding genetic stage, as well as the investigation of the developing lymphatics of the trunk region, furnish evidence that points to the independent origin of such anlagen and besides reduces the significance which we would attach to the adhesion of some of the earliest lymphatic anlagen to the primitive blood channels. The theoretical aspects of this problem will be discussed after the steps in the development of the primary maxillary lymph sinus have been described. The lymphatic anlagen, like the endothelium of all blood channels, especially in the head region during early development, fl OTTO F. KAMPMEIER are stuffed with large yolk globules from tip to tip—a fact that clearly distinguishes them from the surrounding mesenchymal cells which have for the most part lost their yolk content. The nuclei of incipient endothelium, regardless of whether haemal or lymphatic, show no difference, except possibly in chromatic density when compared with those of mesenchyme; indeed, the endothelium presents a very unspecialized appearance. The fact of the longer retention of yolk spherules by the cells of vas- cular anlagen and channels was reported by the author (15) and emphasized as a diagnostic trait of considerable value in dis- criminating between these tissues during the earlier embryonic period. Their distinctions were accurately expressed in the colored figures of that paper, to which the reader is referred. The next older stage, a 6-mm. embryo, is characterized by the numerical increase of sinus anlagen along the external jugular veins, by their growth in length and budding of branches, their detachment from the venous intima at the original point of con- tact, and by their acquisition of lumina. The reconstruction in figure 29 displays the number, size, form, affinities, and distri- bution of these lymphatic anlagen. It furnishes a convincing picture to show that the sinus does not originate by centrifugal sprouting from any specific foci, but that it has a multiple origin in proximate relation with vessels of the primitive vascular net- work, and that the initial anlagen are discontinuous. Further, it shows the bilateral origin of the sinus and also that its principal or mandibular division is the first component to be formed, the other divisions, such as the circumoral, temporal and pericardial appearing somewhat later. The time at which the individual lymphatic anlagen that are adherent to the venous wall retract from it varies greatly, neither the time of their beginning nor their length entirely conditioning it. In the reconstruction (fig. 29) some of them still cling to the blood channel, while others, even smaller ones, lie independently in the surrounding tissue. Nor is the size of the anlage a cri- terion of the possession of a lumen; one may acquire such very early, even in its incipient stage, while another may remain solid for a longer period of time. When a lumen does appear, it is at DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 73 7 |v. jug.ext. sin. atin mee AOE be Maes B | lym. ae ie Fig. 8 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the right ventral cephalic region in a 5-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (Kampmeier Embryological Collection, series B 25, slide 1, section 71). X 690. (Zeiss Apochromat. Obj. 4 and Compensat. Project. Oc. 4,). ep. epidermis; v. jug. ext. dex., vena jugularis externa dextra; lym., and initial lymphatic anlage of the primary maxillary sinus; the structure lying within the upper right-hand portion of the lumen of the vein is a yolk-filled blood cell. In this and the following photographs, the yolk globules can be easily distinguished from the dense cell nuclei by their smaller oval shape and their uniform gray color. Fig.9 Photomicrograph of transverse sections through the left ventral Cephalic region in a 6-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 54, slide 1, Sections 75 (A) and 80 (B). X 690. v. jug. ext. sin., vena jugularis externa sin- istra; lym., initial anlagen of the primary maxillary sinus. 74 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER V.JUS.€xT. dex. Fig. 10 (A) Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the right ventral cephalic region of a 6-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (IX. E. C., series B 53, slide 1, section 90). X 690. (B) Section through the left ventral cephalic region of a 7-mm. embryo (series B 52, slide 1, section 84). XX 690. v. jug. ext. dex. and sin., vena jugularis externa dextra and sinistra; lym., anlagen of the primary maxillary sinus. aE DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 0 first a cleft or vacuole in the cytoplasm’ between the large pro- minent yolk globules (fig. 10, A), or if the anlage be larger, it may consist of a number of crevices which soon coalesce to pro- duce a more conspicuous cavity, (figs. 9. A, and 10). The lumen naturally expands with the growth of the anlage, but during several successive stages the confines of these lymphatics, like those of the haemal vessels, remain irregular and of varying thickness and appear gnarled, particularly in section (fig. 10), owing to the groups of large ovoid yolk globules which they con- tain and which do not entirely vanish until a relatively late period of sinus formation. From now on the development of the smus makes rapid prog- ress. The discrete lymphatic anlagen of the same side establish continuity with one another by end-to-end fusion and begin to send out endothelial extensions in a ventromedial direction. These sprouts actively proliferate, branch and rebranch, and freely anastomose with one another in such a way as to produce a plexus, the meshes of which all lie in the same plane. As the identical condition prevails on the opposite side of the head, the two plexuses approach each other, meet and combine in the midline and so create a broad intricate network (fig. 11, from lym. to lym.) extending in a curved plane from the vicinity of one external jugular to that of the other through the loose mes- enchyme between the thyroid and the epidermis on the ventral surface of the head. This network is the anlage of the principal or mandibular division of the primary maxillary sinus and is shown in the reconstruction in figure 30 (sz. mand.). In the drawing, the vascular channels are pictured in a flat plane, though in reality the most distal structures bend dorsolaterally. It may * The formation of the lumen, as indicated, raises the question, whether it is of intracellular or intercellular origin. The answer rests partly on our definitions of ‘cell’ and ‘syneytium.’ Are the spaces of mesenchyme to be considered as Sntercellular’ or ‘intracellular’? The originally solid lymphatic anlagen, de- scribed above, are probabry, like other mesenchymal tissue, syncytial in nature, and accordingly I would look upon the vacuole-like beginnings of their lumen as being intracellular in situation. Subsequently, with the expansion of the lym- phatic anlage into a definite vessel and the appearance of distinct cell boundaries in its endothelium, the lumen acquires its intercellular character. 76 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER v.jug.ext.dex. 1 &.car. ext. dex.) &. cat ext. sin. lym. : acat: ext. dex.et sin. : «> at oS ; yay ~~ my : s 1 \ym. i, 12, ‘ A nt Fe *- “s ay | lym. Pet %, Fig. 11 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the ventral cephalic region in a 7-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 27, slide 1, section 100). X 290 (Leitz 4-mm. Obj. and Zeiss Compensat. Project. Oc. 4). a. car. ext. dex. and sin., arteria carotis externa dextra and sinistra; v. jug. ext. dex., DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 77 be noted that the outer limit of the principal or mandibular plexus is sharply defined by a pair of broader, longitudinal vessels which genetically represent the oldest portion. In this stage (a 7-mm. embryo) also the anlagen of the other divisions have made their appearance as outgrowths from the principal one. Anteri- orly, the circumoral division (s?. circor.) 1s an extension, on either side, growing forward along a ring-like vessel which is a branch of the external jugulars and encircles the mouth opening. Eventually the two halves of this division, by further elongation, meet and unite in front of it. Posteriorly, the pericardial di- vision (si. pericard.) of the sinus consists of a pair of caudally directed extensions, closely accompanying the external jugular veins towards the sinus venosus, where in subsequent stages they become prolonged outward to join the terminal portion of the temporal division of the same side. In the reconstruction under consideration each temporal division (s?. temp.) is shown as a derivative of a slender lymph vessel which extends laterally around the oropharyngeal cavity in association with a tributary of the external jugular vein. At this time the temporal division has already made considerable advance in plexus formation, but further tips continue to proliferate and to anastomose. One of these offshoots, passing back in the broad expanse of loose tissue lateral to the aortic arches, is highly distended locally (fig. 30), a condition manifestly produced by the pressure of the lymph collected within its lumen. A similar saccular enlargement of the temporal plexus exists also on the opposite side. In several sections on the right side, the writer was unable to follow with certainty its connection with the remaining part of the plexus, and on the reconstruction this point has been indicated by an vena juglaris externa dextra; the heavy masses in the center of the figure are mus- cle anlagen; in a curved line from lym. to lym., sections of the interanastomosing channels of the primary maxillary lymph sinus during its plexiform stage (cf. fig. 30). Fig. 12 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the ventral ceph- alice region in an 8-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (KX. E. C., series B 49, slide 1, section 88).- X 290. lym., the channels of the plexiform primary maxillary sinus are beginning to coalesce with one another by their expansion. Other references as in figure 11. 7 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER interrogation mark. It is probable that during the fixation of the embryo, the very slender connecting channel had collapsed or contracted into such a delicate strand that it became im- possible to distinguish it from the surrounding mesenchymal reticulum. The reconstruction (fig. 30) shows that the primary outgrowths of the circumoral, temporal, and pericardial divisions from the principal plexus keep close to haemal vessels, potential veins. In fact, frequently, and particularly in the case of the pericardial division, the lymphatic extension adheres to the wall of the blood vessel. The writer has been unable to decide whether or not, in the elongation of such lymph channels, the endothelium of the blood vessel contributes cells to the growing tip. It is conceivable that the latter might simply advance along a path of least resistance or in accordance with certain stresses or cur- rents that may closely parallel the blood vessel. As yet we are entirely ignorant of the presence or absence of any such pro- nounced currents in the tissue interstices before the advent of the haemal and lymphatic capillary systems, and the suggestion that the paths invariably taken by these primary lymphatic exten- sions may be predestined by the existence of definite antecedent streams, acting as a stimulus or directive force to the prolifera- ting endothelium, is pure conjecture. A cross-section of the pericardial division illustrating the adhesion of the lymph vessel to the haemal one is shown in figure 14 (lym. and v. jug. ext. sin.). During the formation of the plexus phase of the primary maxil- lary sinus, the sprouts and the most recently established anasto- moses are usually solid, the acquisition of lumina, however, occurring very soon. During this period, too, the number of yolk spherules in the lining cells are still very abundant. The next phase in the development of the lymph sinus is the transformation of the plexus into a spacious and uninterrupted chamber. This process is a rapid one, being practically finished in the embryonic period between 8- and 10-mm. stages (B. vul- garis). The genetic changes consist in the progressive expan-: sion of all the anastomosing channels, so that the gaps in the net- work are reduced and the mesenchyme filling them is compressed DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 79 into trabeculae, which become more and more attenuated, and finally break and disappear as the sinus becomes more greatly distended in its vertical, that is, dorsoventral, diameter. ‘These successive steps are clearly exhibited in the inserted photomi- crographs, figures 11, 12, and 13, the last two illustrating how the mesenchymal strands are drawn out and tear and how their remnants persist for a time as longer or shorter spurs which pro- ject into the sinus cavity. During the further growth and enlargement of the sinus, I was unable to find the addition of separate mesenchymal spaces by concrescence, such as I described in the development of the thoracic duct in the pig (’12) or those of McClure (15) in the formation of the subocular lymph sac in the trout, or those of Huntington (11) on the growth of the periaortic lymphatics in Chelydra. I ean but believe that the coalescence of the originally dis- continuous lymphatie anlagen, the formation of the intricate lymphatic plexus and its conversion into the relatively enormous sinus is largely, perhaps wholly, due to the accumulation within their lumen of lymph, which, as it increases in quantity, increases the internal pressure on its walls and achieves the extension and distention of the developing sinus, for during this important genetic period the sinus possesses no outlet; it is not confluent with the veins. The saccular and expanded posterior prolongations of the tem- poral plexus shown in the reconstruction (fig. 30) certainly point to such an interpretation. A similar view was expressed by McClure (’15) in his preliminary paper on the development of the anterior lymphatics in teleost embryos. Coincident with the expansion of the lymph sinus, its lining cells assume all of the attributes of typical endothelia. The cells become much flattened, and their nuclei, which in earlier stages resembled those of mesenchyme in their spherical shape and their coarse chromatic texture, become more and more compact and dense like the intimal nuclei of older vascular channels. The yolk corpuscles in the cytoplasm of the endothelium also gradu- ally disappear, although in 9- and 10-mm. embryos a few are still to be found. THE AMBRICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, No. 1 80 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER In embryos, approximately 10 or 11 mm. long, the primary maxillary sinus acquires an outlet. The posterior extremity of the temporal division by further backward prolongation (figs. 34 and 35) becomes confluent with the jugular lymphatic, which in turn gains access to the anterior lymph heart and conveys thither the lymph collected by the sinus. During the later larval and metamorphic periods, the primary maxillary sinus, as well as the other lymph channels laid down in the embryo, are converted into the superficial and deep lymph saes found in the adult.!°. Such changes will be reserved for a later paper. From the foregoing account of the appearance and relations of the early adherent anlagen of the primary maxillary lymph sinus, reinforced by the evidence of the photomicrographs illustrating it, the conclusion is forced upon one that they are probably deriva- tives by proliferation from the walls of the external jugular components of the early unspecialized jugulocarotid vascular plexus. Formerly (15) I believed that these observations afforded fairly decisive evidence in favor of the origin of lym- phatics from venous epithelium, and I suggested tentatively that certain discontinuous mesenchymal spaces of Amniotes, which had been described previously as incipient lymphatics, might have been derived early from neighboring blood channels in a manner hardly perceptible on account of the absence of any special differential characteristic in either the vascular intima or the mesenchyme. But after investigating more thoroughly other lymphatic channels in anuran embryos, as well as considering the evidence contained in the mass of literature which has accumu- lated in recent years on the problem of vasculogenesis, that opin- 0 In The Anatomical Record, vol. 16, 1919, the writer stated that topograph- ical relations and genetic data show the primary maxillary lymph sinus of anuran tadpoles to correspond to the subocular lymph sinus of fishes. Since then I have carried on a comparative study of the lymphatic system in the different classes of vertebrates, and the available data force me to modify that statement. Pos- sibly only the dorsal lateral extensions of the principal portion of the primary maxillary sinus are concerned in the homology. Further observations bearing on this question will be considered in the comparative anatomy of the lymphatic system which is in process of preparation. Fig. 13 Photomicrograph of a transverse setion through the ventral cephalic region in a 9-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 2, slide 1, section 115). X 290. si..max. prim., primary maxillary lymph sinus; the spurs of tissue projecting into its lumen are the vestiges of the former bands of mesenchyme between the lymph channels during the plexus stage of the sinus. Other refer- ences as in previous figures. Fig. 14 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left ventral region of the body at the level of the heart in a 7-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 27, slide 1, section 178). X 690. cor, wall of the heart; cav. pericard., cavum pericardium; ep., epidermis; v. jug. ext. sin., vena jugularis externa sinistra; lym., anlage of the pericardial division of the primary maxillary sinus. 81 82 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER ion loses weight—a source of gratification to the writer in so far as he is not compelled to regard his earliest work (12) as funda- mentally wrong in its deductions. The recent investigations have brushed away many difficulties, and the interpretation of the observations rests on firmer ground; views which were thought conflicting only a few years ago can now be reconciled. The origin of the earliest vascular anlagen in the embryo is the basic problem of vasculogenesis, not that of vessels, regardless of their vascular function, which develop later. If it be true that the earliest anlagen arise from the mesenchyme, as most of the modern research on vasculogenesis would indicate, then the two views of lymphatic development, the venous origin and the mesenchymal origin of lymph vessels, are not in diametrical opposition as was formerly vehemently asserted. Indeed, there may be a number of variations in the genesis of such channels, but the differences can now be judged superficial, presupposing, of course, that the haemal and lymphatic systems are not pri- mordially and phyletically distinct, as some investigators tacitly hold. Lymphatic anlagen may proliferate from components of the early indifferent embryonic vascular plexus, or certain channels may separate from it (just as arteries and veins are differentiated from it) and assume a lymphatic function; and, again, they may be formed directly from mesenchyme independently of vascular channels already existing. What determines the several varia- tions of lymphatic development is still obscure, although the time and the site at which they first appear, as conditioned by physio- logical needs, may be the causative factors. The first method is illustrated by the origin of the primary maxillary sinus which, with the exception of the anterior lymph hearts, is the first lymphatic to appear in Bufo embryos, and perhaps most of the anlagen of which originate, as has just been described, in connection with the endothelium of potential haemal vessels before that endo- 11 Anyone wishing to follow the controversy regarding the origin of lymphatics is referred to the numerous papers which have appeared during the last decade in America on the problem of lymphatic development. The larger papers of Sabin, Huntington, and McClure on the development of the mammalian lym- phatic system contain a comprehensive list of the literature. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 83 thelium has become specialized, that is, has acquired the attri- butes of the typical flattened lining cells. The second method is seen in the formation of the jugular lymph sac of mammals, and in that of the anterior lymph hearts and the jugular lymph ducts of the toad. The development of the latter structures will be described in following sections of this paper, but it may be stated here that they arise from vessels which, at first, are freely confluent with the embryonic blood vessels and function as such, but later separate and become an integral part of the lymphatic channel system. The third method, the formation of a lymph vessel by the fusion of mesenchymal spaces, somewhat like the origin of the earliest vascular channels, is illustrated by the development of a considerable portion, at least, of the thoracic duct and other large lymph vessels in mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes, as portrayed in numerous papers that have appeared within the last decade. It was therefore not surprising to dis- cover this method active also, perhaps solely, in the formation of the large lymph ducts in Anura which arise later than the anterior lymph hearts and primary maxillary sinus, at a time when the blood circulatory system of the embryo had become better organized and its components more specialized. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUGULAR LYMPHATIC Hoyer describes the development of the jugular lymphatic (cephalic duct) in frog embryos as a centrifugal outgrowth of the anterior lymph heart, but the writer’s observations show that in toad embryos, at least, its origin is not so simple. The jugular lymphaties (fig. 28, lym. jug.), one on each side, develop at the same time as the anterior lymph hearts and in the same general region so that they might be discussed together, though for systematic reasons they will be treated separately. Figures 31 to 35, inclusive, which illustrate reconstructions of the important structures in the territory of the left pronephros in several consecutive stages, furnish a clear idea of the salient and progressive events that occur. Besides the vascular channels which are directly and indirectly concerned in the formation of the lymphatics, other organs, such as the pronephros, spinal S4 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER ganglia® and a segment of the neural tube, were introduced in the reconstructions for the purpose of orientation. I (20) deseribed the series of intersegmental vessels that appear in the development of the venous system as dorsal tribu- taries of the pre- and postcardinal trunks and found them situated at the intersegments of successive myotomes. ‘The first two reconstructions (figs. 31 to 32), besides illustrating the beginning of the anterior lymph heart as a circumscribed plexus of the prox- imal portion of the third intersegmental, shows the development of a more open-meshed network of vessels formed by anastomoses between the first, second, and third intersegmentals. The jugular lymph duct is derived from the latter plexus. Passing from the 6- to the 7-mm. stage, the genetic changes consist in the separation of this intersegmental plexus (which in view of its former and its future functions may temporarily be called a venolymphatic) from the precardinal vein and the pronephric venous sinus. The channels of connection contract in caliber, like any other small redundant vessel, and finally are cut off entirely. This is indicated in the reconstruction in figure 33, where the points marked by a star still show minute and slender connections, the last traces of the originally freely confluent condition of the intersegmental veins and their parent trunk. Farther forward in the figure are two other vestiges in the form of venous spurs extending towards the lymphatic duct. As the veno-lymphatie plexus (potentially lymphatic) is severed from the veins, its channels distend, evidently due to the accumulation of the lymph within their lumen. While the foregoing is taking place, a notable event, the tran- sient isolation of the lymph heart anlage from the surrounding lymphatic plexus, occurs, a process which will be considered more fully in the following section. Such a phase is illustrated in the reconstruction in figure 34. The secondary junction between heart and afferent lymphatic is brought about a little later. The 2 The first pair of spinal ganglia are evanescent structures in the anourous Amphibia, being present in toad embryos (B. vulgaris) only during the 6-mm. stage and vanishing completely very soon after. The second pair become the first of the adult. ~ DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 85 reconstruction exhibits a number of other features. The jugular lymphatie (lym. jug.) by growth cephalad and the temporal divi- sion of the primary maxillary lymph sinus (temp. sv. max. prim.) by growth caudad (figs. 30, 34, and 35) have met and become continuous. Further, as shown in figure 34, the jugular and the lateral-line (lym. lat.) lymphatics, united from the beginning, develop prominent ventral branches lateral to the pronephros. The other tributaries, extending dorsally and showing a meta- meric tendency, unquestionably represent the distal portions of the intersegmental vessels from which the jugular lymphatic was derived. Finally, the minute connection (starred) between this plexiform duct and the pronephric sinusoids may be noted, which has managed to persist until this time. In a later stage (10-mm. embryo) the jugular, in common with the lateral-line lymphatic, has reunited with the lymph heart, and farther forward the junc- tion with the temporal division of the primary maxillary sinus has expanded (fig. 35). A few words respecting the venous circulation of the region under consideration will explain certain difficulties. Since the anterior intersegmental veins function as haemal conduits before their transformation into the plexus of the jugular lymphatic, as soon as their complete separation from the cardinal venous trunk is accomplished, the region of the myotomes which they drained would be left without a blood vascular return, but for the develop- ment of secondary channels from the cardinal veins. Accord- ingly, such tributaries are laid down at this time, but they are situated chiefly on the inner suface of the myotomes and accom- pany the spinal nerves and ganglia; here, besides receiving branches from the myotomes, they communicate broadly with similar channels from the aorta. In order not to complicate the reconstruction more than was necessary, the entire medial blood vascular plexus, except the main cardinal tributaries, was omit- ted. Besides these medial segmental tributaries, two or three lateral ones develop (figs. 34 and 35) in proximity to the lymph heart and are closely pressed against the outer side of the myo- tomes. At a later period, these venules anastomose, become larger, and combine to form the definitive anterior vertebral vein and its branches (fig. 35). 86 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ANTERIOR LYMPH HEARTS" Jourdain (’83) probably was the first to make a statement respecting the development of the lymph hearts in Anura. But his paper is chiefly concerned with the formation of several lymph sinuses in the frog, and his allusion to the hearts is very cursory, these being dismissed in a few sentences. He pointed out that a small pulsating vesicle, the posterior lymph heart, is visible, one on each side, at the base of the tail in tadpoles on which the hind limbs are budding, and that it conducts the lymph into a branch of the posteardinal vein. On the other hand, the lymph from the anterior regions of the larva flows directly, according to him, into the precardinal vein, as in fishes. The anterior pair of lymph hearts are considered independent (?) structures, which do not appear until the pectoral girdle has been formed. 13T¢ would seem superfluous again to draw the distinction between ‘lymph heart’ and ‘lymph sac’ or ‘sinus’, were it not for the confusion of terms and ideas that is evident in several recent papers on the lymphatic system. In Mrs. Eleanor L. Clark’s paper (715) on the early lymphatics of the chick, the difference between lymph sacs and lymph hearts is disregarded, as may be instanced by the follow- ing quotation: ‘‘According to Baranski and Fedorowicz, the lymph hearts are formed from two or three lymphatics instead of from a luxuriant plexus, as in birds and mammals. However, Knower and Kampmeier state that in frog and toad embryos, the anterior lymph heart is formed from numerous lymphatic capillaries.’’ In criticism, I wish to state that the researches of Baranski and Fedorowicz, here mentioned, deal only with the genesis of the posterior lymph hearts in Anura, and genetic peculiarities distinguish them from their fellows in the anterior region of the body. Further, Knower is mistated, and my paper, to which reference was made, published in 1915, is absolutely not concerned with the development of the anterior pair of lymph hearts, but describes the origin of a few lymphatic ducts and especially that of the large lymph sinus of the head which is not the same thing as the lymph heart. My studies of the heart were _ briefly reported for the first time before the American Anatomists during the Christmas holidays of 1916, a year after Mrs. Clark’s article appeared. In the Amphibia, lymph heart and lymph sae or sinus are distinct structures, one pos- sesses muscular walls and pulsates, the other is a modified lymph duct ora trans- formed lymph capillary plexus. Miss Sabin also uses lymph heart and lymph sac indiscriminately. Thus (13, p. 56), she has the following sentence: ‘‘Weliky, Jossifov, and Favaro thought that the posterior lymph heart arose from the dilatation of the caudal lymph trunks which grow from the anterior lymph hearts, and Jourdain describes them as being formed by a rapid destruction of connective tissue.’’ Jourdain’s account, here mentioned (Comptes Rendues, 96, 1883), does not pertain to the formation of lymph hearts, but refers to that of the lymph sacs. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 87 In 1891 Field published his excellent work on the development of the pronephros in the frog, and in a footnote (91, p. 240) described briefly, though correctly, a ‘peculiar sac’ which he found in 8-mm. embryos lateral to the myotomes at the niveau of the third nephrostome and joined to the postcardinal vein. ‘Respecting the fate and the significance of this singular struc- ture,” he says, ‘“‘I have no suggestions to offer.” Reference to this observation is made by Gaupp (’99, pt. 2, p. 380) who ealls it a ‘Blutblischen’ of unknown function. We now know that this enigmatical organ is the anterior lymph heart. Hoyer (05), in his work on the formation of the lymphatic system in frog larvae, states that the anterior lymph heart makes its appearance during the stage when the external gills begin to vanish, as a small spindle-shaped evagination from the short anterior vertebral vein anlage at the point where this vein branches dorsally from the pronephric venous plexus. At that time the walls of the fusiform heart are composed of an inner endothelium and an outer layer of stellate cells. In 6-mm. embryos the heart has become larger, but it is still in broad, open communication with the vein and contains numerous blood cor- puscles in its cavity. Its walls become thicker and a few cross- striated muscle fibers are visible in the outer coat. During this stage in the living specimen the heart occasionally quivers, but distinct rhythmic contractions do not become evident until later, when the embryo has reached the length of 12 mm. and the muscle elements have increased in number and in configuration. In the meantime valves have appeared, one at the junction of heart and vein and another at the opening of the lymph vessel into the heart. After the formation of these structures, blood cells are only exceptionally found in the heart chamber. The funda- mental changes in the development of the heart have now occur- red, and in subsequent stages it merely grows larger and acquires its definitive character. But it retains its original position lateral to the second myotome throughout the entire period of genesis and growth up to metamorphosis. Knower, in a short paper (08), remarks that the anterior lymph heart is the first lymphatic to be formed in the frog and 88 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER agrees with Hoyer that it makes its appearance in approximately 6-mm. embryos (Rana palustris, R. virescens, R. sylvatica).™4 He observed that during this period the heart is situated dorsal to the posterior end of the pronephros and arises from the 4th intersegmental vein, thus differing from Hoyer. Knower does not state explicitly how it originates, but I assume that he regards it as a local expansion of the vein. According to him, the heart opens directly into the plexiform venous sinus of the pronephros just back of the last nephrostome. Striated muscle fibers appear early in its walls, and in 8-mm. embryos already are arranged in bundles which branch freely; he believes that these fibers are derived from the adjacent myotomes, the fourth and the fifth, since the heart is developed in the intersegment in proximity to the ventrolateral portions of these muscle segments. Finally, he notes the development of valves at both the afferent and efferent portal of the heart. A very brief preliminary account of the development of the anterior lymph hearts in Bufo was presented by the writer before the American Anatomists in 1916. Morphogenesis Except that they state definitely the time of appearance and the location of the anterior lymph heart in frog embryos, neither Hoyer nor Knower offers a detailed description of its formation; their accounts are brief and rather general. After more extensive study, in which numerous graphic reconstructions and some wax models were made, the writer is able to demonstrate with greater preciseness, perhaps, its origin and progressive changes. Such an exposition will show that, in Bufo embryos at least, its genetic history and the nature of its changes are not so simple as Hoyer’s and Knower’s descriptions would lead us to suppose. ‘The first indefinite rudiments are already suggested in approximately 4-mm. embryos (Bufo vulgaris), thus appreciably earlier than 14'The early origin of the anterior lymph heart in the frog was indicated by Kknower five years earlier (before the American Society of Zoologists, 1903), two years before Hoyer’s first paper on the development of the lymphatics in the frog appeared. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 89 was specified for the frog; yet, | am inclined to believe that even in frog larvae the first hint of a lymph heart may be demonstrated earlier by means of reconstructions, which, if accurately executed, 71. ES ae a 4 cerd.post. = pr oneph. card. post. Fig. 15 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left lateral and anterior trunk region in a 5-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (IK. E. C., series B 44, slide 2, section 142). X 340. (Zeiss Apochromat. Obj. 8 and Compensat. Pro- ject. Oc. 4). 40. seg., 4th intersegmental vein; med. and lat. v. card. post., medial (subeardinal) and lateral divisions of the posteardinal vein; d. proneph., proneph- ric or primary excretory duct; ao., aorta; ch., chorda dorsalis; myot., myotome; ep., epidermis. bring to view significant twists and turns and other topographical details that frequently escape the strictest scrutiny of serial sec- tions. However, the relative time at which the lymph heart arises is a matter of little importance; we are interested more in 90 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER the manner in which it originates; but here, too, my observations are not in agreement with the views expressed by the above- named investigators. In Bufo embryos at least, it arises neither _ven-lym.com. jug . et lat. epi vias mye? ~* myot. > “AE > “3 3 % y a v.card, post. ers d.proneph. | ye Fig. 16 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left anterior lymph heart region in a 5-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (Ik. E. C., series B 44, slide 2, section 126). > 340. The line of demarcation and the difference of appearance between the cells of the myotome (myot.) and those of the lymph heart anlage (cor. lym. ant. sin.) is clearly expressed; ven-lym. com. jug. et lat., common segment of the jugular and the lateral line venolymphatics. Other references as in figure 15. as an evagination of the anterior vertebral vein nor as a direct expansion of a particular intersegmental vein, although it is conceivable how its appearance in certain developmental stages might lead to such suppositions. The readiest way of obtaining DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 91 a lucid idea of the morphogenesis of the anterior lymph heart is to examine a consecutive series of reconstructions representing different genetic stages. Such a series is pictured in figures 31 to 35, inclusive, attention to which has already been directed in the preceding section on the development of the jugular lymph duct. The reconstruction in figure 31, reproducing the conditions in a 4-mm. embryo, shows the vague beginnings of the anterior lymph heart as an incipient vascular plexus between the second and the fourth intersegmental vessels and in connection with the proximal portion of the third. It is so inconspicuous and ill- defined that the observer would overlook it but for the striking changes that occur in the same locality soon after. In 5-mm. embryos, the above venous, or better, venolymphatic plexus, the anlage of the anterior lymph heart, has become more sharply outlined. In comparison with the preceding stage, the plexus not only has joined the second and fourth intersegmental vessels by longitudinal anastomosis, but also has increased the number of its connections with the pronephric sinus from one, the original mouth of the third intersegmental, to several. By the distention of the interjoined channels of the lymph- heart plexus, these coalesce, resulting in a single cavity. In figure 32 the loop-hole in the anterior part of the anlage is still indicative of its previous plexiform state. Viewed from the side, as pictured the contour of the anlage already suggests its future globular form. In reality, however, its shape at this time is lenticular, for its lateromedial diameter is not much greater than the third intersegmental vessel from which it sprang, and accord- ingly in transverse section through its center (fig. 17, cor. lym. ant. sin.) it would appear as a spindle-shaped expansion of this vessel. The connection of the heart with the pronephric venous sinus and with the surrounding intersegmental network, which, as already shown, is involved in the formation of lymphatic ducts, vary little in position and in number, as a comparison of several specimens of the same age has shown. At the lower margin of the lymph-heart anlage (fig. 32) the delta-like confluence with the pronephric sinusoids is to be regarded as a complication of the 92 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER mouth of the former third intersegmental vein, and the extensions at the upper margin as the distal portion of this vessel. The anterior and posterior junctions of the lymph heart with the “ven-lym. com. jug. et ¥:. «6S ? > oa nS ee: . proneph Fig. 17 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left anterior lymph heart region in a 6-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (IX. E. C., series B 54, slide 2, section 130). X 340. si. proneph., the mouth of the original 3rd inter- segmental vein, branch of the pronephric sinus; proneph., pronephric tubule; med. spin., medulla spinalis. Other references as in figure 15. second and fourth intersegmentals, respectively, may also be resolved into plexiform channels. Thus, four fairly constant groups of connections may be recognized, a ventral, a dorsal, an anterior, and a posterior group. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 93 In 7-mm. embryos, the connections between the lymph heart and the cireumjacent venolymphatic plexus begin to break away. An early stage in this process is shown in figure 33. The anterior connection is still broad; on the dorsal surface of the heart one has already severed relations and another is very much con- stricted; the one on the posterior surface, too, shows signs of contraction when compared with its homologue in figure 32. On the ventral aspect of the heart one channel of confluence is just being pinched off, but the more anterior connections are fusing into one and so constitute the anlage of the anterior vertebral vein and the lymphaticovenous tap. During these progressive events, the heart becomes more spheroidal as the area between the myotomes and the epidermis widens, associated with the rounding out of the back and sides of the embryo (fig. 18). In 8-mm. embryos, mere vestiges, in the form of small pro- jections, remain of the former union between the lymph heart and the neighboring lymph vessels, as delineated in the reconstruction in figure 35, but in every case their coincidence with the points of union of earlier stages can be made out readily. At this period, then, there seems to be no open passage whatsoever between the cavity of the lymph heart and the remainder of the lymphatic conduit system. It is a blind globular chamber attached to the anlage of the vertebral vein at its anterior and ventromedial surface and is confluent with it. During the period between 8- and 10-mm. stages the secondary or permanent communication is established between the lymph heart and the afferent lymph duct. A comparison of figures 34 and 35 and the photomicrographs, figures 19 to 28, shows plainly how this is accomplished. By uniform growth and dilatation of the lymph heart as well as of the cireumjacent lymph vessels, the common segment of the jugular and lateral ducts (lym. com. jug. et. lat.) and the dorsal aspect of the heart are gradually brought together, this approximation continuing until the duct comes to lie in a shallow groove-like indentation or depression of the heart wall. Along this line of contact the first afferent ostium appears. In later stages, as more tributaries of the afore- said lymph channels are formed, some of them, situated nearest the heart, cross over its surface and come to lie against it, and 94. OTTO F. KAMPMEIER eventually break through at certain points, so increasing the num- ber of portals of entry for the lymph stream, as shown in the drawing (fig. 24) of the lymph heart ina young toad. In figure 35 HP lym.com. juget lot. jee aM ep AL si.proneph. || Fig. 18 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left anterior lymph heart region in a 7-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 27, slide.2, section 83). X 340. lym. com. jug. et lat., common segment of the lymphatica jugularis and lymphatica lateralis; *, temporary breaking away of the lymphatics just mentioned from the lymph heart (cor. lym. ant. sin.). Other references as in the preceding figure. such a condition is already intimated by the lymph vessel which branches off from the jugular duct and passes diagonally over the outer surface of the lymph heart.! ' During the period of metamorphosis, the plexus of lymphatic vessels in the vicinity of the anterior lymph heart develop into the sub-scapular lymph sinus. The description of the transformation of the lymphatie system in the tadpole DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 95 One detail still remains to be considered in the morphogenesis of the anterior lymph heart, namely, the shifting of the efferent portal, or ostium venosum. In the earlier stages, this connection is with Cu eo ee NR se) Ss lym. com. jwg.et lat. my | et X XK ines Fig. 19 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left anterior lymph heart region in an 8-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 49, slide 2, section 112). X 340. v. vert. ant., vena vertebralis anterior, branch of the pronephric sinus (si. proneph.), its mouth being that of the original third intersegmental vein; *, point of former connection, in the form of a small spur, between the common segment of the jugular and lateral lymphatics and the lymph heart; gan. I//, third spinal ganglion. Other references as before. the pronephric venous sinus and is found squarely on the ventral side of the heart (fig. 32). This condition is changed by three factors: first, the breaking away of the posterior channel of the into that of the fully formed animal represents another section of the original monograph and will appear later as a separate paper. 96 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER multiple junction and the amalgamation of the other channels into a larger one: secondly, the outgrowth of the anterior verte- bral vein (v. vert. ant.) just internal to the latter, and, thirdly, the distention of the lymph-heart cavity, the bulging of which is more pronounced laterally than medially where the myotomes resist its expansion (ef. photomicrographs figs. 18 to 22). Asa result of the interaction of these factors, the lymphaticovenous .tap is shifted forward and medially. The ultimate condition has not yet been attained, however, for in the young toad the junction is at the anterior, more conical, end of the heart (fig. 24). Be- tween the stage figured in figure 35 and the final one, it is evident, therefore, that considerable displacement still occurs, but to specify all of the underlying causes is impossible and is of little importance. Unquestionably, it is correlated with the stresses and strains due to other bodily changes that take place in the neighborhood of the lymph heart during development, such as the atrophy of the pronephros and the proximal segment of the posteardinal,'® the absorption of the pronephric sinus by the internal jugular, the consequent shifting of the mouth of the anterior vertebral vein, the differentiation of the myotomes, and the rearrangement of the resulting muscles, to mention only a few of the most evident modifications. Histogenesis a. The lymph heart wall. Waving described the conformation of the lymph heart and its venous relations, the development of its walls and valves remains to be discussed. In early stages (4- and 5-mm. embryos) when the anterior intersegmental vessels have just been established, the area between the epidermis and the myotomes is very narrow, not much wider than is sufficient to accommodate these vessels (fig. 15). The mesenchyme, too, is very scanty here except in the region of the 3rd intersegmental vein, where its yolk-laden cells soon become more numerous and are locally massed against 16'The medial division of the postcardinal vein has been shown by the writer (Anat. Rec., vol. 19, 1920) to correspond to the sub-cardinal vein of higher verte- brates. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 97 the confines of that channel. This is especially true during the stage when the lymph-heart anlage is plexiform, a section of which is shown in the photomicrograph, figure 16 (cor. lym. ant. sin.). As suggested in the figure, the masses of mesenchymal cells are not uniformly arranged around the outlines of the lymph- heart plexus, but are irregularly distributed, at one level being crowded against its lateral side, at another, against its medial, and more frequently between the meshes of its interanastomosing channels. Incidentally, it is evident that the reconstruction, which simply represents an enlarged cast of the lumen of the channels, does not exhibit all of the essential features of the developing structure, and to acquire a correct conception of the genetic processes, the sections as portrayed in the photomicro- graphs must be examined together with the reconstructions. The mesenchymal cells are so closely packed together and so filled with yolk globules that it is impossible to determine their individual boundaries. At several points, too, such aggregations seem to bound the cavity of the lymph heart anlage directly, at least no distinct intima lining it can be recognized. Otherwise the lining is quite sharply defined, though only part of the endo- thelial cells tend to the flattened shape, while others still retain the unspecialized form in which the nuclei are in general either oval or spherical and resemble those of ordinary mesenchymal cells. The nuclei of these mesenchymal masses stain deeply and are coarsely chromatic, and many of them have an indented circumference which conforms to the large yolk bodies in the cytoplasm. At another level of the lymph-heart plexus, Just back of the section shown in figure 16, primitive spherical blood cells, also stuffed with yolk globules, are crowded together and block the lumen of a connecting channel. Generally speaking, there is already a marked difference between the nuclei of circulating blood cells and those of mesenchymal cells; the former are dense and opaque and take almost a black color when stained with haemotoxylin, while the latter possess lighter staining areas between the large chromatic granules. A few exceptions, how- ever, were observed; several of the nuclei of the mesenchymal QS OTTO F. KAMPMEIER cell aggregations approach the haemal nuclei in density,though the writer is unable to demonstrate decisively the transition and conversion of one into the other. This observation immediately calls to mind the researches of Miller (713) and Allen (’13) on the development of the thoracic duct in the chick and the caudal lymph heart in Polistotrema stouti, respectively, where it was discovered that some mesenchymal cells were converted into blood cells during the early genetic stages of these lymphatics. Consequently the question arises: Does the incipient anterior lymph heart in Anura also function transiently as a haemopoietic organ? Do some of the cells of the mesenchymal masses contig- uous to and between the channels of the plexiform anlage become differentiated into blood corpuscles? All my efforts to demon- strate this proved futile in the face of that prime obstacle, the abundance of yolk, which obscures and erases the more delicate tissue distinctions. In 6-mm. embryos not only has the periphery of the lymph- heart lumen become more definite than in the previous stage, but the surrounding masses of mesenchymal cells are becoming more evenly spread out over its outer surface (fig. 17). In the next older stage (7 mm.) the rearrangement of the cells composing the walls of the lymph heart is such that in general two layers may be distinguished (fig. 18), a lining or internal layer and a covering layer, but which, as yet, are not sharply delimited. This indistinctness is further emphasized by the fact that the intimal cells are not all flattened, as we should expect in this relatively advanced stage, but still retain their general- ized character. Indeed, one is not able to discern any striking difference between them and the other mesenchymal cells; as regards size, form, and appearance, the nuclei seem identical. The yolk globules have decreased in number in both layers, and for the first time one can get a glimpse of the shape of the cell body. Some of the cells of the outer or covering layer are becoming definitely fusiform, with their long axis directed parallel to the circumference of the heart cavity. A considerable number of blood cells are present in the latter (figs. 18 to 22), a fact of no special significance, however, for the heart is in broad DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 99 open communication with the pronephric venous sinus and no valve has yet been established at this lymphaticovenous junction. In the subsequent period of development the wall of the lymph heart changes very slowly in character. Instead of increasing in thickness, it becomes relatively thinner during the time be- tween 9- and 13- or 14-mm. embryos, due, in the first place, to the progressive flattening of the cells of the intima layer; secondly, to the attenuation of the covering cells, and, thirdly, to the loss of the large yolk corpuscles. In fact, during these stages, the second or covering layer does not form a complete investment of the endothelium, for there are bare spots (figs. 20 and 21) where endothelium constitutes the only line of demarcation between the cavity of the lymph heart and the surrounding mesenchymal reticulum. ‘The scantiness of the covering layer at this time is probably explained by the slow specialization of its cells and the more rapid expansion of the heart lumen with the resultant stretching of its lining cells. In 16-mm. embryos it again forms a continuous single cell-sheet (fig. 23), though it is still quite as thin as the endothelial layer, and is composed of slender spindle- shaped cells which show delicate striations. These cells, differ- entiated, as we have seen, from the mesenchymal cell aggrega- tions so conspicuous during the initial stages of the lymph heart, compose the anlage of its muscle coat. Knower claims there is evidence that the cells of the muscle coat are derived from the adjacent myotomes, but the writer is unable to furnish proof for the contention. In 5-mm. embryos a radical difference already obtains between the cells of the myotomes and those which surround the lymph-heart anlage—a distinction strikingly revealed in figure 16. Nevertheless, this fact does not discount the possibility that in much earlier stages the potential muscle cells of the lymph heart may proliferate from the myotomal elements; but, if this is found to be true, then it will be equally true that other mesenchymal cells of the same region have a similar source, provided the absence of any visible difference whatsoever between the cells of the mesenchyme and those of the lymph-heart anlage is any criterion of the similarity of origin. 100 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER The further development and thickening of the muscle coat is not consummated until some time after metamorphosis, for even in the young toad it is not conspicuous and is composed of only three or four cell layers. ; 340. *, the common segment of the jugular and lateral lymphatics has indented the dorsal wall of the lymph heart, which has become thickened at this point. Other references as before. Fig. 22 Same, in a 12-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (Kk. E. C., series B 11, slide 3, section 34). X 340. *, the wall between the lymph duct and the lymph heart has broken through in the middle and the two flaps so formed represent the valves of the afferent portal. Other references as before. 101 102 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER form, in so far as their nuclei appear compressed and uniformly dense, but others again contain large, spherical, and coarsely chromatic nuclei and protrude into the heart cavity like little humps or hillocks, which call to mind the observations of certain investigators on haemopoiesis where endothelium germinated blood cells, but the author was unable to discover an undoubted case where one became constricted off. The further differentiation and thickening of the heart wall occurs during the period of growth after metamorphosis, and histological examination of a section through the lymph heart of the adult anuran reveals three well-defined coats or layers: a tunica interna or intima, a tunica media, and a tunica externa or adventitia. The first is composed of the layer of highly flattened lining cells and a very thin stratum of connective tissue, probably elastic in nature, immediately external to them. As we should expect from the great energy displayed by the lymph hearts during life, the muscular tunica media, the second coat, is the broadest layer of the heart. Its muscle cells or fibers are of varying length and thickness and group themselves into small bundles which branch and interlace in a complex manner. Hoyer (704) claims that the individual muscle fibers themselves branch and anastomose and possess numerous cross bands, which call to mind the intercalated dises of human cardiac muscle. A large number of elastic strands are also contained in the media. No sharp boundaries exist between media and adventitia. ‘The latter is made up of fibrillar connective tissue in which are seat- tered pigment cells. The nerve fibers to the anterior pair of lymph hearts are apparently supplied by the III spinal nerve. According to Waldeyer (’64), both medullated and non-medul- lated nerve fibers are found in the walls of the fully developed lymph hearts. Before discussing the formation of the valves, a variable feature may be mentioned in connection with the development of the walls. In about half of the lymph hearts examined between 8- and 16-mm. stages, a strand or trabecula, sometimes delicate and sometimes fairly thick, bridged the cavity. Occasionally they were imperfect, simply projecting as slender filaments DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 103 (fig. 26). It is possible that these trabeculae correspond to the incomplete partition which, according to Radwanska (’06), is of constant occurrence in the anterior lymph hearts of adult frogs. b. The afferent portals. As was indicated earlier, during the first part of its functional life the lymph heart of the anuran embryo possesses but two valvular openings, a lymphaticovenous or efferent one and the entrance of the afferent lymph vessel. It is only in later embryonic and postmetamorphic periods that the number of afferent gateways is increased from one to about twelve. The development of this type will be considered first. In the discussion of the morphogenesis of the lymph heart the writer has described how the developing lymphatic plexus sur- rounding it temporarily detaches and recedes from it and how the longitudinal channel of the plexus, the common segment of the jugular and lateral-line ducts lying dorsal to the heart, again comes into juxtaposition with it by the dilatation of both struc- tures, whereupon the permanent communication is established. Figure 20 is a section of the lymph-heart region during the phase of simple apposition. Here the heart wall, having the same appearance and thickness as elsewhere along its periphery, sepa- rates the cavity of the heart (cor. lym. ant. sin.) from that of the lymph duct (lym. com. jug. et lat.), and there is as yet no indica- tion of the future opening between the two. In the next older stage (10-mm.), the heart and vessel are more intimately applied to each other by the partial invagination of the latter into the heart, as shown in figure 21 (*); in the reconstruction (fig. 35) the vessel lies in a shallow furrow of its heart wall at af. It is along this surface of contact that the partition dividing the two cavities thickens considerably (fig. 21) by the proliferation of its cells: Somewhat later, a cleft develops in the center of the thickened area (fig. 22, *) by the separation of its cells, evidently the effect of the increasing pressure within the afferent lymph duct. The margins of the simple rupture now serve as the valve. These, by further proliferation, may become longer, and as they converge and project into the lumen of the lymph heart they produce the typical teat-like form in section (fig. 23, *). The other valvular afferent portals which arise later (fig. 24, af.) are developed in 104. OTTO F. KAMPMEIER a similar way. In a young toad (Bufo lentiginosus), shortly after the period of metamorphosis, the author observed five such points of entry in the anterior lymph heart, but doubtlessly their ioe ots Rion Ge eS ia) : LN 2 cor lym. ant. sin. ak tee Fig. 23 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left anterior lymph heart region in a 16-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (KX. E. C., series B 39, slide 5, section 51). X 340. *, valve at the afferent portal. Other references as before. number is increased with the growth of the toad towards maturity, for Radwanska (’06) counted more than a dozen on the same organs in adult frogs. c. The efferent portal, or ostiwm venosum. ‘The formation of the valve at the lymphaticovenous junction is perhaps not so DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 105 diagrammatic. It develops, however, at the same time as the other valve. In 7-mm. embryos the lymph heart is still in broad open communication with the anlage of the vertebral vein (fig. 18). In the next few succeeding stages (8-, 9-, and 10-mm. embryos) the junction becomes progressively constricted by the local thickening of its surrounding wall. In fact, in some cases it was observed that the cell proliferation was so considerable as to block almost entirely the channel of connection (figs. 19 and 22). cor lym. ant. Si. SUDSCAD. Fig. 24 Quasischematic reconstruction of the left anterior lymph heart of the young toad immediately after metamorphosis. 150. Ventromedial view. cor lym. ant., cor lymphaticum anterius; v. vert. ant., vena vertebralis anterior; si. subscap., subscapular sinus; af., one of the afferent portals. Then, by the elongation of its thickened sides (fig. 25,*) asso- ciated with the expansion of the venous lumen up and around it towards the lymph-heart wall, the connection becomes telescoped, as it were, into the cavity of the vein, so that the thickened cell masses project as the lips of the valve (fig. 26,*). This process is completed in 10- to 12-mm. toad embryos (B. vulgaris). In the outline sketches in figure 27, the formation of both the afferent and the efferent portal is expressed graphically. v.vert. ant. Ds § cor lym.ant. sin. {§§ lym. tat. 0) en" a yes rm : .¢@ ” . Fig. 25 Photomicrograph of a transverse section through the left anterior lymph heart region in a 10-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (IX. E. C., series B 34, slide 2, section 68). X 340. *, formation of the valve at the efferent portal. * Other references as before. Fig. 26 Same, in a 12-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (K. E. C., series B 11, slide 3, section 41). X 340. *, valve of the efferent portal. Other references as before. 106 DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 107 Fig. 27 Diagrams (1 to 7) illustrating the formation of the afferent and effer- ent ostia of the lymph heart (based on transverse sections). v., vein; h., lymph heart; v. l., venolymphatic, a channel of the intersegmental vein plexus, and converted into the afferent lymph vessel, J. 108 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER Since blood cells have free access to the cavity of the lymph heart before the appearance of the valve at the lymphatico- venous junction, in stages up to and including 10-mm. embryos, they are abundant in it (figs. 18 to 22 and 25). In 12-mm. embryos and later (figs. 23 and 26), they are rarely present, and we may conclude from this and the fact that the valves are now functionally complete and efficient that the pulsations of the lymph heart commence at this time, for the first few contractions would certainly cause the evacuation of all haemal elements. On account of the abundance of pigment in the integument of Bufo embryos, it was impossible to determine accurately by direct observation on the living specimen at which time the pulsations of the anterior lymph heart commenced, but, according to Hoyer (05), they first become evident as irregular quiverings in the more transparent frog embryos (R. temporaria) when they are 12 to 18 mm. long. Later the pulsations of the lymphatic heart become more rhythmic, but the beats coincide neither with those of the haemal heart nor with those of its companion on the opposite side. In the mature animal it throbs as often as sixty to seventy times every minute, and since its capacity is about 0.5 cu. mm. (Radwanska, ’06), the quantity of lymph pumped into the anterior vertebral vein during this period is 30 cu. mm., and in one hour reaches the relatively considerable amount of 180 cu. mm. During systole of the lymph heart, the efferent valve, projecting into the vein, opens for the discharge of the lymph, but closes and prevents the backflow of blood into the heart chamber during diastole. Similarly, the afferent gateways per- mit the entrance of the lymphatic current from the cireumjacent lymph sinuses, yet avert its reflux during systole. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA 109 SUMMARY 1. On the development of the primary maxillary lymph sinus The sinus begins in approximately 5-mm. embryos of Bufo vulgaris in the form of small discontinuous anlagen, which appear either as cellular thickenings of the endothelium of the develop- ing jugular veins or as islands lying in the mesenchyma in the immediate vicinity of these vessels. During development all vascular anlagen of the head region, both haemal and lymphatic, can be distinguished from the sur- rounding mesenchyma by the greater number of yolk globules present in their endothelium. The originally solid lymphatic anlagen acquire lumina, which have their inception as small crevice-like spaces in the cytoplasm between the large yolk globules. By continued proliferation and growth, the individual anlagen increase in length, bud collateral branches, coalesce with one another, and in time form a complex tubular network extending in a curved plane from the region of one external jugular vein to that of the opposite side; this network represents the principal or mandibular division of the primary maxillary lymph sinus. The other divisions, the circumoral, temporal, and pericardial, arise from the mandibular division by outgrowth and extension. The lymphatic network becomes transformed into a spacious and uninterrupted sinus by the progressive expansion of all the anastomosing channels and by the reduction and tearing of the intervening mesenchymal strands and trabeculae. During the preceding genetic stages, the sinus possesses no outlet; it is not confluent with the veins. The sinus receives an outlet in approximately 10-mm. embryos as the posterior pro- longations of its temporal divisions join the jugular lymphatics and thereby are placed in communication with the anterior lymph hearts and through them with the venous system. The extension and distention of the developing sinus are prob- ably achieved by the increasing internal pressure on its walls of the accumulating lymph before an exit is established. Duringthe expansion of the sinus, the lining cells become progressively flattened and assume typical endothelial qualities. 110 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER 2. On the development of the jugular lymphatic In 5- to 6-mm. embryos, the first three intersegmental veins, which are dorsal vertical tributaries of the pronephric venous sinus (common segment of pre- and postcardinal veins), become joined longitudinally by imteranastomoses and consequently take on a plexiform character. The aforesaid intersegmental vein plexus, which in view of its original relations and its future function may be called a veno- lymphatic one, gives rise to the jugular lymphatic, the important change consisting in its gradual separation from the veins (pro- nephric venous sinus). By the expansion, approximation, and fusion of the longi- tudinal components of the plexus, the main channel of the jugular lymphatic is definitely established, and it eventually makes con- nection -anteriorly with the temporal division of the primary maxillary lymph sinus and at its posterior end, in common with the lateral line lymphatic, joins the anterior lymph heart. 3. On the development of the anterior lymph heart The anterior lymph heart, on either side, arises from a cir- cumscribed portion of the venolymphatie plexus, mentioned in the preceding section, at the level and in the axis of the original 3rd intersegmental vein. The plexiform anlage of the lymph heart becomes transformed into the uninterrupted heart chamber by the expansion and fusion of its interjoied channels. The developing lymph heart in approximately 7- or 8-mm. embryos severs connection with the cireumjacent venolymphatic plexus, but remains in continuity with the venous system via the mouth of the former 3rd intersegmental vein, now the mouth of the anterior vertebral vein. A communication is reestablished between lymph heart and afferent lymphatic, the common segment of the jugular and lateral-line lymphatics, in approximately 10-mm. embryos; this is accomplished by the gradual approximation of the two struc- tures, due to their growth and dilatation, and by the perforation DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA tel of the intervening wall at the line of contact to form a teat-like valve. Other permanent afferent portals are formed later in a similar manner, there being five of these in Bufo lentiginosus immediately after the period of metamorphosis. The valve at the efferent or lymphaticovenous tap is developed from a circular endothelial cushion projecting into the lumen of the anterior vertebral vein, followed by the telescoping of this valvular portion of the heart deeper into the lumen of the vein. During the later development of the heart the efferent tap is shifted forward from a ventral position on the heart to an ante- rior one. While the heart is expanding, the lining cells become pro- gressively flattened; the mesenchymal cells external to these become spindle shaped and ultimately develop into muscle cells. Before the efferent valve has become differentiated, numerous blood corpuscles are found in the heart cavity. The evacuation of these elements doubtlessly occurs at the first vigorous con- tractions of the heart. LITERATURE CITED Auten, W. F. 1913 Studies on the development of the veno-lymphatics in the tail region of Polistotrema (Bdellostoma) stouti. First communica- tion: Formation of the caudal hearts. Quart. Jour. Microsc. Sci., vol. 59, part 2, July. Cuark, Exeanor L. 1915 Observations of the lymph flow and associated morphological changes in the early superficial lymphatics of chick embryos. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 18, November. Fretp, H. H. 1891 The development of the pronephros and segmental duct in Amphibia. Bull. Museum Comp. Zool., vol. 21. 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Anat., vol. 17, January. 1917 The formation of the anterior lymph hearts and neighboring lymph channels in Bufo. Abstract of preliminary Report. Anat. Ree., vol. 11, January. Read before Am. Anatomists, 33rd Session, New York, Christmas, 1916. 1919 A summary of a monograph on the morphology of the lymphatic system in the anuran Amphibia, with especial reference to its origin and development. Anat. Rec., vol. 16, August. 1920 The changes of the systemic venous plan during development and the relation of the lymph hearts to them in Anura. Anat. Rec., vol. 19, July. Knower, H. McE. 1908 The origin and development of the anterior lymph hearts and the subcutaneous lymph sacs in the frog. Anat. Ree., vol. 2. Proceed. Am. Assoc. Anat., 24th Session. McCuure, C. F. W. 1915 The development of the lymphatic system in fishes with especial reference to its development in the trout. Memoir no. 4, Wistar Institute of Anatomy, Philadelphia. Preliminary Report in Anat. Ree., vol. 8, 1914. Miututer, A. M. 1913 Histogenesis and morphogenesis of the thoracic duct in the chick; development of blood cells and their passage to the blood stream via the thoracic duct. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 15. RapwanskKA, Marie 1906 Die vorderen Lymphherzen des Frosches. Bull. Acad. Se. de Cracovie, Mai. SABIN, FLORENCE R. 1913 The origin and development of the lymphatic sys- tem. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. Monographs, new series, no. 5. WieperscHerm, R. 1909 Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere; 7te Auflage. Jena. - APPENDIX At the time when the above paper had already appeared in proof, I found a reference in the literature to an article by Bles on “‘The life-history of Xenopus laevis’? (Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., vol. xli, 1905) in which he described and pic- tured the anterior lymph hearts in the larvae of this anuran. Reference to this paper will be made in my work on the comparative morphology of the systemic lymphatics which is in preparation. PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 28 Reconstruction of the larger haemal and lymphatic vessels in the head and anterior trunk region of a 7.5-mm. embryo of Bufo lentiginosus (K. E. C., series B31), dorsal view. X 50. Structures not colored: lymphatics, anterior end of spinal cord and brain, olfactory, optic, and auditory vesicles, and pronephros and its duct; the latter structures omitted on the right side. Lymphaties: si. circ. or., cireumoral division of the sinus maxillaris primi- genius; st. mand., mandibular division; sz. temp., temporal division; sz. pericard., pericardial division; lym. jug., lymphatica jugularis; cor. lym. ant. dex. and sin., cor lymphaticum anterius dextrum and sinistrum; lym. lat., lymphatica lateralis. Veins (blue): A portion of the sinus venosus is shown ventral to the myelen- cephalon joined by the hepatic sinusoids, the external jugular veins and cuvierian ducts. The external jugular accompanies the pericardial lymphatic and anteri- orly receives two branches, a medial (hidden by the mesencephalon), probably the anlage of the vena lingualis, and a lateral, lying closely against the inner side of the principal and cireumoral divisions of the primary maxillary sinus and repre- senting the future vena mandibularis and branches. In the region of the prone- phriec sinusoids (a large section omitted on the right side) the cuvierian duct is joined by the precardinal or internal jugular, which passes laterally around the auditory vesicle and possesses three large tributaries, the vena orbitonasalis, the vena ophthalmica, and a large intracranial vein. The lateral and medial (subeardinal) divisions of the posteardinal, situated along the pronephric duct, and anteriorly, near the pronephric sinus, receive the anterior vertebral vein into which the anterior lymph heart opens. Arteries (red): The heart, external carotids and ventral roots of the aortic arches are not shown in the drawing. The radices aortae are broadly divergent in the region of the auditory vesicles, where they connect with the dorsal roots of the aortic arches which, as they curve ventrad, lie closely against the inner side of the temporal lymphatics. Anteriorly the radices aortae are continued forward as the internal carotids which give off in the order named the following impor- - tant branches: arteria palatina, a. ophthalmica, and a. carotis cerebralis. The pronephric glomeruli branch from the radices aortae immediately anterior to their convergence and fusion to form one trunk (ventral to the spinal cord). 114 DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS IN ANURA ‘0 F. KAMPMEIER THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF A PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 29 Reconstruction of the vascular channels of the ventral cephalic region in a 6-mm. embryo of Bufo vulgaris (IK. E. C., series B 53), ventrai veiw. X 125. v. jug. ext., vena jugularis externa. a. car. ext., arteria carotis externa. g. thyr., glandula thyroidea. ao., aortic arches. vent., ventriculus of the heart. d. Cuv., ductus Cuvieri. sin. ven., Sinus venosus; its cut edge shows its attachment to the liver, for at this period the hepatic sinusoids open directly into it. The lymphatics, the anlagen of the sinus maxillaris primigenius arise inde- pendently of each other along the venous components of the jugulocarotid plexus; some of them have severed contact with the blood vessel wall, while others still adhere to it. DEVELOPMENT OF LYMPHATICS I N PLATE 2 OTTO F. KAMPMEIER "JOU IO S}SIxa UOT} -d9UUOD JIALIP B L9YJIYM Vploap O} aqeuN st OY Ne ayy ‘Z payreur jurod 944 4V ‘yavoy ey} JO SN[NoIyUeA ‘7Ua ‘euieqUT stivpnsnf vuea ‘jur “bnl -a ‘snsoueaA snuis ‘waa “urs ‘1o119}sod sijeuipivo vuesa ‘ysod ‘pupa ‘a ‘WaIANY snjonp “ang ‘p ‘euiayxo stuvjnsnt vuea ‘7x2a “Bnl -a ‘soyoie 913108 “OD *BUIO}X9 SIJOIVD BIMO}IV “7ra “DI “D ‘eaplordy} vpnpuelys ‘ufiy? °6 ‘SnIUsSIULId SIIB[[IXBUL SNUIS 94} JO UOTSIAIP [vIpavolied “pupor1ad “7s ‘SNIUSSIWIId SILe[[IXeul SNUIS 94} JO UOISIAIP [v1odurey ‘diwaz ‘2s ‘sntuastuId SlIe[[IXBul SNUIS OY} JO UOISIAIp epnqrpueuU “pupw as ‘sniuestutid SlIe[[IXvUl SNUIS 9Y} JO UOISTAIP [RLOUINDATO ‘40 *9.409 “as "CZT X = MOTA [BI] UDA “(17 SOTIOS “OC “WY “M) SlIeVS[NA OJng jo oArquie “uU-Y & Ul UOISeL OI[Vydso [v1jJUGA BY} JO SaUUBYD TB[NISvA VY} JO UOTJONAJSUODVY OE quod dO NOILYVNVIdXa € ALWId 118 SA UIS ‘|SOd pued” 08 urSnt a ~ In describing the origin of this foramen it will be necessary to refer occasionally to a peculiar tissue in the sacrocaudal region of young chick, pheasant, and duck embryos, which up to this time has not been observed in other birds or vertebrates. I refer to an indifferent cell-mass in the proximal end of the tail which persists long after the adjacent region has been differentiated—as late as the beginning of the fourth day of incubation in chick embryos. As seen in figure 5 (ps. v.), this inert mass lies within the angle formed by the cloaca and the caudal intestine, to both of which structures it is fused in a sagittal plane. Laterally it passes over into the mesenchyma of the tail, but rather abruptly, so that its limits can be approximately defined and the whole mass modeled in relation to surrounding structures, as displayed in figure 13. Beginning at the proximal end of the tail, this tis- sue is seen to be directly fused with the wall of the cloaca in the territory included between the anal plate and the junction of the caudal intestine with the cloaca (this being the wall of the cloaca which will later give rise to the bursa of Fabricius). Dorsally, this tissue is fused with the ventral border of the caudal intestine, and so intimately that the latter never has a chance to differen- tiate into an epithelium before it is resorbed. Ventrally, it fuses with the ectoderm bordering the anal sinus, while caudally it merges with the tail-bud mass—a fusion of three germ-layers extending across the tip of the tail. Thus the core of the tail is composed of an indifferent cell-mass, the whole of which can THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 167 GRAPHIC RECONSTRUCTIONS ILLUSTRATING INITIAL STAGES IN THE FORMATION OF THE CLOACAL FENESTRA (Dotted lines and arabic numerals refer to somites; dash lines, to cavities of the cloaca; crosses, to the primitive-streak mass; periods, toscattered phagocytes; cross-hatching, to concentrated areas of disintegration on left side of embryo.) Fig.1 Tern embryo (Sterna hirundo) H.E.C. 2167:5. mm. X 42. all., allantois; an. pl., cloacal membrane; c. 7., caudal intestine; rect., rectum;-W. D., wolffian duct. Fig. 2 Duck embryo (Anas domestica) H.E.C. 2193:3 days, 21 hours. X 42. t. p., terminal portion of W. D.; y and z, primary and secondary foci of disinte- gration (z restricted to right side of embryo in this stage). Fig.3 Turtle embryo (Chrysemys marginata) H.E.C. 1067:6 mm. X 42. after R. F.Shaner. an.s., primordium of anal sacs (cf. div. c. of chick embryo in plate 3); x, point of rupture of caudal intestine. Fig.4 Duck embryo (Anas domestica) H.E.C. 2194:3 days, 21 hours. X 42. ps. v., ventral half of primitive-streak remnant; z, occluded segment of caudal intestine. Fig.5 Chick embryo (Gallus domesticus) H.E.GC. 2071: 3 days, 18 hours. X 42. (Compare with model of same embryo, fig. 13.) m, marginal sulcus sepa- rating thin-walled roof from thick-walled sides of cloaca. 168 EDWARD A. BOYDEN now be defined as representing a persistence of the primitive streak in the form of a primitive-knot mass. From the cloaca to the tip of the tail it forms a deeply staining homogeneous mass differentiating above and below into epithelial structures and on the sides into the mesenchyma of the tail. The portion occupying the distal end of the tail is an active tissue giving rise to the medullary tube, caudal intestine, notochord, and other caudal tissues. The proximal half, on the other hand, is de- generating. Some of it may contribute to the mesenchyma of the tail, but most of it, as indicated by the presence of innumer- able phagocytes gorged with pycnotic nuclei, is undergoing re- sorption. This latter portion, representing an excess tissue, is absent from saurians and mammals, the caudal intestine in these forms lying close to the inner curvature of the tail. In this respect the cloaca of the tern (fig. 1) resembles that of lizards and snakes more than it does that of the gallinaceous birds. A second process which must be considered in relation to the formation of the cloacal fenestra is the disintegration of the caudal intestine. In all reptiles and mammals that I have examined and in one species of bird embryos (Sterna hirundo, the common tern) the caudal intestine undergoes reduction in the following manner. It appears to be pulled out, as if by the elongation of the tail, so that it tapers uniformly from the newly formed di- lated portion at the tip of the tail to a slender tube at the oldest portion—the region adjacent to the cloaca. As the latter por- 3 The details of the process by means of which the primitive streak is segre- gated in the tail of the embryo will be described in a subsequent paper. At this time it is sufficient to state that the area described above is derived from that portion of the primitive streak which is included between the rhomboidal sinus and the anal plate of a fifteen-somite embryo. In consequence of the folding of the blastoderm, and of the accompanying overgrowth of the tail, the dorsal por- tion of the primitive streak, lying under the ectoderm, is folded into the outer curvature which forms the tip of the tail and thus becomes the tail-bud mass. The ventral half, lying above the entoderm, and therefore on the inner curvature of the fold, is tucked under the tail and compressed into the angle between the anal plate and the caudal intestine. 4 This term of Koelliker’s seems more appropriate than ‘post-anal gut’ intro- duced by Balfour, since the gut-tract of the tail is an outgrowth of an area which originally lies anterior to the anal plate. As applied to mammals, the term is still less appropriate, as the caudal intestine disappears long before the anus is formed. THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 169 tion becomes more slender the lumen becomes occluded and the solid strand thus formed soon after ruptures (fig. 3, 2). At least some of the cells disintegrate and are removed by phagocytes, but pyenotic nuclei are inconspicuous here as compared with the abundance of necrotic cells to be found in the degenerating cau- dal intestine of the chick. This process, which begins at the cloacal end of the gut, progresses slowly in a craniocaudal direc- tion until the entire caudal intestine disappears. In duck, pheasant, and chick embryos, however, the reduction of the caudal intestine is greatly complicated by the disintegrating process going on in the primitive-streak mass, asreferred to above, and by the disintegration of the adjacent cloacal wall, the latter process resulting in the formation of the cloacal fenestra. The developmental history of this foramen, which is thus intimately associated with the removal of the caudal intestine, is divided into two phases, a period of active disintegration, beginning at about the 41-somite stage (chick embryo, 2 days, 18 hours), and lasting approximately twelve hours, and a period of closure, beginning somehere near the 50-somite stage (7-mm. embryos, of approximately 3 1/3 days), and ending in embryos of about 9 mm., incubated 3 days and 18 hours. Expressed in terms of embryonic growth, the first trace of the process appears just before the wolffian ducts fuse to the cloaca. The final stage in closure occurs about the time the ultimate somite is formed (I have found as many as fifty-three) ; that is, before the resorption of caudal somites begins. The initial phase, as illustrated by the first text plate (figs. 1 to 5), is based upon two embryos. In consequence of the great rapidity with which the degenerative process is initiated, a far greater number of specimens of the same age than were available would have had to have been sectioned in order to have provided more than the two stages referred to. For there is not the slightest indication of the process in an embryo only one somite younger than the one shown in figure 5, where the entire area of the cloacal wall which is to be denuded has already begun to degenerate. 170 EDWARD A. BOYDEN The first indication of impending disintegration appears in a duck embryo of forty-five somites (fig. 2). Two paired foci of degeneration (y and z) are here disclosed in the cloacal wall, one near the junction of the caudal intestine and cloaca, the other just anterior to the orifice of the wolffian duct. It is probable that area y is the first to develop as it is present on both sides of the cloaca, while area z is present only on the left side. This specimen, if corroborated by more examples, would seem to indicate that the degenerative process, which later involves the caudal intestine, begins in the wall of the cloaca near its junction with that structure. . In the next stage (fig. 4, of a duck embryo two somites older), the two areas on each side have grown together, presenting a continuous line of degeneration. In addition the lumen of the caudal intestine has become occluded (fig. 4, x), in the region which corresponds to the point of rupture in other vertebrates. This observation is important as indicating the independent ori- gin of the two processes—the resorption of the caudal intestine and the formation of a cloacal fenestra—and shows that in the duck, at least, the caudal intestine becomes detached slightly in advance of the production of the fenestra. In this specimen, what remains of the undifferentiated primitive streak (ps. v.) is appended to the caudal intestine. In the embryo shown in figure 2, which is younger in other respects, all the primitive streak has been removed, its former presence being indicated only by the roughened and irregular ventral margin of the caudal intestine. The third stage, illustrated by a chick embryo of forty-one somites (fig. 5), shows an extension of the area of degeneration both caudal and cephalad,® and the appearance within this area 5 The cephalic extension contains only scattered phagocytes (represented by periods in the figure) and does not usually become denuded of epithelium, although the fenestra has been observed to extend that far in a few cases. If the cut end of the rectum in figure 5 be examined, it will be noticed that the periods are limited to a zone of the cloacal wall which is thinner than the adjacent zones. This area, together with the dorsal wall of the caudal intestine with which it is continu us and homonymous, represents a persistence of the primitive condition of the hind-gut which, like the roof of the foregut, is always thin-walled when first + ¥ THE CLOACA IN BIRDS val of discontinuous holes where complete resorption of the epithelium has taken place (fig. 13, from a wax model of the same embryo). The perforated walls of the cloaca at this period thus simulate in appearance a fenestrated membrane. Almost immediately, however, the holes run together, forming a continuous rift along the cloaca and caudal intestine. In this manner the dorsal wall of the cloaca becomes detached from the sides and thus isolated as a trough-shaped structure, is slowly resorbed. Its histologi- cal appearance will be described later in the paper. An invasion of the caudal intestine also occurs from another region in chick embryos and, to a lesser extent, in ducks. This is an extension of the degeneration process going on in the primi- tive-streak mass (fig. 5, ps. v.) into the ventral wall of the caudal intestine, and involves only that part of the intestine which is adjacent to the primitive streak. Thus, in the undifferentiated epithelium of the inner curvature of the caudal intestine are found phagocytes (again represented by periods, fig. 5) which are coextensive and continuous with the primitive-streak mass, which is itself undergoing rapid phagocytosis. The occurrence of these has nothing to do with the imvasion of the caudal intestine from the cloacal end, except that the two processes cooperate in destroying that end of the gut. The resorption of the caudai intestine in birds can now be sum- marized as follows. In chick embryos the flanks of the caudal intestine are invaded by a degenerative process originating in the cloaca, which removes the epithelium before the cavity of the anal gut can be occluded. In duck embryos the two processes take place nearly simultaneously, the cloacal invasion slightly preceding the occlusion of the caudal intestine. Finally, in terns, the cloacal fenestra is not present at all, and the caudal intestine undergoes reduction by the method already described as common to most amniotes. formed. ‘The side walls are the first to thicken. As development proceeds, the latter are brought closely together, buckling the flat, thin-walled area into a steep- pitched roof. But for some time there is an abrupt transition between thick- and thin-walled portions, and it is along this thin area, and its continuation into the cloaca, that resorption of epithelium first appears. 172 EDWARD A. BOYDEN The final stage in the formation of the fenestra, ending the period of disintegration, is shown in figures 14 and 15, of an 8-mm. embryo of forty-eight somites (3 days and 6 hours). The entire roof of the cloaca, between the wolffian ducts and the anal side of the caudal intestine, has been denuded of epithelium, leaving a considerable gap bounded only by mesenchyma (dash line, fig. 14). The connection of the cloaca with the caudal intestine has been lost, and the latter, together with the primi- tive-streak mass, is now rapidly disintegrating at the ruptured ends. As a rule, degeneration does not spread any farther ceph- alad than recorded in figure 5. But occasionally it extends much farther, and is probably instrumental in producing irreg- ularities in the dorsal wall, which will be discussed later, in the section dealing with accessory diverticula. The cytological changes involved in the formation of the fenes- tra include the necrosis of the epithelial cells, their removal by phagocytes, and the reaction of the surrounding mesenchyma to the denuded area. As seen in ordinary serial sections, the first step in the disintegration of the flanks of the cloaca is aslight -oedema of the epithelium which causes the cells to spread apart. As these become necrotic, the cytoplasm becomes finely granular and then vesicular and the nuclei pyenotic. At this stage the epithelium presents a confused histological picture due to the simultaneous degeneration of so many cells. But almost imme- diately the cells in regions y and 2g (fig. 2) are resorbed, leaving a gap in the wall covered only by mesenchyma. At first the mesenchymal cells appear to congregate about the region, as if to plug up the opening, and this continues as long as there is an abundance of necrotic tissue. During the stage when the wall is a fenestrated membrane the mesenchyma may even invade the cavity. This is especially true of the caudal intestine which is eventually replaced by mesenchyma which has grown in through rifts in the sides and filled the cavity before the walls have been completely removed. The most favorable time for appear the cytological changes is after the gap has been formed on each flank of the cloaca, but before the roof of the cloaca thus isolated has itself been removed. THE CLOACA IN BIRDS ie The degenerating epithelial cells bordering the gap may then be studied in less crowded condition. Such a picture is presented in figure 19—an obliquely frontal section passing through the fenestrated area at right angles to the back lines of the cloaca; that is, in a plane cutting the allantoic duct lengthwise. In this figure the following features should be noted: the isolated roof of the cloaca, rows of necrotic epithelial cells on either flank, the concentration of mesenchyma about the gap on either side, and the rounded margins of the epithelium conspicuous by their failure to regenerate. In the epithelium bordering the gap are occasional pycnotic nuclei, and here and there a phagocyte, indicating a slow resorption in contrast to the sudden removal characteristic of initial stages. When the degenerative process slows down and finally comes to an end, a single large foramen is left in the dorsal wall of the cloaca extending from behind the level of the wolffian duct to the site of the caudal intestine, hav- ing a lenticular shape when viewed from below (fig. 15). As seen in microscopic section (fig. 20) the epithelium of the roof of the cloaca has been entirely removed, leaving in its place a line of mesenchymal cells which have flattened out into a surface layer as if under compression by the fluid in the cavity, in a manner recalling the formation of the false epithelium which lines the joint cavities. Even before degeneration stops, however, the process of closure setsin. This consists of a fusion of the epithelial margins of the gap beginning at the caudal angle of the aperture, so that in the space of another twelve hours, only a slender cleft remains at the anterior end of what was once a big fenestra (fig. 23, fen.). This process of closure seems to be aided if not caused by a progressive approximation of the sides of the cloaca, beginning at the anal plate, which results in the fusion of opposite walls and the formation of a urodaeal membrane. Figure 21, of a cross- section of the fenestra in the last stage of closure, shows that even to the end of closure no regeneration of the cloacal lips has taken place, but that rather the free margins of the walls have been pushed down into the mesenchymal cavity, as if by lateral com- pression exerted upon the side of the cloaca. By the middle of 174 EDWARD A. BOYDEN the fourth day of incubation all signs of the cloacal fenestra have disappeared, and its site cannot be accurately located ex- cept in such general terms as lying between the accessory bursa and the urodaeal sinus. In concluding this chapter one may say that the most conspicu- ous feature of the entire process is the rapidity with which it takes place—both the sudden appearance of a gap and the rapid closure of it—all occurring within a period of twenty-four hours. Although the evidence presented would lead one to infer that the disintegration of the cloacal wall precedes the reduction of the caudal intestine, and is thereby independent of it, and calls for a separate explanation, it is still possible that the cloacal fenestra represents a modification or extension of the process by which the caudal intestine is reduced in other vertebrates. Any attempt, however, to explain the significance of this foramen in” the domestic fowl, duck, and pheasant, must take into account. an equally peculiar feature, likewise found only in birds with a fenestra, namely, the undue persistence of the primitive streak in the proximal end of the tail. It is well known that the tail in modern birds, and of fowls in particular, is shorter than in the ‘Archaeornithes. It is conceivable that the degenerating primi- tive-streak mass in the tail of the chick embryo represents a persistence of material once utilized in tail-building but now superfluous. It would also seem, from a comparison of the clo- acas in the first text plate, that the persistence of this indiffer- ent tissue hasdelayed the differentiation of the caudal intestine and perhaps of the whole tail itself. For figure 5 represents a chick embryo in which the ventral wall of the caudal intestine has not been differentiated into an epithelium, but is still continuous -with the primitive streak throughout its length. Yet that chick is older in other respects than the tern embryo of ‘figure 1, as evidenced by the lesser number of somites in the chick, and by its greater maturity of form. If it be granted that the devel- opment of the caudal intestine in the chick has been retarded by the persistence of the primitive-streak mass, it is not inconceiv- Y é THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 175 able that the development of the corresponding region in the adjacent cloacal wall has likewise been interfered with, and that when reduction of the caudal intestine does occur, both of these areas are subjected to a retrograde process more rapid and exten- sive than obtains in other vertebrates. DEVELOPMENT OF THE UROGENITAL APPARATUS Anomalies arising in connection with the wolffian ducts About the time that the primary excretory ducts reach the level of the cloaca in their downgrowth from the pronephros, an eruption of diverticula appears on each flank of the cloaca opposite the distal portion of the ducts. Since these outpocket- ings of the cloaca seem to develop in response to the presence of the wolffian ducts, and later fuse with them, I have named them complemental diverticula. A surface view of this stage, such as is shown in figure 13 of a 41-somite chick embryo (62 hours), reveals the presence of two groups of diverticula—a circlet of five or six small ones opposite the terminal portion of the duct, and a single larger one farther up on the shaft, as broad as the whole field of smaller ones. In this embryo the duct of the left side has not fused with the cloaca, although fusion on the right side has taken place. In a 40-somite embryo neither duct.has fused. My observations would therefore differ somewhat in de- tail from the statement of Lillie that the wolffian duct ‘‘reaches the cloaca (with which it unites) about the 3l-som. stage’’ and that ‘‘at about the sixtieth hour the ends of the ducts (described in the preceding sentence as solid) fuse with broad lateral diver- ticula of the cloaca, and the lumen extends backwards until the duct becomes viable (?) all the way into the cloaca (at about 72 hours, 35 somite stage).’”’ For a frontal section (fig. 6) of the cloaca shown in figure 13, at the place where the left wolffian duct makes the nearest approach, shows that the duct has not yet fused with the cloaca, that its terminal portion is patent, and that the mesial wall of the duct is thinning out in anticipa- tion of fusion. The section through the left side happens to 176 EDWARD A. BOYDEN pass through three diverticula, the broad one (a), and two smaller ones (b and c, members of the terminal circlet of diverticula). The arrow indicates that the duct in sections higher up would reach as far as the point c. In subsequent stages the mesial wall of the duct would fuse with the cloacal diverticula forming WI SES \ \ Fig. 6 | ; TEXT PLATE ILLUSTRATING ANOMALIES OF THE WOLFFIAN DUCT Fig.6 Chick, H.E.C. 2071 (section 661):2 days, 18 hours. X77. a, proximal complemental diverticulum; 6 and c, distal complemental diverticulum; arrow indicates extent of wolffian duct in other sections. Note thinning out of mesial wall of duct in preparation for fusion with cloaca. Fig.7 Duck, H.E.C. 2194 (section 680): 3 days, 21 hours. X 77. mes., mesenchyma interposed between distal and proximal attachments of duct. Fig.8 Chick, H.E.C.2073:2 days,2lhours. X77. x, plate formed by fusion of mesial wall of W. D. with complemental diverticula of cloaca; arrow shows where plate has been ruptured, through distal diverticulum. 2 Fig.9 Chick, H.E.C.2072:2 days,22 hours. X77. Arrow shows where plate has been ruptured through proximal diverticulum. Fig. 10 Model of duck embryo, H.E.C. 2197: 4 days, 8 hours. X 40. all., allantois; an. pl., cloacal membrane; c.7., caudal intestine; cy., epithelial cysts of unknown origin; fen., fenestra; t. p., terminal portion of W. D.; ur-, primordium of ureter; W.D., wolffian duct. Fig. 11 Model of duck embryo, H.E.C. 2195: 4 days, 8 hours. X 40. div., aberrant complemental diverticulum. THE CLOACA IN BIRDS ie a continuous plate (figs. 8 and 9, x) from a toc. In some cases the plate ruptures first through the distal diverticulum (see arrow in fig. 8); in others at first through the proximal one (fig. 9). But in all chicks of older stages that I have examined, the plate is resorbed, leaving a single large opening from a toc. It is probable that phagocytes aid in this resorption, as I have found them within the thin plate as soon as the duct has joined the cloaca. As development proceeds, the lateral walls of the cloaca beginning with the anal plate gradually come together, forming a solid membrane comparable to the urethral plate of mammals, so that finally the opening of the wolffian duct becomes restricted to the middle of the cloaca at the level a of figure 6 (cf. figs. 14 and 16). Not all of the complemental diverticula, however, fuse with the ducts. Some of them, no doubt, are soon suppressed. Others of them persist for a longer or shorter time, growing out as accessory diverticula (figs. 11, 22, 24, and 32, div.). The most interesting anomalies occur in duck embryos, and are due to the excessive length of the wolffian duct, which nor- mally grows down to the very end of the cloaca (fig. 7). In one case observed, only the proximal portion of the duct had fused with the cloaca, the terminal portion growing out as an aberrant diverticulum (fig. 10, ¢.p., left). In other cases both terminal and proximal portions fuse, but not continuously, so that an area of mesenchyma is left between the two attachments (fig. 7, mes.). If, then, the basal ends of the ducts begin to grow, a ring-shaped (fig. 10, ¢.p., right) or a U-shaped (fig. 11, t.p., left) attachment of the ducts is formed, opening into the cloaca at two points, representing the original points of fusion. A similar anomaly has been found in a chick embryo (H.E.C. 99), and it would seem almost certain that a larger number of specimens would show many indications of aberrance resulting from the fusion of the wolffian duct to the complemental divertic- ula. The further changes in the form of the wolffian ducts and their incorporation into the wall of the cloaca will be considered in the next chapter. 178 EDWARD A. BOYDEN Formation of the wrodaeal sinus In discussing the origin of urinary bladders Felix defines four main types: 1) mesodermal bladders, arising from the fusion or dilation of the caudal ends of the wolffian duct; 2 and 3) dorsal and ventral cloacogenic bladders, outgrowths or dilations of the dorsal and ventral walls of the cloaca, respectively, and, 4) allantoidogenic bladders formed by the retention of the proxi- mal end of the allantois. The first type in its pure form is real- ized only in selachians, the second type only in amphibians, both groups being devoid of an allantois. The bladders of all other vertebrates, according to Felix, are of mixed origin. When we examine birds, it appears that they are the only class among amniotes without one or more bladders, yet curiously enough, reptiles, from which birds have descended, constitute the class with the greatest number and diversity of bladders. Thus, according to Felix, lizards derive their bladders from three sources, dorsocloacogenic, allantoidogenic and mesodermal; and in turtles the bladder is formed from dorsocloacogenic, ventro- cloacogenic, allantoidogenic, and mesodermal origins (Keibel and Mall, II, p. 869). It would be strange, then, if the bird did not exhibit some traces of bladder formation in its ontogeny, and such, in fact, may be found. The most conspicuous of these is the intra-embryonic expansion of the allantois shown in figure 39. It is almost identical at this stage with the primor- dium which develops into the ventral bladder in most reptiles. But it is completely resorbed in adult birds. The other structure in bird embryos which recalls the reptil- ian bladders (this time those of dorsocloacogenic and mesoder- mal origin) is the wrodaeal sinus, a name which I have applied to the cavity of the urodaeum at its maximum extent (figs. 40 and 41 urod.). Minot in 1900 called attention to the peculiar relations of this cavity as follows: ‘‘From the closure of the intestinal opening by the entoderm (occluded rectum), and of the anal opening by the anal plate (meaning urodaeal membrane), there is left a clear passage from the wolffian duct across (to) the opening of the allantois.’”’ And he quotes the suggestion ox THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 179 offered by G. H. Parker that “the physiological purpose of this arrangement is to secure the transmission of the excretion from the embryonic kidney to the allantois, and to prevent the escape of the excretion, either into the intestine or into the amniotic cavity, where it might prove injurious to the embryo.” ‘That the urodaeal sinus is a mechanism inherited directly from rep- tiles was revealed two years later by the comparative studies of Fleischmann and his students on the cloaca and phallus of liz- ards, snakes, turtles, birds, and mammals. He notes that in the Sauropsida the urodaeum is divided into two poriions, a distended oral portion always in relation to the wolffian ducts, and an elongated caudal portion which forms an open passage- way (even in young embryos) to the anus. The shutting off of the urodaeal sinus from below in birds is due to the fact that the second half of the urodaeum never elongates, but remains short and impervious through the formation of a urodaeal membrane. While the posterior portion of the urodaeum becomes elongated and subject to great modification in various reptiles, the anterior chamber (urodaeal Kammer of Unterhéssel) is always associated with bladder formation. It becomes chiefly dilated in a dorso- lateral direction, so that the entire cavity and associated meso- dermal ducts assume the appeance of a dorsal bladder (cf. Fleisch- mann, Taf. VIII, figs. 1, 2 and 4). This striking feature appears temporarily in bird embryos as the urodaeal sinus, and is as con- vincing a repetition of reptilian ancestry as the allantoic bladder previously referred to in figure 39. But since it was studied chiefly in older embryos, and then largely by means of sagittal sections, its extent and composition was not fully appreciated even by Fleischmann. As seen in figures 40 and 41, the urodaeal sinus (wrod.) is a greatly inflated segment of the cloaca, placed athwart the main axis of the hind-gut, between the occluded rectum and the urodaeal membrane. Its lumen from front to back is reduced to the size of a fissure, but is greatly expanded laterally and dorsoventrally, extending from the wolffian duct of one side to that of the other and from the dorsal side of the cloaca to the allantois. Although existing as a single structure at this stage, it has been formed 180 EDWARD A. BOYDEN by the confluence of three originally separate elements. The first of these to appear is the median diverticulum designated as diverticulum c in the reconstructions shown in plate 3. It arises as early as the beginning of the fourth day and main- tains its identity as a distinct and conspicuous feature of the cloaca as late as the seventh day, at which time it is incorporated in the urodaeal sinus. This structure has been figured in descrip- tions of the avian cloaca as far back, at least, as the work of Bornhaupt (’67). But I question whether its existence as a sepa- rate rounded diverticulum has ever been appreciated. Pomayer, in the Fleischmann series, labeled it “‘Urogenitaltasche” in a sagittal section of a duck, giving it the same designation as the paired urogenital pockets of the snake, Tropidonotus, which are dilated outpocketings on the dorsal wall of the cloaca into which the wolffian ducts empty. A median diverticulum occurs in the same place (as diverticulum c) in the turtle embryos modeled by R. F. Shaner (fig. 3, an. s.), and has been interpreted by that author as the primordium from which the respiratory sacs (bursae anales) of turtles develop. In view of its position between the two wolffian ducts in both chicks and turtles, it seems not improbable that diverticulum c represents the dorsal out- pocketing of the cloaca of reptiles from which the wolffian ducts have shifted in course of their migration to the allantois. The second and third components of the urodaeal sinus arise more or less together. As seen in figures 14 and 6, the wolffian ducts, when they first reach the level of the cloaca, fuse to the cloaca along a broad area extending from the caudal margin to near the allantois (a to c). The fusion at ¢ approximates the primary position of the excretory ducts in lower vertebrates. In consequence, however, of the fusion of the two side walls of the cloaca, beginning with the anal plate, to form the urodaeal membrane, the outlet of the wolffian ducts at c and 6 in figure 6 is suppressed. The broad complemental diverticulum (fig. 6, a) thus becomes the main channel, and in course of develop- ment is enlarged into a wing-like expansion of the cloaca connect- ing the wolffian duct with the neck of the allantois (fig. 16). Meanwhile the segment of the wolffian duct between the orifice THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 181 of the ureter and the cloaca begins to develop irregular enlarge- ments sometimes suggesting diverticula (fig. 17), which eventually result in the widening of that segment. By the eighth day the distended ends of the wolffian ducts have been taken up in the urodaeal sinus as far as the origin of the ureters, the latter ducts in this process rotating from the dorsal to the mesial border of the wolffian duct. From this period on, the original components lose their identity in the sinus. In the adult the depth of this cavity is greatly reduced, the whole forming a shallow transverse segment, the definitive urodaeum, the latter being separated from the coprodaeum by the urorectal fold of Retterer and from the proctodaeum by the uro-anal fold. The position of these folds in the embryo is evident as early as the beginning of the fourth day of incubation. Another interesting feature of the urogenital apparatus which occurs at this time is the constriction of the metanephric pelvis at its lower third into a narrow isthmus (fig. 39). This was fig- ured by Schreiner (’02), who noted its relation to the umbilical arteries. Asis well known, the adult kidney of birdsisconstricted into three lobes. The cause of the upper constriction is yet to be determined; the lower constriction is accounted for by the mechanical obstruction offered by the umbilical arteries. The developing kidneys of the pig, as shown by Lewis and Papez, are similarly caught in the bifurcation of these vessels, but in- stead of becoming notched as in the bird, they escape by moving upward, sometimes, however, being brought so near together as to fuse from side to side, forming a ‘horseshoe kidney.’ In closing this chapter I wish to call attention to the changes which have been taking place in the terminal segment of the intestine. In figures 35 and 40 its lumen is shown to be occluded for some distance, the solid tube thus formed joining the uro- daeal sinus by a thin linear attachment. By the fifteenth day the cavity of the coprodaeum has been reéstablished and consid- erably distended except at the solid linear attachment. This greatly dilated chamber at the end of the intestine (fig. 41, copr.) is unquestionably homologous with the lower end of the rectum of the human foetus, as figured by Johnson (14). 182 EDWARD A. BOYDEN This includes a rectal ampulla passing below into a plicated ‘zona columnaris.’ In the chick embryo it is bounded above by a single transverse plica and below by the urorectal fold already mentioned. Since this ampulla functions as a part of the cloaca in the adult bird, being the chamber in which both fecal matter and urine are retained, it seems better to keep the name copro- daeum, which Gadow applied to the most anterior of the three divisions of the cloaca. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BURSA OF FABRICIUS AND ASSOCIATED DIVERTICULA The primordium of the bursa is usually described as a swelling in the caudal wall of the cloaca, caused by the coalescence of vacuoles arising within the urodaeal membrane during the fifth and sixth days of incubation (figs. 31 and 18, bursa). While modeling earlier stages of the cloaca in relation to the develop- ment of the fenestra, I was much surprised to find that all chick embryos which had been incubated about four days showed a conspicuous diverticulum at the site of the caudal end of the cloacal fenestra, measured by its greatest extent (figs. 24 and 27, a; cf. figs. 16 and 18). The picture was further complicated by the occurrence, in several cases, of a second diverticulum (fig. 24, b), arising as an outpocketing of the cloaca at the site of the cephalic end of the fenestra. Furthermore, diverticulum a, while originally developing as an invagination of the cloaca, soon became solid, then vacuolated, in continuity with the vacuoles in the developing urodaeal membrane (fig. 28, a), and then, by fusion of vacuoles, appeared to develop into the bursa itself (fig. 30, bursa). In view of these facts, it seemed not improbable that diverticulum a represented an earlier and more significant stage in the origin of the bursa than had hitherto been reported— a stage which had been overlooked because the cloaca had never been modeled during this period of its growth. This interpreta- tion, if true, would be of importance as bringing the origin of the organ into line with other derivatives of the gut. For it would show that it originated as an invagination of the entodermal tube, thus removing one more difficulty in the interpretation of an THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 183 organ which has been a bone of contention among anatomists since its discovery by Fabricius. The chief obstacle to this conclusion, however, arose from the examination of a single specimen pictured in figure 29. In this figure diverticulum a seemed farther removed from the anal plate than in other speci- mens, thereby leaving a vacuolated area between it and the anal plate (labeled bursa in the drawing) which might well develop into the bursa of figure 30, there recognized as the definitive bursa by the coalescence of the vacuoles. To solve this difficulty it became necessary to collect a series of graded embryos of other species of birds. Subsequent reconstruction of domestic duck and pheasant embryos left the matter still more confused, as in these forms the diverticula were present and similar to those in the chick, but less pronounced. Finally, an examination of tern embryos, birds some distance removed from the gallina- ceous tribe, brought the desired results. In these forms, as can be seen in figure 36 to 38 and reconstructions of earlier stages, no diverticula are developed at all, and the bursa arises directly from the region adjoining the anal plate, as a thickening of epithelium in continuity with that plate and restricted to the territory lying between it and the site of the caudal intestine (fig. 1). A reexamination of chick embryos in the light of these facts has led to the following conclusions. The bursa of Fabri- cius in the chick begins soon after the rupture of the caudal intestine, as early as the beginning of the fifth day, as a prolif- eration of entodermal epithelium on the caudal border of the cloaca adjoining the anal plate (fig. 26, bursa), but it does not develop from the epithelial elements which originally belonged to the caudal intestine, as maintained by Stieda. As the two walls of the cloaca, beginning at the anal plate, progressively fuse to form the urodaeal membrane, vacuoles appear in the solid plate thus formed (figs. 27, 28, and 29, bursa). Those on the free border adjoining the anal plate coalesce and distend the cloaca, forming the definitive bursa of Fabricius (fig. 30, bursa). Previous to these events, however, a diverticulum may appear at each end of the area marking the site of the cloacal fenestra. The caudal diverticulum (a) is always present in chick embryos, 184 EDWARD A. BOYDEN where it is associated with the bursa of Fabricius (figs. 33 and 34). The other diverticulum (6), when present, becomes associated with the urodaeal sinus (fig. 32, div. c). Both of them are probably to be regarded as irregularities produced at either end of the fenestra by the removal of intervening epithelium. They are present only in those birds which exhibit a fenestra, and are most conspicuous in that species which has the largest fenestra—the domestic fowl. The regularity with which di- verticulum a appears maty be explained by the fact that the posterior end of the fenestra is always larger, and that diverti- culum a, when first formed, arises from the prominence to which the primitive streak of earlier stages was attached (cf. figs. 21 and 23). The later stages of development, which have been partly described by previous authors on the basis of sagittal sections, are shown in figures 34 and 39, 35 and 40, and 41. These models illustrate the development of the bursa up to the period of his- tological differentiation. The successive steps leading to this period are: 1) the continued outgrowth of the bursa and sim- ultaneous enlargement of its cavity through further coalescence of vacuoles; 2) the projection of the anal sinus (proctodaeum) in a ventrodorsal direction across the flanks of the urodaeum on its way to connect with the bursa (cf. figs. 18 and 39); 3) the breaking through of the thin plate separating the cavity of the bursa from the proctodaeum (ef. figs. 34 and 35), and, lastly (fig. 41), the differentiation into three parts of the passage-way thus made continuous from anus to the end of the bursa. At this stage (eleventh day) this passage-way is still separated from the rest of the cloaca by the urodaeal membrane, which does not rupture until after the seventeenth day (Gasser). As seen in figure 41, the first of its three parts, the proctodaeum of ecto- dermal origin, has assumed the shape of a compressed chamber with broad flange-like expansions. By the fifteenth day ecto- dermal glands have begun to differentiate around its circumfer- ence. The second and third parts, of entodermal origin, have developed, respectively, into a short bursal stalk and a greatly expanded but plicated sac, the bursa itself (fig. 41). The cavity ae ae eee Db wo ek THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 185 of the latter is subdivided by longitudinal plicae into eleven (or twelve) grooved chambers. A cross-section of the bursa during the fifteenth day (fig. 12) shows that in the interval be- tween the eleventh and fifteenth days some of the primary plicae have cleft the central cavity deeper than others, so that the eleven primary cavities have become tributary to six or seven secondary channels, opening into the main cavity after the manner that minor and major calyces open into the pelvis of the kidney. Fig.12 Transverse section of a model of a 55-mm. chick embryo, H.E.C. 1968:14 daysand5 hours. X 28. bl. v., blood vessel; cav., cavity of bursa; cor., cortex of follicle, derived from tunica propria; med., medulla of follicle, derived from epithelium; musc., muscularis; ¢t. p., tunica propria. Histogenesis begins with the appearance of the primary plicae and ends in the formation of spherical masses of lymphoid tissue (the ‘follicles’ of Stannius). Each follicle consists of a cortex and a medulla, the medullae or cores of the follicles (the ‘¥olli- kelkeime’ of Stieda) being the first to appear. These grow out into the tunica propria as solid buds of epithelium which soon become clothed peripherally with a cortical layer derived from the subjacent connective tissue (fig. 12, cor. and med.). In the course of development the follicles grow larger and larger until they meet, the resulting pressure molding them into a polyhedral shape. The walls of the bursa thus become greatly thickened, resembling somewhat in gross appearance the walls 186 EDWARD A. BOYDEN of the proventriculus (glandular stomach of birds) to which the bursa was compared in 1829 by Berthold. In the region next to the stalk, according to Schumacher (’03), the follicles are neither so thick nor so sharply limited, but look more like a diffuse infiltration of tunica propria with lymphocytes. To these finger-like processes, which in my model of the fourteen-day chick are restricted to the dorsal wall of the bursa where it joins the stalk, Schumacher has applied the term mucosal villi. The nature of the epithelial transformation has received several interpretations. Wenckebach (’88) and Schumacher (’03) main- tain that the entodermal epithelium constituting the medulla of each follicle is differentiated directly into lymphoid tissue, and that this process is followed by a differentiation of the mesenchy- mal cortex into a similar tissue, the border-line between the two layers becoming ill-defined in later stages. Retterer, in his latest paper (713), extends the activity of the epithelium still further, stating that ‘‘the cortex of the follicles of the bursa is likewise of epithelial origin.”” The most comprehensive account, however, is that of Jolly (15), who based his conclusions not merely upon histogenesis, but also upon the involution of the organ (both natural and induced) and upon examination of tissues in vitro. Beginning with the eleventh day of incubation, he finds numerous amoeboid cells, formed directly from the mesenchymal network, accumulating in the vicinity of the epithe- lial buds. These they soon invade, the most active phase of penetration occurring between the fourteenth and eighteenth days. Although at first the epithelial cells give way to the new arrivals, by becoming detached from one another and in some cases by even degenerating, the majority of them, he maintains, enter upon a symbiotic relation with the invaders by means of which both cell strains continue to divide actively, the amoeboid cells giving rise to large numbers of small lymphocytes, the epithelial cells forming a reticular network within which the lymphocytes reside. Simultaneously the cortex becomes differ- entiated into a highly vascularized lymphoid tissue. In involution the order of events is reversed; the lymphocytes in the medulla die and the epithelial cells close their ranks, tend- THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 187 ing to reconstitute themselves into a compact epithelial bud— a process which Jolly has compared to the production of Hassal’s corpuscles in the thymus. As involution continues the follicles separate from the epithelium and become replaced by fibrous tissue, the whole process taking place progressively from apex to base of the bursa in such a way that a gradual but rapid dimi- nution of volume and weight ensues. During the eighth month the bursa loses all possibility of functioning, and in the course of the next two months becomes reduced to a thin-walled cyst, still opening into the cloaca at its posterior end, but so completely fused to the aponeurosis of the rectum that it can be detected only by careful dissection. In this condition it may persist until old age. Only in the Ratitae, according to Forbes, does it remain as an undiminished organ throughout life where, by virtue of its broad opening into the proctodaeum, it becomes a repository for the urine. In these birds, according to Gadow, micturition and defecation are separate processes, whereas in most other birds the urine backs up into the coprodaeum and there mixes with the faeces until evacuated. The following table, arranged from data submitted by Jolly, is introduced to summarize the growth and involution of the bursa in the fowl: Ane Length Weight mm. grams 5B Gi 3) LSU ae eae Ue ek Sailer Re A ga a 5 0.05 Ilse Wael. sine can Sata Pek REET Ee io eeD ree ea ie 10 0.50 2A WYNN Des SOS hae SSE ROLE See e eT TLE 15-18 0.50-1.0 SHoT COVE AN ANSE ets 485 oe Spe ca oe as tL EG ae ee OR VT 20-25 1 6 MERILOREUHS Meee ee ee ee ees eae ine § 30 3.0 (gn of body) A AN OIG Se Ee ENS eee ch ie Sea 2.51 OEM On Hs ey 5. cieypaeeryseneitus sires Set titerons Tete tate ooh 0.97 GET OMG S secs cee eS ts aie ote oto es eee rors 0.22 Fy SEUCG TTI IE stag Utes A pt SR a iE 10-20 0.26 Lem On hh ewes s wae GPA eokede fo eles fh ee ees 0.12 The function of the bursa has never been satisfactorily ex- plained. Jolly’s description of the haematopoietic foci of the bursa, from which he derives not merely lymphocytes, but also red corpuscles and granular leucocytes, has added something to our knowledge of its activity, but, as he well recognized, this 188 EDWARD A. BOYDEN function is not peculiar to the bursa, but is an attribute common to the mesenchyma of certain other organs. He does, however, propose a specific function when he suggests that the bursa contributes substances to the organism which bear a causal re- lation to the inception of sexual maturity. He bases this theory on two facts: 1) that the maximum development of the bursa is attained at the time when spermatogenesis is just getting under way; 2) that involution of the bursa corresponds exactly with the appearance of sexual maturity, as measured by the sudden in- crease of testicular weight and the appearance of ripe sperma- tozoa. Before accepting this theory, however, one would like to know to what extent the precocious involution, which Jolly produced in the bursa by means of the x-ray, affected the differ- entiation of the testis. ‘That some such line of experimentation as this would be profitable seems almost certain when we consider the history of such organs as the thymus. For it is far from in- conceivable that the bursa may also be a glandular organ in process of transformation into an endocrine gland, if it has not already arrived at that estate. The phylogenetic interpretation of the bursa is equally obscure. An extensive number of investigators distributed over three centuries have tried to solve this problem and during this period have proposed numerous hypotheses, all of which have been . rejected (see Retterer, 13 b, for list). Forbes, after examining the bursae of over ninety species of birds and covering the litera- ture, came to the conclusion that the bursa was a glandular outgrowth of birds sui generis. Wenckebach limited the problem by establishing the entodermal origin of the bursa, thus making obligatory the origin of homologous structures (with which it is to be compared) from the dorsal wall of the vertebrate cloaca. Its origin has been still further limited by this paper to the area between the cloacal end of the caudal intestine and the anal plate. These limitations render untenable the hypothesis put forth by Stieda (80) that ‘“‘the bursa develops from the epithelial elements which originally belong to the caudal intestine.” Equal- ly untenable is the modification of this theory, presented by a THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 189 Fleischmann (’02).6 Recently Stieda’s point of view has been revived again, this time by Jolly (15), who has made it a basis for the theory that the bursa represents a recrudescence of the cloacal end of the ruptured caudal intestine. “The first anlage of the bursa,” he writes in his conclusion,” occupies exactly the situation of the post-anal intestine and it is orientated like it; it may be said, even, that the anlage blends with what remains of the post-anal intestine. One may consider that the bursa represents the remainder of the caudal intestine which rises up again posteriorly and, turned toward the head, undergoes a further development under the form of a true cloacal caecum, in the walls of which lymphoid tissue develops.”’ In refutation of this.theory, new evidence, presented in the first section of this paper, shows that the entire region of junction between caudal intestine and cloaca, together with the adjacent wall of the latter, has been removed by the process which forms the cloacal fenestra. There is, therefore, nothing left of this end of the caudal intestine which Jolly assumes to be present and which he describes as growing out, in an unusual direction, to form the bursa. Furthermore, even after the closure of the fenestra, the bursa does not arise at the site of the former caudal intestine, but on the anal side of it, beyond diverticulum a (figs. 25 to 33). Another theory, presented during the last ten years, is that of Osawa (711), who has revived the hypothesis of Martin St. Ange (56). He believes that the bursa is homologous with the pros- tate gland even though the latter is well developed in the male only. Osawa bases his conclusions on the ground that the “‘ bursa occupies the place where the ureter and ductus deferens dis- charge themselves, and its follicles are laid out after the manner of glands.” In refutation of this view, it may be stated that the § In a foot-note to his paper (p. 58) Fleischmann suggests that ‘‘the caudal process of the primitive urodaeum of mammals, which now bears the perplexing name caudal intestine, is comparable morphogenetically with the bursa of Fabri- cius.”’ This conjecture has recently called forth the following rejoinder from Keibel (’21): ‘‘The caudal intestine of birds has not the slightest thing to do with the bursa of Fabricius.”’ 190 EDWARD A. BOYDEN point of origin of the group of glandular outgrowths that con- stitute the prostate gland is rather remote, embryologically, from that of the bursa; also that the prostate develops much later and is radically different in its histological nature. Physi- ologically it becomes functional with sexual maturity, at the time when, as Jolly has shown, the bursa degenerates. The only other vertebrate structures thus far proposed, which in any way meet the requirements of the homology, are the anal sacs (bursae anales) of turtles. Gadow, in the Cambridge Natural History Series, 1909, describes these organs in the adult as highly vascularized, thin-walled sacs which are incessantly filled and emptied with water through the vent, and act as im- portant respiratory organs. Forbes, in. 1877, objected to the comparison of these sacs with the bursa of Fabricius on the ground that they were paired, lateral structures. Wenckebach also saw this objection, but considered that the anal sacs were the only diverticula which in any way could be compared in point of origin with the bursa, and, in view of the almost total ignorance regarding the embryology of the sacs, held that the objections to the comparison should not be conclusive. During the last year a graded series of models of the turtle cloaca have been made in this laboratory by R. F. Shaner as a part of an anatomi- cal study of the 9.5-mm. Chrysemys embryo. As a result of this study he is of the opinion that the anal sacs arise from a single median diverticulum (fig. 3, an. s.).. Through the courtesy of Doctor Shaner, I have had the pleasure of studying the models upon which his paper is based and concur in his opinion. Another feature which at first seemed to favor the comparison between the bursa and the anal sacs is the striking similarity of the proc- ess by means of which the outlet of each diverticulum is taken over by the proctodaeum. In each case lateral expansions of the proctodaeum (fig. 39) grow down across the flanks of the cloaca until they establish communication with either the bursa or the anal sacs. But the description of the saurian cloacas in the Fleischmann series seems to indicate that this invasion of some point of the urodaeum by the lateral proctadaeal in- vagination is not restricted to reptiles equipped with anal sacs, THE CLOACA IN BIRDS 191 but occurs in most other reptiles. Another objection to this homology is based upon the fact that the anal sacs arise on the cephalic rather than on the anal side of the caudal intestine. They are thus more nearly comparable to diverticulum c, which unquestionably represents the urodaeal Kammer or dorsal bladder of the saurian cloaca, than to the bursa of Fabricius. In Unterhéssel’s account of the saurian cloaca another divertic- ulum is represented which, as a possible homologue of the bursa, seems much more promising. This is an invagination of the dorsal wall of the cloaca, defined by Unterhdssel as lying at the junction of the urodaeum and the proctodaeum. It is figured in models of late embryonic stages of three different species, and would seem to be a modification of the same structures. The first is a vaulted portion of the roof of the urodaeum of the lizard Platydactylus guttatus (Taf. VIII, fig. 1, st). The second is a comb-shaped diverticulum occupying the. same position in the cloaca of the snake Anguis fragilis (Taf. VIII, fig. 2, not labeled). The third consists of a pair of dorsal diverticula lying behind the urodaeal chamber and described as outpocketings of the proctodaeum in the snake Tropidonotus natrix (Taf. VIII, fig. 4, s). But it will be remembered that the bursa for a long time was described as an outgrowth of the proctodaeum, and the author in this case admits the lack of younger stages. From an examination of the account of the saurian cloaca I am con- vinced that the key to the homology of the bursa of Fabricius lies in the study of the reptilian cloaca, and am optimistic enough to believe that such a careful study of the younger stages of the reptile cloaca as Fleischmann and his students have made of older stages will bring the desired results. The comparison which Schumaker has lately made with the tonsiloid tissue dis- covered by Keibel in the cloaca of the mammal Echidna does not seem to meet the problem. At best it can only be considered a vestige of a reptilian prototype, and to reptiles we must again direct our attention for interpretation of the bursa of Fabricius. 192 EDWARD A. BOYDEN SUMMARY This paper represents a review of the development of the cloaca in bird embryos from the third to the fifteenth day of incubation. It is based on the study of a large number of chick embryos supplemented by observations on three other species of birds. The most striking feature to be recorded is the regular occurrence of a temporary fenestra in the wall. of the cloaca, caused by the disintegration of a definitely localized area of epithelium and its subsequent removal by phagocytes, following which the contents of the cloaca are left in contact with the mesenchyma for a period of nearly twenty-four hours. It is of interest not merely because it furnishes the only instance in the differentiation of a hollow organ in which a gap occurs in the epithelial wall as a normal and constant feature of develop- ment, but also because it enables us, by virtue of the landmarks it establishes, to determine for the first time the exact point of origin of the bursa of Fabricius. The second part of this paper deals with the formation of a temporary sinus, placed athwart the main axis of the cloaca, which sinus has been interpreted as a repetition of the dorsal bladder of reptiles. This section also deals with some interesting anomalies growing out of the attachment of the wolffian ducts to the cloaca. A third feature of interest is the regular occurrence in chick embryos of an accessory bursal diverticulum (div. a), probably arising from the irregularities consequent upon the formation of the cloacal fenestra. By means of this diverticulum it has been possible to define the primordium of the bursa more accurately than has hitherto been done and therefore to offer new suggestions regarding its phylogenetic origin. LITERATURE CITED BornuaAvurpt, THropor 1867 Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Urogenitalsystems beim Hiihnchen. Riga. Boypren, Epwarp A. 1918 Vestigial gill-filaments in chick embryos with a note on similar structures in reptiles. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 23, pp. 205-236. De Graar, R. 1668 De mulierum organis generationi inservientibus. Lugd. Batav., vol. 8, p.317. See Taf. 17, Fig. K. 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KEIBEL, Franz 1902 Zur Anatomie des Urogenitalkanals der Echidna aculeata var. typica. Anat. Anz., Bd. 22, S. 301. 1921 Der Schwanzdarm und die Bursa Fabricii bei Vogelembryonen. Anat. Anz., Bd. 54, S. 301-303. LEwIs AND Parez 1914 Anat. Rec., vol. 9, p. 105. Leypia 1857 Lehrbuch der Histologie, S. 321. Frankfurt am Main. Minot, C.8. 1900 On the solid stage of the large intestine in the chick. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, pp. 153-164. Osawa, GAKuTARO 1911 Ueber die Bursa Fabricii der Végel. Mitt. aus den Med. Fak. der Kais. Jap. Univ. zu Tokyo, Bd. 9, 8S. 299-341. PomAYER, Cart 1902 III. Die Vogel. In Fleischmann’s Kloake und Phallus, S. 78-116. RertTerer, E. 1885 Contributions a l’etude du cloaque et de la bourse de Fabricius chez des oiseaux. Journ. de l’anat. et la phys., T. 21, p. 369. 1913 a Nouvelles recherches sur la bourse de Fabricius. C. R. de la Soc. de Biol., 25 janvier, T. 74, p. 182. 1913 b Homologies de la bourse de Fabricius. C. R. de la Soc.de Biol., 22 février, T. 74, no. 8, p. 382. ScHrEINER, K.E. 1902 Ueber die Entwickelung der Amniotenniere. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 71, S. 66. ScHUMACHER, SIEGMUND 1903 Ueber die Entwicklung und den Bau der Bursa Fabricii. Sitzber. d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, Bd. 112, Abt. III, S. 163. Strepa, Lupwiag 1880 Ueber den Bau und die Entwickelung der Bursa Fabricii. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 34, S. 296-309. UnrTERHOSSEL, Paun 1902 I. Die Eidechsen und Schlangen, 8. 545. In Fieischmann’s Kloake und Phallus. Wencxesacu, K. F. 1888 De Ontwikkeling en de Bouw der Bursa Fabricil. Proefschrift. Leiden. 1896 Die Follikel der Bursa Fabricii. Anat. Anz., Bd. 11, 8. 159. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, NO. 2 PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Models illustrating the formation of a cloacal fenestra and the early develop- ment of the cloaca in chick embryos. All figures are drawn to the same scale (magnification, X 50). H. F. Aitken, del. (plates 1 and 4). 13 H. E. C. 2071: 2 days, 18 hours (ef. with text fig. 5, a sagittal reconstruc- tion of the same embryo). In passing across the picture from left to right at its upper level the organs are encountered in the following order: medullary tube, notochord, caudal intestine, primitive-streak mass, proctodaeum, allantois, rectum, dorsal aortae. This stage shows the persistence of a mass of primitive- streak tissue in the angle between the cloaca and caudal intestine; the mergence of four structures (medullary tube, notochord, caudal intestine, and anterior half of primitive-streak remnant) with the indifferent tail-bud mass; a cireclet of five or six complemental diverticula around the unattached terminal portion of the W. D.; a larger complemental diverticulum opposite its shaft; and the isolated foramina (in the back wall of the cloaca and adjacent portion of the caudal intes- tine) which mark the first step in the disintegration of the cloacal wall and the formation of a fenestra. 14 and 15 H.E.C. 1958: 3 days, 6 hours; 8 mm. (ef. with fig. 22, a sagittal reconstruction of the same embryo). At the left of figure 13 are the remnants of the caudal intestine and primitive streak, each detached from the cloaca by a process of disintegration. The dash line indicates that portion of the cavity of the cloaca which has been denuded of epithelium. It is bounded by mesenchyma only, and indicates the maximum extent of the cloacal fenestra, shown to better advantage from below in figure 15. At the cephalic end of the fenestra in both figures is an aberrant diverticulum probably derived from one of the comple- mental diverticula shown in figure 12. 16 H.E.C.1942:4 days, 3 hours; 10.5mm. (ef. with fig. 27, a sagittal recon- struction of the same embryo). Note diverticula lettered a and ¢ in fig. 26, together with accompanying legend. : 17 H.E.C. 2097: 4 days, 3 hours; 10.5 mm. (cf. with fig. 28, a sagittal recon- struction of the same embryo). Note accessory diverticulum lettered b in figure 27. 18 H.E.C. 1951: 5 days, 13 mm. (ef. with fig. 31, a sagittal reconstruction of the same embryo). Note the swelling (bursa of Fabricius) caused by coalescence of vacuoles at the bottom of the cloaca; the distended cavity of the urodaeum connecting allantois and excretory ducts; the flattened and occluded area between the urodaeum and bursa (urodaeal membrane); the down-growing proctodaeum astride the cloacal membrane, reaching out to connect with the bursa; the con- striction in the metanephric pelvis marking the future division between the second and third lobes of the adult kidney (ef. with fig. 39). 194 THE CLOACA IN BIRDS PLATE 1 EDWARD A. BOYDEN y [ r ——— =. ‘ slieess : —. ————~ PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Projection-lantern drawings of microscopic sections through the cloacal fenestra of chick embryos, drawn to the same scale (magnification, X 340). 19 H.E.C. 512 (section 121): 2 days, 20 hours? Obliquely-transverse section passing through cloaca at right angles to the long axis of the fenestra (ef. with imaginary line connecting letters y and all. in text fig.5). Note bilaterally sym- metrical gaps in cloacal wall; the concentration of mesenchyma around the gaps; the isolated floor of the cloaca, with necrotic cells on margin; the phagocytes in the cavity and the pyenotie nuclei in the epithelium bordering the gap. 20 H.E.C. 2057 (section 736): 3 days, 4 hours; 6.8 mm. Section through fenestra during period of maximum extent (cf. embryos shown in figs. 14, 15 and 22). Note complete resorption of disintegrating epithelium shown in pre- ceding figure, the rounded epithelial margins which fail to regenerate, the flat- tening out of the mesenchyma bordering exposed cavity. 21 H.E.C. 2124 (section 749): 3 days, 18 hours; 8.5 mm. Last stage before closure showing section through fenestra reduced to small slit (same age as embryos shown in figs. 23 and 24). Note approximation of two side walls, the complete absence of regeneration along epithelial margins. 196 THEZCLOACA IN BIRDS PLATE 2 EDWARD A. BOYDEN 197 PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Graphic reconstructions of the cloaca of bird embryos drawn to the same scale (magnification, X 35). Dash lines indicate cavity; dotted lines, vacuoles. This plate represents chiefly a quantitative study of chick embryos made to demon- strate the origin of the bursa of Fabricius together with the identity and sig- nificance of a series of diverticula occurring on the back wall of the cloaca between the anal plate and the rectum. Diverticulum a represents an accessory diver- ticulum, arising from the caudal angle of the cloacal fenestra, which regularly becomes appended to the bursa of Fabricius; b represents an accessory diver- ticulum, only occasionally present, which arises from the cephalic angle of the cloacal fenestra and which becomes associated with the urodaeal sinus; ¢ repre- sents a diverticulum which regularly forms the medial component of the uro- daeal sinus. 22 Chick embryo, H.E.C.1953. 3 days, 6 hours, 8.0 mm. 23 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2120. 3 days, 18 hours, 9.2 mm. 24 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2126. 3 days, 18 hours, 9.5 mm. 25 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2058. 4 days, 4 hours, 11.0 mm. 26 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2098. 4 days, 3 hours, 10.0 mm. 27 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 1942. 4 days, 3 hours, 10.5 mm. 28 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2097. 4 days, 3 hours, 10.5 mm. 29 Chick embryo, H.B.C. 2100. 4 days, 22 hours, 13.0 mm. 30 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 1943. 4 days, 3 hours, 12.0 mm. 31 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 1951. 5 days, 0 hours, 13.0 mm. 32 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2059. 4 days, 23 hours, 14.0 mm. 33 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2074. 5 days, 23 hours, 15.0 mm. 34 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 2076. 6 days, 7 hours, 17.3 mm. 35 Chick embryo, H.E.C. 1962. 8 days, 1 hours, 21.5 mm. 386 Sterna hirundo (common tern) H.E.C. 2169. 8.0 mm. 37 Sterna hirundo (common tern) H.E.C. 2115. 10.4 mm. 38 Sterna hirundo (common tern) H.E.C. 2173. 13.4 mm. ABBREVIATIONS all., allantois Mull., Miillerian duct an., anus pelv., pelvis of kidney an. pl., cloacal membrane (anal plate) —_phal., phallus bursa, bursa cloacae (of Fabricius) proct., proctodaeum cauda, inner curvature of tail ps. v., ventral half of primitive streak cau. A., caudal artery rect., ampulla recti (coprodaeum) c.7., caudal intestine umb. A., umbilical artery copr., coprodaeum (ampulla recti) ur., ureter d., accessory rectal diverticulum urod., urodaeum div., complementary diverticula ur. m., urodaeal membrane fen., cloacal fenestra W. D., Wolffian duct 198 THE CLOACA IN BIRDS PLATE 3 EDWARD A. BOYDEN PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 39 Model of chick embryo, H.E.C. 1945: 5 days, 15 hours; 15 mm. X 37. Showing especially the bladder-like enlargement of the allantois in the intra- embryonic body cavity, the lateral invaginations of the proctodaeum to meet the bursa of Fabricius (proct.), and the constriction of the metanephric pelvis into two parts by the umbilical artery. 40 Model of chick embryo, H.E.C. 1962: 8 days, 1 hour; 21.5 mm. X 87. Note the occluded rectum, the prominent urodaeal sinus (wrod.), and the elongating bursa. 41 Model of chick embryo, H.E.C. 1967:11 days;31mm. X21. Note differ- entiation of bursa into stalk and plicated gland, also division of cloaca into the three transverse parts characteristic of the adult: proctodaeum (ectodermal origin); urodacum, cloaca proper, receiving urogenital ducts; and the copro- daeum, rectal ampulla, with its ‘zona columnaris.’ 200 THE CLOACA IN BIRDS PLATE 4 EDWARD A. BOYDEN Resumen por el autor, Ivan E. Wallin. Sobre la naturaleza de las mitocondrias. I. Observaciones sobre los métodos de tefido de las mitocondrias aplicados a las bacterias. E] autor ha tefido bacterias mediante los métodos mas emplea- dos para el tenido de las mitocondrias, especialmente el verde janus. ‘Todos los métodos procados tinen las bacterias. Los métodos para el tefiido de las mitocondrias, incluso el de colora- cién vital mediante el verde janus, no son especificos para las mitocondrias sino que tinen también bien las bacterias. II. Reacciones de las bacterias a los tratamientos quimicos. El objeto de estos experimentos ha sido buscar una diferencia fundamental en el comportamiento de las bacterias y las mito- condrias bajo la accién de ciertos agentes quimicos empleados para determinar la naturaleza quimica de las mitocondrias. El autor no ha encontrado diferencia , fundamental alguna en _ estas reacciones. Translation by José F. Nonidez Cornell Medical College, New York AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, FEBRUARY 27 ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA I, OBSERVATIONS ON MITOCHONDRIA STAINING METHODS APPLIED TO BACTERIA II. REACTIONS OF BACTERIA TO CHEMICAL TREATMENT IVAN E. WALLIN Department of Anatomy and the Henry S. Denison Research Laboratories, University of Colorado, Boulder ONE PLATE (NINE FIGURES) INTRODUCTION The publication of Altmann’s ‘Bioblast theory’ (’90) stimulated a new interest in the investigation of cytoplasm. The minute bodies observed by Altmann in the cytoplasm were thought by him to be the ultimate units of life, and the cytoplasm itself was considered a more or less passive and lifeless substance. This conception of cytoplasm and the contained bodies or granules has received no support from recent investigators. The bodies in question have come to be considered normal cytoplasmic organs by most investigators. They have been described by a great number of authors under various names. More recently the term ‘mitochondria,’ first used by Benda (’98), has come into general usage. Following the pioneer work of Flemming (’82), Altmann (’90), and Benda (’98), a massive literature on mitochondria has ac- cumulated. This literature has dealt chiefly with the presence or absence of mitochondria in the various types of cells in both plants and animals. Cowdry (’18) has given an exhaustive re- view of mitochondrial literature and has summed up the total of our knowledge of mitochondria. It is quite apparent, from a perusal of Cowdry’s excellent review, that we have an exceedingly limited knowledge concern- 203 204. IVAN E. WALLIN ing the fundamental properties of mitochondria. Attempts have been made to investigate their physiological properties, but aside from a possible relationship to chloroplast formation in plants, nothing definite, apparently, has been established con- cerning their function. Regarding the chemistry of mitochondria investigators generally agree that they are of the nature of phos- pholipins and lipoids and perhaps contain some albumin. The theory of their chemical nature is based on their reactions to staining methods and various chemicals. ‘Artificial mitochon- dria’ were produced by Léwschen (713) by the use of lecithin in different salt and albumin solutions. Considerable study has been given to the morphology of mitochondria. The result of this type of work has led to the conclusion by Cowdry (18) and others that the form of mito- chondria is variable and after all of little importance. Two forms of mitochondria predominate, namely, rod-shaped and globular forms. Besides these two predominating types various irregular forms may be found. An important consideration in the demonstration of mito- chondria is the technique. This technique warns to the exclusion, in the chemicals employed, of various solvents of mitochondria, chief of which are ether, alcohol, and acetic acid. It has not been claimed for the majority of mitochondria staining methods that they are specific for mitochondria. This ‘specificity,’ ap- parently, has reference to other materials in the cell. However, it must be assumed that these methods, if they are to be of value, must have a relative specificity for mitochondria. The janus green vital staining method has been definitely placed in a class of specific stains for mitochondria by Cowdry (18, p. 48). The striking resemblance of mitochondria to bacteria is ap- parent to all who are familiar with the two groups of structures. This resemblance has been noted by various authors and has led Cowdry to suggest a division of mitochondrial literature into two periods: an older literature in which mitochondria were observed in cells and mistaken for bacteria and a newer literature in which they have been observed and recorded under various names. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 205 The chief methods employed in cytological studies are based on the reactions of stains and chemicals on protoplasm. In many cases a differentiation between cells and cell structures is demon- strated solely by staining reactions. While such methods may be criticized on account of the absence of a definitely indicated specificity, their value cannot be denied, especially in cases where the difference is pronounced. It is fair to demand when struc- tures bear so close a resemblance to each other as mitochondria do to bacteria that some method must be employed that will differentiate between the two if they are to be considered distinct structures. Cowdry (18 p. 72) says: ‘‘It occasionally happens that tissues prepared for mitochondria have been invaded by bacteria, in which case the bacteria stain just like the mitochondria by the Benda method, with iron hematoxylin and with fuchsin methyl green. I have found that large bacilli contain granules which stain intensely and apparently specifically with janus green. They resemble in distribution the so-called polar granules. Smaller forms often stain diffusely.’ It is not clear from this statement whether Cowdry means to limit this staining reac- tion of bacteria to those forms that have invaded cells or if he implies that bacterial smears fixed and stained by mitochondrial methods will give the same results. In another place, Cowdry (18, p. 135), referring to mitochondria, says: ‘Fortunately, they may be easily distinguished from bacteria by their staining reactions (particularly to janus green), by their occurrence in almost all cells, by their behavior and by their lack of independent motility.” This latter statement would appear to imply that all bacteria possess independent motility. This would be contrary to estab- lished fact in bacteriology. Just what ‘behavior’ of bacteria is specifically characteristic is not indicated by Cowdry. Concerning the staining reaction of bacteria to Janus green, I cannot agree with Cowdry that ‘‘mitochondria are easily dis- tinguished from bacteria’”’ by this staining method. The practically universal occurrence of mitochondria in plant and animal cells points to a fundamental property of these struc- 206 IVAN E. WALLIN tures. Their nature remains as much a puzzle to-day as when they were first discovered. It is with a desire to point out certain similarities between mitochondria and bacteria besides the similarity of form as well as seek a specific differentiation be- tween the two structures that these studies have been undertaken, MATERIAL AND METHODS The materials used in this investigation have included a large number of strains of bacteria, some from known pure cultures and others from various mixed infections. The mixed specimens were obtained from sputum from hospital patients, pus centrifuged from urine, pus from a carbuncle, cultures made from the in- testinal contents of rabbits and kittens, cultures made from lymph nodes, and from various other sources. The staining methods employed were: Bensley’s acid fuchsin methyl green method, Schridde’s modification of Altmann’s method, Benda’s crystal violet method, the copper hematoxylin method and the vital janus green method. In the second part of this study a number of strains of bacteria were subjected to the action of alcohol, ether, chloroform, acetic acid, formaldehyde, potassium bichromate, osmic acid, and heat. The object of these experiments was not to determine the exact nature of the response of the organisms to these chemicals and heat, but to determine the effect on the staining reaction of the bacteria after such treatment. In every case controls were stained with the same stain used on the experimental prepara- tions. The janus green used in the vital staming was one of two lots that were kindly donated to the author by Professors Bensley and KE, V. Cowdry. This opportunity is taken to express ap- preciation for this helpful courtesy. Viable cultures of human and bovine tubercle bacilli were supplied by Dr. Harry Gauss, of the National Jewish Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Denver. I am especially indebted to my colleague Dr. Severance Bur- rage, of the Department of Pathology, for valuable assistance and suggestions in this work and also for generous use of bac- terial cultures in his laboratory. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 207 I. OBSERVATIONS ON MITOCHONDRIA STAINING METHODS APPLIED TO BACTERIA In the following staining methods in which a fixation preceded the staining, smears were made in the usual way on the slide. Before the smears had time to dry they were immersed in the fixatives of the different methods and later treated according to the procedure for the particular method. In a few instances bacteria were centrifuged, fixed en masse, embedded, and sec- tioned. The procedure in the janus green vital staining followed the method used by Cowdry (714) for blood cells. a. Bensley’s acid fuchsin methyl green method This method was used according to the directions given by Bensley (11). It was found that the time for both fixation and staining could be shortened considerably with excellent results, obviously due to the more rapid penetration in the bacterial smears. In a number of instances the method was altered with a modified Flemming’s fixation. This modified fixative consisted of osmic and chromic acids in the following proportions: 4 cc. 2 per cent aqueous solution of esmic acid and 6 cc. 1 per cent aqueous solution of chromic acid. This modification appeared to give a more rapid fixation and also good staining results with bacterial smears. Besides a large number of unknown bacteria, the followmg strains were subjected to this method: human and bovine tubercle bacilli, Bacillus coli communis, Bacillus bulgaricus, Bacillus meg- atherium, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Staphylococcus albus, and a pneumococcus. In every case where this method was used the bacteria were well stained. In the majority of cases they were sharply stained. b. Schridde’s modification of Altmann’s method This method was used only to the extent of determining a positive staining in a few cases. The same difficulty experienced in demonstrating mitochondria with this method was experienced 208 IVAN E. WALLIN with bacteria. Bacillus bulgaricus, Bacillus coli, and Staphylo- coccus pyogenes aureus were definitely stained by this method. c. Benda’s crystal violet method A fairly large number of known and unknown bacteria were subjected to this method. - Bacteria responded to this method just as mitochondria do. It gave the sharpest differentiation of bacteria obtained in any case where mitochondrial methods were used. Compared with Gram’s stain, for example, on sputum smears, it gave a sharper differentiation. Here, also, it was found that the time for fixation and mordanting may be reduced considerably. d. Copper hematoxylin method This method was applied to only a few strains of bacteria. In some cases the staining of the bacteria was quite faint. This was particularly true after fixation with Zenker and the formalin- Mueller used with the Altmann-Schridde method. After Bens- ley’s and the modified Flemming fixations the bacteria were stained very sharply by the copper hematoxylin method. e. Janus green vital staining method This method was used as prescribed by Cowdry (14) in a 1:10,000 dilution in physiological salt solution. The dye was first tested by applying it to lymphocytes from a lymph node of the rabbit. It was found to stain the mitochondria of the lymphocytes as described by Cowdry. The following results will serve to indicate the staining re- action on bacteria: 1. Human bacillus tuberculosis, viable strain. The bacilli stained rather faintly, the granular forms were easily recognized on account of the more intense staining of the granules. Ob- served ten hours after the preparation was made, the bacilli ap- peared to be stained slightly deeper. 2. Bovine bacillus tuberculosis, viable strain. The bacilli stained perhaps a little fainter than the human strain. Observed ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 209 three hours after the preparation was made, the bacilli did not appear to have absorbed any more of the dye. 3. Bacillus subtilis. A few moments after the preparations were made, deeply stained granules could be observed in the bacilli, while the cytoplasm of the bacilli was very faintly stained. In some bacilli the granules were very small, in others they were quite large. Figures 1 to 3 are camera-lucida drawings of some bacilli from these preparations after different lengths of time in staining. 4. Bacillus megatherium. The preparations contained a great number of spores besides the bacilli. The spores appeared to be tinted by the dye. The staining reaction of the bacilli varied in different preparations, apparently depending upon the age of the culture. In some eases the cytoplasm was distinctly stained, while in other cases it was not stained, but contained intensely stained granules. Figures 4 to 6 represent camera-lucida draw- ings of bacilli from various cultures with different lengths of staining time. In one preparation the cytoplasm was quite intensely stained immediately after application of the dye. When it was examined three hours later, the majority of the bacilli had swelled to about three times the normal size and contained very large intensely stained granules. A drawing was not made of this preparation and I have been unable to get the same re- sults again. 5. Unknown bacilli and cocci from a mixed culture. Both the bacilli and cocci were intensely stained immediately after preparation was made. There were a number of bacilli that were unstained. Obviously, it could not be determined in the preparation if they belonged to the same strain that did absorb the dye. Observed ten hours after the preparations were made, a number of the bacilli were swollen and contained large intensely stained granules, other bacilli were unstained. 6. Unknown bacilli and spores, apparently a pure culture, made from the intestinal contents of a rabbit. The bacilli were intensely stained immediately after the dye was applied. The spores appeared to be tinted by the dye. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, NO. 2 210 IVAN E. WALLIN 7. Unknown bacilli and spores, apparently a pure culture made from the intestinal contents of a five-day-old kitten. The bacilli were moderately stained, no granules apparent. The spores did not appear to have absorbed any of the dye. 8. Unknown cocci, culture made from a human throat swab. The cocci were moderately stained, no granules apparent. 9. Unknown bacilli, culture made from a lymph node of a rabbit. Apparently not a pure culture. Some bacilli stained faintly, others quite intensely. Some large bacilli that were faintly stained contained intensely stained granules. 10. Unknown bacilli and spores, culture made from a lymph node of a rabbit. The bacilli were moderately stained. The spores were decidedly tinted by the dye. 11. Unknown bacilli and cocci, culture made from a lymph node of a rabbit. Bacilli and cocci were moderately stained. 12. Unknown cocci, culture made from a lymph node of a rabbit. Preparation contained cocci of two sizes. Larger cocci were intensely stained, the smaller forms were moderately stained. The difference in staining was also demonstrated in the two forms when they were stained with Loeffler’s methylene blue. 13. Bacillus coli, pure laboratory culture. The bacilli stained intensely immediately after the dye was applied, a few forms were only faintly stained. After the stain had acted for five and a half hours, the majority of the bacilli were swollen and contained a single large intensely stained granule. Figures 8 to 9 are camera lucida drawings of the preparation immediately after it was made and five and a half hours later. DISCUSSION The results recorded above demonstrate that the mitochondrial methods used are not specific for mitochondria, but that they also stain bacteria. The intensity of the stain varied with the different strains of bacteria used and apparently there was a variation in intensity with the different methods on the same strain of bacteria. Such variations apparently, also occur with mitochondria. The janus green vital staining method appeared to be the most delicate of the methods used. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA Del The effect of janus green on tubercle bacilli was contrary to expectation. On account of the fatty envelope of these forms, it was to be expected that they might stain more intensely than any other bacteria. This would imply that fats, waxes, and lipoids should respond in a like manner to a given stain. Such an inference may not necessarily be true. However, the proof that mitochondria are of a lipoidal nature is far from conclusive. While there is nothing specially indicated as to the chemical nature of the bacteria that were stained by janus green, it would appear that one is justified in concluding that these bacteria and mitochondria do have something in their chemical structure that is common to all. The different reactions of a strain of bacteria at different periods in the life of the culture to janus green is suggestive. It would appear that janus green has possibilities as a deli- cate indicator of the physiological state of certain strains of bacteria. II. REACTIONS OF BACTERIA TO CHEMICAL TREATMENT The behavior of mitochondria when subjected to various chemi- cals and heat has been one of the chief methods used in determin- ing the nature of these bodies. N. H. Cowdry (717) made a detailed study of the comparison of mitochondria in plant and animal cells. The behavior of the two groups of mitochondria under the influence of various chemicals (ether, alcohol, for- maldehyde and acetic acid) as well as their morphology was the method employed in this comparative study. Cowdry concludes that there is no difference between the mitochondria of plants and animals. It must be admitted at the outset that in most instances there is nothing specifically indicated in the reaction of minute micro- scopic particles to chemicals. With perhaps a few exceptions, these reactions are only relative. For example, ether acting upon tubercle bacilli for a limited time will extract a fat (supposedly forming an envelope for the bacillus) from the organism. From such a reaction there is nothing indicated as to the particular kind of fat that has been dissolved. However, inasmuch as these 212 IVAN E. WALLIN methods have been used not only in comparing the mitochondria of plants and animals, but also in determining the approximate chemical nature of mitochondria, it is necessary in this compara- tive study of bacteria and mitochondria to also determine the reaction of bacteria to these chemicals. It must also be admitted that there is no basis for supposing that all strains of bacteria should respond in the same way to a given chemical. It has been indicated by Cowdry and others that all mitochondria do not respond to a given chemical in the same way. The methods employed in this study of the reactions of bacteria to chemicals were designed to retain as much as possible of the materials resulting from the chemical action. Metal rings coated with paraffin were sealed to microscopic slides, smears of the bacteria were then made inside of the rings, and after the chemi- cals were added cover-glasses were sealed over the rings to prevent evaporation. After a given time the cover-glasses were removed and the chemical was permitted to evaporate. When the smears had thoroughly dried and the paraffin around the smears had been removed with xylol, a thin film of celloidin was painted over the smear. The smears were then stained, using the carbol-fuchsin method for tubercle bacilli preparations and Pappenheim’s pyronin-methyl green and Loeffler’s methylene blue for the other preparations. With careful handling in the staining and washing, the celloidin membrane remains intact on the slide. Control preparations were made in connection with every chemical preparation. For determining the action of ether, chloroform, and heat on bacteria it is obvious that the paraffin rings could not be used. In these experiments large quantities of bacteria were placed in vials and the ether and chloroform added. After four hours the ether and chloroform were permitted to evaporate considera- bly. The remains in the vials were then withdrawn with a pipette, placed on slides and permitted to evaporate to dryness. For the heat determinations the organisms were placed in vials with normal salt solution. The vials were then kept at a constant temperature in an incubator. After half an hour portions of the emulsion were withdrawn with a pipette and permitted to evaporate on slides. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA ONS The experiments recorded below were repeated a number of times. In some cases the results were not identical in one set of experiments. These differences in results were only slight and apparently of no particular consequence to the object of the experiments. The main object in all of the experiments that follow was to determine the staining reaction of bacteria after treatment with chemicals and heat. A. Action of alcohol on bacteria Aleohol of various strengths was permitted to act on five different strains of bacteria for a period of five hours. a. After 95 per cent alcohol. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Stain the same as control, granules appear more distinct than in control. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Stain the same as control, some crescent forms apparently not observed in control. 3. Bacillus megatherium (with spores).. Bacilli stained fainter than controls, spores tinted. 4. Bacillus subtilis. Stained more intensely than control. 5. Unknown cocci and bacilli from a lymph-node culture, two strains of cocci, one intensely stained and the other very faintly in controls. The cocci appear to be destroyed. Two strains of bacilli (different in length) not observed in controls were intensely stained. b. After 50 per cent alcohol. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Some bacilli are very faintly stained, others appear to be slightly swollen. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Some indication of disintegration, the bacilli intact were decidedly shrunken. 3. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. The spores were decidedly swollen and in many parts of the field they were coalesced (partially dissolved). 4. Bacillus subtilis. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Field contained intensely stained granular debris. 5. Unknown cocci and bacilli from lymph-node culture. Field full of very minute well-stained cocci (granules?), also a few 214. IVAN E. WALLIN large well stained cocci. Some of the larger cocci coalesced. Few exceedingly small well-stained bacilli. Large bacilli un- stained. c. After 25 per cent alcohol. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli stain very faintly and appear shrunken. Granules in bacilli not visible. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Great number of bacilli disin- tegrated. 3. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Some unstained bacillus-like forms partially coa- lesced. Spores coalesced, very few distinct in outline. 4. Bacillus subtilis. Granular debris, stained. 5. Unknown cocci and bacilli from lymph-node culture. Cocci could not be demonstrated by staining. Few small bacilli stained. : d. After 10 per cent alcohol. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli appear more granular than control. Some disintegration. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Most bacilli are granular, some crescent-shaped, some swollen, and some disintegrated. Some bacilli intact have a purple color. 3. Bacillus megatherium. Some unstained swollen bacilli pres- ent. Spores coalesced. 4, Bacillus subtilis. Field contains granular debris which has the appearance of minute cocci. 5. Unkriown cocci and bacilli from lymph-node culture. Few intensely stained cocci, bacilli unstained. e. After 5 per cent alcohol. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Only a few bacilli intact and stained in thick part of smear, rest of field contains debris of disintegration. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Some disintegration. Appear bet- ter preserved than after action of 10 per cent alcohol. 3. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Spores completely coalesced. 4. Bacillus subtilis. Only slight indication of a few unstained bacilli. 5. Unknown cocci and bacilli from lymph-node culture. Granular debris that appears like minute cocci. Few minute bacilli stained. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 215 f. After 2 per cent alcohol. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. AI- most completely disintegrated. Few swollen poorly stained bacilli present in field. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Almost completely disintegrated. Few swollen poorly stained bacilli present in field. 3. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staming. Spores coalesced. 4, Bacillus subtilis. Few intensely stained fragmented bacilli present in field. 5. Unknown cocci and bacilli from lymph-node culture. This preparation appears very much like the control. Bacilli ap- parently not stained. | B. Action of chloroform and ether on bacteria a. After chloroform. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli in- tact, but appear shrunken and more granular than control. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli more faintly stained and appear more granular than controls. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of five- day-old kitten, two strains of bacilli, large and small. Large bacilli more granular than control, smaller forms clear and faintly stained. 4. Bacillus megatherium and spores. Few poorly stained and shrunken bacilli present. Spores not visible. 5. Staphylococcus albus. No normal cocci visible. Remains appear like exceedingly minute cocci. b. After ether. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, granular debris. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, granular debris. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents a five- day kitten. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Granular debris appears like minute cocci. . 4, Bacillus megatherium and spores. Few disintegrated bacilli, remains mostly granular debris. Spores were not visible. 5. Staphylococcus albus. Remains, granular debris. 216 IVAN E. WALLIN C. Action of acetic acid on bacteria Acetic acid of various strengths was permitted to act on bacteria for a period of six hours. Glacial acetic acid was diluted with distilled water for the various dilutions. a. After 0.5 per cent acetic acid. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli disintegrated. Granular remains intensely stained (black). 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Many bacilli retain their form, others disintegrated. Intensely stained. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. Bacilli unstained, swollen, and coalesced. 4. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Spores swollen. 5. Staphylococcus albus. Swollen, unstained, and partially coalesced. b. After 1 per cent acetic acid. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains granu- lar, intensely stained. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains granular, faintly stained. ro 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. Bacilli unstained, swollen, and distorted. 4, Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli unstained and distorted. Many forms contain ‘bleb’-like swellings at end or center of bacillus, some contain two or three outpushings. Figure 7 is a free-hand drawing of a few of these bacilli. 5. Staphylococcus albus. Appear partially dissolved and coa- lesced. Unstained. c. After 3 per cent acetic acid. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Form of bacilli partially preserved. Faintly stained. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli appear quite normal and well stained. Some appear to have vacuoles. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, amor- phous and faintly stained. 4. Bacillus megatherium. Few unstained bacilli that appeared partially dissolved. Spores coalesced. Mate ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 217 5. Staphylococcus albus. Cocci unstained and coalesced. d. After 5 per cent acetic acid. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staming. Remains, minute, intensely stained granules. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. (Accidentally destroyed.) 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, amor- phous and faintly stained. 4. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli and spores unstained and coalesced. 5. Staphylococcus albus. Cocci unstained and coalesced. D. Action of formaldehyde on bacteria Formaldehyde of various strengths (diluted in distilled water) was permitted to act on bacteria for a period of six hours. a. After 1 per cent formaldehyde. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, in- tensely stained amorphous masses. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Poorly stained bacilli that appear shrunken. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. 4, Bacillus megatherium. Few unstained and swollen bacilli. Spores greatly swollen. 5. Staphylococcus albus. Cocci faintly stained and swollen. b. After 3 per cent formaldehyde. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains in- tensely stained amorphous masses. — 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli distorted in various ways: shrunken, crescent-shaped, and some with large intensely stained granules. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. No distinct bacilli stained. Unstained spore-like forms partially dissolved. 4. Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Spores partially dissolved. 218 IVAN E. WALLIN 5. Staphylococcus albus. Cocci unstained and smaller than control. c. After 5 per cent formaldehyde. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, in- tensely stained, large granules. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, granular. 3. Unknown bacilli, culture from intestinal contents of kitten. Some large and small bacilli present that stain more intensely than control, also some swollen and unstained forms. 4, Bacillus megatherium. Bacilli unstained and partially dis- solved. Spores unstained and coalesced. 5. Staphylococcus albus. Cocci swollen, unstained, and coalesced. E, Action of potassium bichromate on bacteria Various strains of bacteria were subjected to the action of potas- sium bichromate in various concentrations for a period of four hours. The potassium bichromate was dissolved in distilled water. a. After 0.5 per cent solution of potassium bichromate. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli intact could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, intensely stained granules. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. A few bacilli still retain form. Remainder of remains intensely stained granules. 3. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Normal cocci could not be demonstrated by staining. Remains, intensely stained minute "eaeer: 4. Bacillus megatherium and spores. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Spores swollen and stained. 5. Unknown cocci. Some cocci swollen and stained. b. After 1 per cent potassium bichromate. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Granu- lar remains intensely stained. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Granular remains intensely stained. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 219 3. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Cocci swollen and par- tially destroyed, also stained. 4, Bacillus megatherium and spores. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Spores unstained, some swollen. 4. Bacillus megatherium and spores. Bacilli and spores preserved, but unstained. 5. Unknown cocci. Few swollen and stained cocci. Clumps of stained granular debris. c. After 2.5 per cent potassium bichromate. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli intact could not be demonstrated by staining. Granular remains minute particles and intensely stained. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Few faintly stained bacilli intact. 3. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Cocci could not be dem- onstrated by staining. Granular remains. 4, Bacillus megatherium and spores. Few swollen and un- stained bacilli. Outline of spores very faint. 5. Unknown cocci. Cocci very faintly stained and swollen. F., Action of osmic acid on bacteria Various strains of bacteria were subjected to the action of 1 per cent and 2 per cent osmic acid for a period of four hours. a. After 1 per cent osmic acid. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli well preserved, stain purple. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli well preserved, stain deep red. 3. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Cocci preserved, but unstained. 4, Bacillus megatherium and spores. Bacilli and spores pre- served, but unstained. 5. Unknown cocci. Could not be seen on the slide. b. After 2 per cent osmic acid. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Poorer preservation than with 1 per cent osmic, faintly stained. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Well preserved and intensely stained. 3. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Cocci could not be seen on the slide. | 220 IVAN E. WALLIN 4, Bacillus megatherium and spores. Bacilli and spores un- stained, outlines difficult to see. . 5. Unknown cocci. Preserved, but unstained. G. Action of moist heat on bacteria Various strains of bacteria were placed in vials containing physiological salt solution and kept in an oven at a constant temperature of 49°C. a. After thirty minutes at 49°C. 1. Human tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Field apparently contained fat globules. 2. Bovine tubercle bacilli. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Field contained granular remains, stained amor- phous masses and apparently fat globules. 3. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Cocci could not be dem- onstrated by staining. Remains very minute granules. 4, Bacillus megatherium and spores. Bacilli could not be demonstrated by staining. Spores coalesced. 5. Unknown cocci. Cocci could not be demonstrated by stain- ing. Remains, stained amorphous masses. DISCUSSION The results obtained from these experiments demonstrate that bacteria may lose their staining properties when subjected to the action of certain chemicals ordinarily used in microscopical tech- nique. The degree to which the staining reactions were affécted varied with the different chemicals and also with the strain of bacteria. In many cases the bacteria retained their form, but were unstained, and in other experiments the bacteria were fragmented. In the cases where the organisms could not be seen they ap- parently had been dissolved or fragmented. In the majority of experiments where the remains on the slide were granular and fragmented these remains were stained. The possibility suggests itself that mitochondria may behave in the same way and that some of the irregularly shaped mitochondria sometimes observed may be the fragments resulting from chemical action. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 220 The visibility of unstained bacteria varies with the difference in refraction of the bacteria and the surrounding medium. In those cases where the bacteria could not be seen the granular remains indicated the destruction of the organism. Unstained bacteria lodged in the cytoplasm of tissue cells cannot be dis- tinguished easily and in some cases they are not visible. It is generally supposed that mitochondria are dissolved by the action of certain chemicals. It is possible that in many cases where they cannot be demonstrated by staining their form has been retained, but unstained and consequently not readily observed. Bacteria apparently respond to heat in the same way that mitochondria do. The end-product from the action of heat was not the same for all the strains of bacteria that were used for this experiment. In some cases the remains were granular, in others they were amorphous. The amorphous material apparently represented the residuum of a solution after evaporation. Cowdry (18, p. 68) has noted the presence in some secreting cells of mitochondria with ‘bleb-like’ swellings and in egg cells of ‘dumb-bell-shaped’ mitochondria. The action of 1 per cent acetic acid on Bacillus megatherium is significant in this connec- tion. The imitation of such ‘bleb-like’ and ‘dumb-bell-shaped’ mitochondria by bacteria as the result of chemical action sug- gests the possibility that mitochondria of these types may be due to the action of the chemicals used in fixation. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained in subjecting bacteria to mitochondrial staining methods and to the chemicals that have been utilized to determine the chemical nature of mitochondria appear to demonstrate that these methods are not specific for mitochondria, but have a similar reaction on bacteria. To the degree that these staining methods and chemical reactions are not specific, bacteria and mitochondria have a similar chemical constitution. Dip Ne IVAN E. WALLIN LITERATURE CITED ALTMANN, R. 1890 Die Elementarorganismen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Zellen. Leipzig. Brenpa, C. 1898 Ueber die Spermatogenese der Vertebraten und héheren Inver- tebraten. 2. Die Histogenese der Spermien. Verh. d. physiol. Ges. Brnsuey, R. R. 1911 Studies on the pancreas of the guinea-pig. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 12. Cowpry, E. V. 1914 The vital staining of mitochondria with janus green and diethylsafranin in human blood cells. Intern. Monatschrift f. Anat. u. Phys., Bd. 31. 1918 The mitochondrial constituents of protoplasm. Carnegie Inst. Publications, Contrib. to Embryology, vol. 8, no. 25. Cownpry, N. H. 1917 A comparison of mitochondria in plant and animal cells. Biol. Bull., vol. 33. FLEMMING, W. 1882 Zellsubstanz, Kern und Zellteilung. Leipzig. Loéwscuin, A. M. 1913 Myelinformen und Chondriosomen. Ber. d. deutsch. bot. Ges., Bd. 31. PLATE EXPLANATION OF FIGURES All the figures, with the exception of figure 7, were made with the aid of the camera lucida. They were all drawn to the same scale. The lenses used were: 2-mm aproch. oil-immer. obj., comp. ocular no. 8. 1 Bacillus subtilis from an old culture one hour after the application of Janus green. 2 Bacillus subtilis, a) 5} hours after application of janus green; b) 20 hours after application of janus green. 3 Bacillus subtilis from a 48-hour culture 24 hours after application of janus green. 4 Bacillus megatherium from an old culture 5} hours after application of janus green. ‘ 5 Bacillus megatherium from a 20-hour culture 15 minutes after application of janus green. 6 Bacillus megatherium from an old culture } hour after application of janus green. 7 Free-hand drawing of bacillus megatherium after action of 1 per cent acetic acid for a period of six hours. 8 Bacillus coli 15 minutes after application of Janus green. 9 Bacillus coli (same specimen as in fig. 8) 5} hours after application of janus green. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA PLATE 1 IVAN E. WALLIN ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 225 ADDENDUM After this paper was submitted for publication, my attention was called to a work by Portier (18) entitled, ‘‘Les Symbiotes,” and to criticisms of Portier’s book by Regaud (719) and Guilliermond (’19). Unfortunately, I have not been able to secure a copy of Portier’s book in time to review it in this article. However, I have perused Regaud’s and Guilliermond’s criticisms. From these criticisms it is apparent that Portier in 1918 stated a theory regarding mitochondria that coincides with a conception of these bodies that has been growing in my own mind. I was not ready to state this hypothesis until I had collected more evidence in its support. 800. Cytoplasm _ takes a blue or purple tinge when stained with haematoxylin and eosin. _ 3 Epithelial cells of oestrous vaginal smear. > 800. The nuclei have | their affinity for basic dye; the cells are cornified and stain a bright red with eosin. ees THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE PLATE 1 EDGAR ALIEN PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 4 Stage M; smear. 35. Cells are similar to those in figure 3, but all degrees of cornification are represented by variable staining affinity, and clumps or masses of cells are frequent. 5 Alatestage Mzsmear. > 125. Non-nucleated cornified cells of the previ- ous stage (massed in center) and nucleated epithelial cells of the deeper epi- thelium surrounded by great numbers of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Some of the nucleated cells show clear exoplasmic zones indicating the extraction of eosin staining cytoplasm without the entrance of the leucocytes into the cells. 302 @.4 THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE EDGAR ALLEN ¢ ay 3 * ef > te ) *. . 2 a te < & S 0 gh mh PLATES eae ; Be EXPLANATION OF FIGURES but chiefly in the superficial layers. There is no clear-cut basement mer 7 Section of half of the vagina of the early P stage. X 60. Two zon clearly defined by staining reaction before either granular or horny layers ap (animal no.8). - . THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE PLATE 3 EDGAR ALLEN PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 8 Vaginal epithelium of a later phase of stage P. X 275. The granular layer now clearly separates the two zones figured in 7 (animal no. 9). 9 The stratum lucidum of the corneum is forming. > 265. (Animal no. 10.) Sloughed-off nucleated cells make up the stage P smear. : 10 Section of the vagina in stage O. X45. Corneum is well formed, super- ficial, and still intact. Free cells form the O smear. d 356 PLATE 4 SE THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOU EDGAR ALLEN PLATE 5 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 11 Vagina in stage My. X 65. Corneum is completely delaminated into the lumen. Leucocytosis has not yet begun. 12 An early Mz stage of the vaginal epithelium heavily infiltrated with leucocytes. > 180. Few have as yet entered the masses of cornified cells in the lumen. THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE PLATE 5 EDGAR ALLEN E — a 850. Groups of leucocytes have dissolved out lacunae in the superficial germinativum and enormous numbers have invaded the cornified masses in the lumen. 14 Section of the uterine cornu during stage P. > 55. The section does not show the distention apparent before fixation. Glands are moderately re distended. 360 6 PLATE SE 1 IN THE MOU ALLEN OESTROUS CYCLE THE EDGAR 361 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, NO. 3 PLATE 7 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 15 Mucosa of the uterine cornu during stage O. X 365. Note the clear- cut basement membrane and high columnar cells. 16 Uterine mucosa during early stage Mz. X 550. The distinct basement membrane figured in 15 has been replaced by a light pink staining zone con- taining leucocytes. 362 THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE PLATE 7 EDGAR ALLEN PLATE 8 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 17. Sections of several loops of the oviducts. > 55. Only that in the lower center is ciliated. Segments are distinguishable by ciliation, degree of folding of the mucosa, and thickness of the muscle walls. 18 Ciliated epithelium of the late stage P oviduct. 550. PLATE 8 v THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE EDGAR ALLEN PLATE 9 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 19 Ciliated epithelium of the oviduct ina late M stage. > 550. The process of extrusion of nuclei is quite general. 20 Largest-sized follicle usually found after ovulation, stage M1. Primary liquor folliculi is restricted to two pools. Granulosa contains many mitoses. Note interstitial tissue above to the right. x 170. 5 888. PLATE 9 ones 367 peat eT ¥ * el THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE EDGAR ALLEN PLATE 10 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 21 Large follicle (nearly rupture size) in an early stage of atresia. XX 125. Several follicles in this set are apparently normal. At right, a medium-sized follicle containing two ova. 22 Ovary of an early M; stage. 58. In upper right field is newly forming corpus luteum, not yet redistended. At lower left is one fully redistended. The age of these corpora is estimated at less than seven hours. _ 368 — 10 a ae pase ~ 4 PLATE ~ 4 OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE EDGAR ALLEN = vy THE sy ayTnA | ¢ og bp ag AST: BE abe ee af : any oe 369 PLATE 11 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 23 Ovary and third segment of oviduct of late stage Mz animal. X 501. In upper left field are three ova bunched in the last segment of the oviduct. Of the three corpora lutea included in this field, the two at the left surface of the ovary correspond to the ova in the tubes, the one in the lower right field to the second oestrus recorded before death. They are easily distinguished by staining reaction not brought out in the photograph. The ages of these were estimated at three and nine to ten days, respectively. 24 Two corpcra lutea representing follicles which ruptured at the first and third Operiods before death. 58. That to left stains blue and shows “‘bleed- ing into the central cavity.’”’ That to the right has a pink tinge, is ‘corded,’ and deeply placed. Ages are estimated at three and fourteen days, respectively. O2 SI oO PLATE 11 THE OESTROUS CYCLE IN THE MOUSE EDGAR ALLEN TE Ty, Ray ¢ Ls 371 Resumen por el autor, B. M. Patten. La formaci6n del asa cardiaca del pollo. Las fases tempranas de! establecimiento del coraz6n del pollo y los estados ulteriores de division en diferentes cAmaras han sido cuidadosamente investigados por diversos autores. El presente trabajo se ocupa de los procesos intermedios algo familiares, pero hasta el presente menos completamente descri- tos, de la formaci6n del asa y la diferenciacién regional temprana, basindose en disecciones, reproducidas en modelos pldsticos, y en reconstrucciones en cera. Se ocupa de los siguientes puntos: 1. La formaci6n en el tubo cardiaco de un asa en forma de U dirigida hacia el lado derecho, y de algunos de los factores causativos invocados en este proceso. 2. La formacién del asa cardiaca y la relacién de la torsién y flexion del cuerpo del embri6n con el proceso de la formacién de dicha asa. 3. La diferenciacién regional del corazén en el bulbo cardiaco, ven- triculo, atrio y seno venoso, y los cambios tempranos en cada una de estas regioncs. Translation by José F. Nonidez Cornell Medical Collere, New York AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, APRIL 17 THE FORMATION OF THE CARDIAC LOOP IN THE CHICK BRADLEY M. PATTEN Laboratory of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Western Reserve University TWO TEXT FIGURES AND THREE PLATES INTRODUCTION Most of the numerous investigations concerning the develop- ment of the heart in birds have dealt either with the very early phases of its establishment or with the relatively late steps of its division into chambers. The intervening process of loop formation, although it is in a general way familiar to embryolo- gists, has received much less attention. When I had occasion to consult the literature for a discussion of the subject, I was unable to find any connected account with adequate figures. It has, therefore, seemed worth while to extend and publish some observations on cardiac-loop formation in the chick which were originally made in the course of other work. Records of investigations of the development of the chick heart appear in some of the earliest works on embryology. The observations on the heart recorded in such classics as those of Malpighi (1686), Wolff (1759), von Haller (1767), and Pander (1817), though all of them are remarkable for their time, are at present chiefly of historical importance. An interesting summary of the work of these writers appears in the paper of Lindes (’65). The early stages in the establishment of the chick heart have since been dealt with by Afanassiev (’69), Gasser (’77), Duval (89), His (00), Riikert and Mollier (’06), Graper (’07), Func- clus (’09), Hahn (’09), Miller and McWhorter (’14), and Reagen (15, ’17). Since this work has been summarized from the mor- phological point of view by Lillie (’08), and from the experimental 373 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30. NO 3 374 BRADLEY M. PATTEN point of view by Reagen (’17), it seems unnecessary to go over the ground again here. The abundant information available concerning the establishment of the primordial heart tube places us in a position to take up without preliminaries the processes involved in cardiac-loop formation. The observations recorded here are confined to the period ex- tending from the establishment of the heart as a nearly straight, double-walled tube to the period at which the process of loop formation has been completed and the main regional divisions of the heart have been definitely established. The later development of the chick heart, involving the for- mation of the septa and valves which develop during the division of the heart into chambers, is dealt with in papers by Lindes (65), Tonge (’69), Masius (’89), Langer (’94), Griel (’06), and Hochstetter (06). MATERIAL AND METHODS At the outset of the work it became obvious that there was considerable individual variability as to heart configuration even among embryos having the same number of somites. The first consideration was, therefore, the selection of a series of embryos which would show as nearly as possible the normal sequence of shape changes undergone by the heart. This phase of the work was. greatly facilitated by the availability of some 2000 chick whole-mounts in our laboratory collection. By studying the heart in a large group of embryos having the same number of somites, it was not difficult to determine the characteristic heart configuration for a particular stage of development. Twelve embryos ranging between 29 and 100 hours of incu-. bation were selected as showing the characteristic steps in the formation of the cardiac loop and the early regional differentia- tion of the heart. Each of the twelve embryos belonging to the initial series was then carefully matched so that three or four embryos of each stage, exactly like one another as far as could be determined, were available for the work. One embryo in each of these sets was reserved for study as a cleared and stained entire mount, the remaining embryos were used for dissection and serial sectioning. a inet CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK 375 Camera-lucida diagrams of the cephalic and cardiac regions were made from the whole-mount series. In these diagrams the heart and main afferent and efferent vessels, as far as they could be made out, were drawn in directly. Later in the work, the outlines of the heart and main vessels were completed! from dissections and reconstructions of embryos of corresponding stages. These diagrams appear as the text figures and serve to show at the same time the stages worked on and the relations of the heart to the neighboring structures in the body of the embryo. It was found that the configuration of the heart itself could be worked out very successfully from dissections made in alcohol under a binocular microscope. In such preparations the heart shape is beautifully shown by strong reflected light and can be accurately reproduced with the aid of a camera lucida. Em- ploying this method, drawings of the same heart were made from three aspects to the same scale of magnification. By using dividers to keep the dimensions accurate, it was a relatively simple matter to make a preliminary clay model of the heart from the drawings. This model, with its basic dimensions cor- rect, was then finished directly from dissections of the heart, which could be rotated and thus studied under the binocular microscope from all angles. Although the contours are less likely to be distorted in dis- sected hearts than in reconstructions, there are certain details that cannot be made out satisfactorily by the dissection method. The chief point of difficulty is the region of the sinus venosus in the older embryos. The manner in which the veins entering the heart are imbedded in the surrounding structures renders it 1 Although a consideration of the changes in the aortic arches does not come within the scope of this paper, the condition of the arches at each phase of heart development here dealt with is indicated in the text figures. For discussion of the development of the aortic arches, reference may be made to the works of Boas (’87), Evans (’09), Lillie (’08), and Locy (06). The cardinal and umbilical veins are indicated in the figures of the later stages only, because in the earlier stages the position of the embryos is such that these vessels would have to be superimposed on the heart. Moreover, the early stages in the formation of the vessels are shown beautifully in the figures of Evans (’09) and Sabin (’17). 376 BRADLEY M. PATTEN almost impossible to make clean dissections of this region. In the older embryos, therefore, the heart and the main afferent and efferent vessels were reconstructed from serial sections by the wax-plate method of Born. As far as the principal contours of the heart are concerned, these reconstructions were found to conform with the clay models made from dissections. They furnished, moreover, detailed information concerning the sinus region and the entering veins, which it had not been found possible to obtain by means of dissections. The drawings of the heart shown in the plates were made for the most part directly from dissections. They contain some details, however, that were added from the wax-plate reconstruc- tions. The orientation of the heart in the body of the embryo, and the relations of the vessels are shown in the text figures, which are lettered in correspondence with the plates. THE FORMATION OF THE CARDIAC LOOP The youngest stage studied is represented by embryos of 9 somites (approximately twenty-nine hours’ incubation), in’ which the heart is a nearly straight tube (fig. 1, A, and pls. 1, 2, and 3, A). Even when the myo-epicardial folds are first approxi- mated to each other to form the outer wall of the heart tube, there is already a tendency for the right lateral margin of the heart to show a greater convexity than that of the left. This asymmetry is due, at first, more to unequal dilation of the heart wall than to actual bending of the entire tube, as is indicated by the fact that the line of attachment of the dorsal mesocardium . lies very nearly in the sagittal plane of the body. The dorsal mesocardium at this stage forms an unbroken sup- porting membrane throughout the entire length of the heart. In contrast to the condition in mammals described by Yoshinaga (21), the ventral mesocardium in the chick is complete, or nearly so, when it is first formed by the approximation of the two folds of splanchnic mesoderm which constitute the medial wall of the cephalic portion of the right and left coelomic chambers. The ventral mesocardium is, however, a more transitory structure wae Hej CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK ou than the dorsal, and even at the 9-somite stage its rupture has begun in the midcardiac region, although its line of attachment to the heart can still be discerned (pl. 1, A). In the chick heart the endocardial tubes are less irregular in contour and are more completely fused with each other at this stage than in the mammalian heart of corresponding age. Fur- thermore, the chick endocardium shows no such early foreshad- owing of the atrioventricular and the sino-atrial constriction as has been observed in mammals (Murray, 719; Schulte, 716; Yoshinaga, ’21). In the later stages studied the endocardium is of secondary interest, its configuration being determined largely by the limitations imposed upon it by the myoepicardium. A\l- though the endocardium has been shown in the figures of our earliest stages by way of bringing this work into continuity with that of other investigators, the later changes in its configura- tion have not been followed in detail. Between thirty and forty hours of incubation (10 to 18 somites), there is a marked dilation of the heart, but its most conspicuous change in shape is due to the bending of the entire middle por- tion of the heart tube to the right (pls. 1 and 3, AtoE). In this process of bending, as indeed in the entire series of changes in- volved in loop formation, there is undoubtedly a considerable factor of mechanical compulsion. The accompanying graph shows how much greater the elongation is in the heart tube itself than is the increase, during the same period of time, in the distance between the attached cephalic and caudal ends of the heart. Under such growth conditions, bending of the heart is inevitable. It is quite logical, furthermore, that this bending should be lateral because of the impediment offered dorsally by the body of the embryo and ventrally by the yolk. Why it should take place to the right rather than to the left is not so clear. It has been suggested that the bending of the heart to the right might be due to the entry of a stronger current of blood from the left omphalomesenteric vein than from the right, the left vein being conspicuously larger at this stage of development. Sabin (17) has shown, that while heart contractions begin in the chick as early as the 10-somite stage, the actual circulation 29 Hours 30 Hours 32 Hours ay (9 somites) B. (10 somites) C. 2 somites) D. Ges E 40 Hours FE. 42 Hours * (20 somites) 44 Hours (22 somites) 47 Hours (25 somites) G. Vel Fig.1, A toL Camera outl embryos, showing for each sta I . ie Liam ines (X 15) of cephalic and cardiac regions of chick ge studied the relations of the heart to neighboring 378 J. 65 Hours (33 somites) K. 76 Hours (38 somites) pie roth

7 Z. 100 Hours (45 somites) structures in the embryo. These figures are arranged and lettered to correspond with the detailed drawings of the hearts shown in the plates. J to VJ, aortic arches I to VI, respectively; A.C.V., anterior cardinal vein; A.J.P., anterior in- testinal portal; Al.V., allantoic vein; Ao., aorta; At., atrium (d., right), (s., left); Au.P., auditory pit; Aw.V., auditory vesicle; Bul., bulbus cordis; Cuv. d., duct of Cuvier; Endc., endocardium; F.G., foregut; Hep.s., stubs of some of the larger hepatic sinusoids; 7.C.A., internal carotid artery; L.B.W., lateral body wall; Myc., myoepicardium; Myc*., cut edge of myoepicardium; P.C.V., posterior car- dinal vein; Sin.-at., sino-artrial region of heart before its definite division; S.V., sinus venosus; Vent., ventricle; V.ao.r., ventral aortic roots; V.C., visceral cleft; V.C.M., omphalomesenteric veins; V.C.M.M., fused omphalomesenteric veins; V.V., vitelline veins. 379 380 BRADLEY M. PATTEN of blood is not established until the 16-somite stage. The fact that circulation does not begin until after the bending of the heart is well advanced excludes inequality of blood-flow from consideration as causative factor ontogenetically. There is still the possibility that the bending of the heart to the right is a recapitulation of development in some ancestral form where lateral inequality of the circulation had become established prior to the bending of the heart, but it would be equally plausible to urge that the bending of the heart to the right was primary, and that the left omphalomesenteric vein became secondarily enlarged owing to the opposition of less resistance to the dis- charge of its blood. It has also been suggested that, owing to the direction of the torsion of the embryo’s body, the heart tube is free to expand to the right, while it would be obstructed on the left by the swing- ing of the left side of the body wall toward the yolk. Again we encounter a disregarded time factor. The heart bending is ini- tiated before there is any indication of torsion in the embryo. There is undoubtedly correlation between the two processes in the sense that the development of the heart would be mechani- cally impeded, if not stopped, by torsion of the embryo in the opposite direction. Here also it might be maintained that the heart bend itself is the primary factor and that the direction of embryonic torsion follows it as a necessary consequence. Cer- tain it is that the bending of the embryonic heart to the right is not peculiar to forms in which torsion is conspicuous. The heart bend is the more deep seated phylogenetically. It occurs in the vertebrate stock as far back as the elasmobranchs (Hoch- stetter, 06) and Dipnoi (Robertson, 713), and is a characteris- tic feature of heart development in Amphibia (Rabl, ’87). One would scarcely expect to work out the primary causative factors of such a long-established process entirely from the ontogeny of forms as far up the scale as birds. As has already been stated, the ventral mesocardium has disappeared by the time the bendicg of the heart becomes ap- parent. ‘The dorsal mesocardium, which is complete when the bending process begins, soon ruptures in the midheart region aes ; CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK 381 (pl. 3, C, D), and is rapidly obliterated except at the caudal end of the heart (pl. 3, E). Thus the heart tube, being attached only at its two ends, is more free to undergo extensive and rapid changes in shape and position. Even before the bending of the heart to the right has reached its maximum, torsion of the embryo’s body begins to change the mechanical limitations in the cardiac region. As the ceph- alic part of the embryo comes to lie on the yolk on its left side (fig. 1, D, E, F) the heart, no longer closely confined between the body of the embryo and the yolk, begins to swing somewhat ventrad and lies less closely against the dorsal body wall of the embryo (pl. 2; ef. C and D with E and F). The initiation of torsion has another very definite influence on the heart. Since torsion involves the cephalic region of the embryo first and progresses caudad, the body of the embryo becomes more inclined toward the yolk at the level of the ceph- alic attachment of the heart than at the level of its caudal attachment. As a result, the truncus arteriosus is twisted by the carrying of its attached end away from the yolk before a similar twisting effect is exerted upon the sino-atrial region of the heart (fig. 1, E, F, G). This is, I believe, the primary me- chanical factor in starting the transformation of the U-shaped bend into the cardiac loop. Once the initial twist is imparted, loop formation progresses extremely rapidly, for the rate at which the heart tube is outgrowing the pericardial chamber in length is exaggerated at this time. ‘The distance between the attached cephalic and caudal ends of the heart is actually being shortened by the progress of flexion in the embryo at just the time when the heart tube is elongating most rapidly (fig. 1, G, H, I, and fig. 2). The attached truncus and sinus ends of the heart are thus brought closer together, tightening the loop as it is formed. In the formation of the loop the truncus and bulbus swing away from the yolk (i.e., toward the embryo’s right), and come to lie across the caudal part of the heart, at the etrio- ventricular constriction (pl. 2, G, H, I). The sino-atrial region being anchored to the body walls by the remaining part of the dorsal mesocardium, the ducts of Cuvier, and the omphalomesen- teric veins, undergoes little change in position. 382 BRADLEY M. PATTEN It is during this stage that the individual variability previously alluded to is most conspicuous. The more usual configuration of the heart is indicated in the figures referred to in the preceding paragraph where the loop is shown as rather closely twisted. There were not a few embryos, however, in which the heart stood out from the body, and was more loosely twisted than in the Length in Millimeters. Mee as indicated by oie Hi; en Fig.2 Graph to show the rate of heart-tube elongation as compared with the rate of elongation of pericardial region. The heart length was measured along the original middorsal line of the heart tube from the point of bifurcation of the aortic roots to the point of convergence of the omphalomesenteric veins. (In the older embryos the omphalomesenteric veins have begun to fuse with each other. The caudal point for the measurements had, therefore, to be approximated by taking it in a given relation to the point of entrance of the ducts of Cuvier.) As an index of the length of the pericardial cavity, the distance between these same two points was measured along the middorsal iine of the embryo. All of the measurements were taken on models made to the same scale of magnification, and then converted to actual size. CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK 383 embryos represented in figure 1, G and H. In the embryos I have studied this condition seems to be correlated with delayed flexion rather than with any abnormality of the heart tube. It is probably to be regarded as within the limits of normal variability. In the ventral views of the heart it can be seen that as the process of loop formation progresses, the extension of the heart to the right is diminished, and that the loop as it is formed swings not only ventrad, as has been mentioned above, but also dis- tinctly toward the sagittal plane (pl. 1, G, H, and I). This change in position may well be due to the fact that by this stage the body at the cardiac level has completed its torsion and lies on its left side, so that the heart is no longer prevented by the yolk from expanding midventralward. The heart in the stage when the cardiac loop is first definitely formed (i.e., in embryos of about 25 somites) has been described by many investigators as ‘S-shaped.’ Neither the dorsal (pl. 3, H) nor the lateral (pl. 2, H) nor the dextrodorsal view of the heart as seen in the ordinary whole-mount (fig. 1, H) can be characterized as ‘S-shaped.’ Only when a heart model or a heart freed by dissection is rotated, so that a direct ventral view is obtained, does the ‘S-shaped’ configuration become recognizable (pl. 1, H). At the close of the second day of incubation, the cranial flexure of the embryo is developing extremely rapidly (fig. 1, G, H, I). As the anterior part of the head is bent caudad, it begins to crowd the heart loop. As a result the ventricular bend of the loop moves at first caudad and then dorsad (fig. 1, HtoL). Prior to the formation of the cardiac loop and its dorsocaudal bending, the ventricular portion of the heart is cephalic to the atrium, in the primitive vertebrate position. The bending of the loop brings the ventricle caudal to the atrium in approximately the definitive relationship characteristic for adult sauropsida. 384 BRADLEY M. PATTEN THE REGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE HEART Certain text-book diagrams of the chick heart show bulbar, ventricular, and atrial regions, separated by conspicuous con- strictions while the heart is still in the straight tubular stage. Although perhaps suggestions of such constrictions are to be detected at this early stage of development, I have not been able to satisfy myself as to their definite appearance until the heart is well bent to the right, and they do not appear at all conspicuously until nearly forty hours of incubation (16 to 18 somites). In the heart of a chick of 20 somites, the bulboventricular constric- tion, previously but vaguely discernible, has become quite definite (pl. 1, F). The atrioventricular constriction is also well marked by this time (pl. 2, F). The sinus venosus exists rather as the place of confluence of the omphalomesenteric veins with each other and with the atrium than as a definite division of the heart. Nevertheless, the sino-atrial boundary may be said to be fore- shadowed by an increased conspicuousness of the grooves formed on either side where the omphalomesenteric veins enter the heart at an obtuse angle to it (pl.3, F). The apparent deepening of these lateral grooves is, however, due rather to expansion of the atrium than to any actual constriction in this region. There is as yet no demarcation between sinus and atrium dorsally, and no caudal line of demarcation between the sinus and the omphalo- mesenteric veins. For convenience in description, the heart at this stage can best be compared to a U with its upright limbs attached to the body of the embryo (fig. 1, F). The ventricle, definitely marked off both cephalically and caudally by constrictions, constitutes the bend of the U. ‘The bulbotruncus portion of the heart tube constitutes the cephalic limb of the U, which is attached to the body by the aortic roots. The sino-atrial region constitutes the caudal limb of the U, which is attached by the omphalomesen- teric veins, the ducts of Cuvier, and the remaining part of the dorsal mesocardium. The early changes in the bulboventricular portion of the heart are already so well known that they require but e, brief summary. A te are CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK 385 In the formation of the cardiac loop, the U-shaped ventricular bend becomes compressed (pl. 1, F, G, H). Coincidently, the apex of the bend is dilated so that the ventricle loses its U shape and becomes more saccular. The same process of dilation short- ens, almost to obliteration the ventricular portion of the limbs of the U, so that the atrioventricular canal and bulbus cordis appear to lead off side by side, from a common ventricular sac (pl. 1, 1). Meanwhile, as has already been described in connec- tion with the formation of the loop, the entire ventricle has shifted more toward the sagittal plane (pl. 1, F to J). It has at the same time been bent caudad and then dorsad (fig. 1, H to L). In this manner the apex of the ventricle, which was originally the most right-hand portion of the U-shaped heart tube, becomes the most caudal part. The first external manifestation of the impending division of the ventricle into right and left chambers shows in the oldest stages here studied. During the fourth day, a slight groove appears on the ventral surface of the ventricle, which extends ecaudad from the angle between the bulboventricular constric- tion and the atrioventricular constriction (pl. 1, K, L). This groove in later stages extends still farther caudad and marks externally the position at which the septum interventriculorum develops. In the bulbotruncus region the early changes are shown so definitely by the figures that little can be added by description. The most interesting phases of the development of the bulbus occur in stages of development more advanced than those with which this study is concerned. They have been described in detail by Lindes (65), Langer (94), Masius (89), Hochstetter (06), and Lillie (’08). The early differentiation of the sinus venosus has been less fully described and calls for more detailed attention. A definite dorsal line of demarcation between the sinus venosus and the atrium, can first be made out at the close of the second day of incubation (chicks of 25 somites). At this time the middorsal portion of the sino-atrial region of the heart becomes dilated. This dilation is situated just where the persistent caudal portion 386 BRADLEY M. PATTEN of the dorsal mesocardium is attached to the heart. On either side it is marked off by a groove extending from the lateral con- striction at the point of entrance of the omphalomesenteric vein, onto the dorsal surface of the heart (pl. 3, H and I, S-A. c.). The dorsal dilation thus bounded may now be differentiated definitely from the atrium as the sinus venosus. The differentiation of the sinus venosus takes place at the same time as the caudal bending of the cardiac loop. It is pos- sible that their appearance may be more than casually coincident. The caudal bending of the loop causes the blood from the omphalo- mesenteric veins to be directed against the dorsal and ceph- alic wall of the sino-atrial chamber, rather than toward the atrioventricular ostium, as in earlier stages of development (pl. 2, H, I, and J). It will be noted that the sinus dilation occurs at precisely the point at which the blood current impinges against the heart wall. A deduction that the blood current is a causal factor in the dilation is alluring, but in default of experi- mental evidence, any suggestion to this effect must be considered as purely tentative. Whatever molding effect the blood stream may exert in the process, the demarcation of the sinus venosus becomes more and more distinct as the caudal bend in the heart becomes more pronounced (pls. 2 and 3, J to L). The caudal bending of the loop, too, results in the shifting of the sinus from its original position, caudal to the atrium, to the dorsal position it occupies at the end of the fourth day of incubation (pls. 2 and 3). At this stage the sinus venosus is a pouch-like dilation which receives the ducts of Cuvier laterally and the fused omphalomesenteric veins caudally. It is marked off from the atrium by a groove, which is especially strongly developed caudally and dextrally. Already it opens into the atrial chamber somewhat to the right of the midline, foreshadowing its later association with the right atrium.’ 2 At this stage the two layers of splanchnic mesoderm which constitute the dorsal mesocardium flare out on either side and are reflected over the ducts of Cuvier at their points of entrance into the sinus venosus (pl.3, I). These trans- verse folds of the mesocardium have been designated (Lillie) as the mesocardia lateralia. CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK 387 The most conspicuous change in the atrial region is its lateral expansion. As early as forty hours the future atrial region is dilated so that its transverse diameter is greater than that of any other part of the heart tube. From the first the dilation to the left is more marked (pl. 3, E, F). When the bulbus is thrown against the right side of the atrium in the formation of the car- diac loop (pls. 2 and 3, H), it seems to crowd the less developed right atrium and retard its development still more. After the configuration of the loop has changed so that the bulbus slips by the atrium, and crosses the heart at the atrioventricular con- striction (pls. 2 and 3, I), the right atrium begins to expand more rapidly, but the size of the two atria does not become equalized until after the stages here under consideration. The first indication of the separation of the atrium into two chambers appears in chicks of 29 to 30 somites (53 to 55 hours). A longitudinal sulcus develops at this time on the ventrocephalic face of the atrium. In a ventral view of the heart this sulcus is at first concealed by the truncus and bulbus; but as it becomes more clearly marked, its caudal portion can be seen extending toward the atrioventricular constriction (pl. 1, J. K. L, 7-a.g.). This interatrial groove is an external manifestation of the formation of the septum superius. (The septum superius or atri- orum of the chick heart corresponds to the septum primum of the mammalian heart. In the chick no septum secundum is formed.) The formation of the interatrial groove does not appear to be dependent on pressure exerted on the atrium by the truncus arteriosus. When the groove first appears, an appreciable space separates the truncus from the atrium. With further growth, however, the truncus appears to sink into the cephalic portion of the interatrial groove, and the auricles expand rapidly on either side of it. Under these later conditions, the truncus prob- ably does play a secondary part in the division of the atrium in the sense that it acts as a constricting band on either side of which the auricles expand. 388 BRADLEY M. PATTEN SUMMARY The early phases in the establishment of the chick heart and the later stages of its division into chambers have already been carefully investigated by many workers. This paper covers the somewhat familiar, but heretofore less completely described, intermediate processes of loop formation and early regional differentiation. The work is based on dissections from which plastic models were made and on wax-plate reconstructions from serial sections. — It deals with: 1. The formation in the heart tube of the U-shaped bend to the right and some of the alleged causative factors in this process. 2. The formation of the cardiac loop and the relation of tor- sion and flexion of the body of the embryo to loop formation in the heart. ; 3. The regional differentiation of the heart into bulbus cordis, ventricle, atrium, and sinus venosus, and the early changes in each of these regions. Since these phases of heart development all involve complex changes in configuration and relations, the figures constitute a graphic summary much more satisfactory than a written résumé. The shortness of the intervals between the phases of development figured allows the continuity of the processes to be followed readily. CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK 389 LITERATURE CITED AFANASSIEV 1869 Zur embryonalen Entwickelungsgeschichte des MHerzens. Bull. de l’Acad. imp. des science de St. Pétersbourg, T.13, pp. 321-335. Boas, J.E.V. 1887. Ueber die Arterienbogen der Wirbelthiere. Morp. Jahrb., Bd. 138, S. 115-118. Born, G. 1889 Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Siugethierherzens. Archiv. f. mikr. Ant., Bd. 33, S. 284-877, pls. XIX to XXII. Duvat, M. 1889 Atlas d’embryologie. Masson, Paris. 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Yosutnaca, T. 1921 A contribution to the early development of the heart in mammalia, with special reference to the guinea-pig. Anat. Rec., vol. 21, pp. 239-308. EXPLANATION OF PLATES Series of chick hearts, showing the formation of the cardiac loop and the prog- ress of regional differentiation. The heart contours were drawn directly from dissections with the aid of the camera-lucida outlines. In drawing the older stages, wax-plate reconstructions were used for working out the relations of afferent and efferent vessels and as a check on the configuration of the heart shown by the dissections. In the stages represented in figures E to I torsion has involved the cardiac re- gion of the embryo. Since torsion affects the more cephalic regions first and prog- resses caudad, the transverse axis of the body of the embryo is at different in- clinations to the yolk at the cephalic, and at the caudal end of the heart. The drawings of the ventral and dorsal views are oriented from the frontal plane, and those of the dextral views from the sagittal plane of the body, at the level of the aortic arches. For this reason the sinus region of the heart appears inclined. The relation of the heart to neighboring structures in the embryo is shown in the text figures. The lettering of the text figures and plates corresponds throughout. ABBREVIATIONS I-VI, aortic arches I to VI Mes.v., ventral mesocardium At., atrium (d. right), (s. left) Myc., cut edge of myoepicardium A-V.c., atrioventricular constriction Myc.F., myoepicardial fusion® Bul., bulbus cordis S-A.c., sino-atrial constriction B-V.c., bulboventricular constriction Sin-at., sino-atrial region (before its Cuv.d., duct of Cuvier definite division) Endc., endocardium S.V., sinus venosus Hep.s., stubs of some of the larger he- V.ao.r., ventral aortic roots patic sinusoids Vent., ventricle i-a.g., interatrial groove V.O.M., omphalomesenteric veins z.v.g., interventricular groove V.O.M.M., fused omphalomesenteric Mes.d., dorsal mesocardium veins ’ During the fourth day there is formed a curious attachment between the myoepicardium of the ventral wall of the sinus venosus and the myoepicardium of the ventricle (pl. 2, K, L). I have not seen it described elsewhere. From work now in progress on later stages of development, I believe this strand be- comes a broad fusion and serves as a pathway over which one of the main coronary veins from the ventricle reaches the coronary sinus. 391 PLATE 1 Ventral views (X 25) of chick heart in various stages of loop formation. The somite number and the approximate incubation age of each embryo are indicated on the plate. 392 CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK PLATE 1 BRADLEY M, PATTEN 1-- ~~ Mes. v. --- V. ao. r. 29 HOURS 30 HOURS 32 HOURS 38 HOURS E 40 HOURS 9 somites 10 somites 12 somites 18 somites ~ Sin-at. 42 HOURS 44 HOURS 47 HOURS 20 somites 22 somites 25 somites i 53 HOURS 29 somites J 65 HOURS K 76 HOURS 100 HOURS 33 somites 38 somites 45 somites 393 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, NO. 3 PLATE 2 Dextral views (X 25) of same series of hearts shown in plate 1. CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK PLATE 2 BRADLEY M. PATTEN Mes. d.___ Cuv. d_ -¢¥® yN 29 HOURS 30 HOURS 32 HOURS 38 HOURS 40 HOURS 9 somites 10 somites 12 somites 16 somites 18 somites 20 somites 22 somites FE 42 HOURS G 44 HOURS 47 HOURS I 53 HOURS 25 somites 29 somites V O.M.M. 65 HOURS 76 HOURS 100 HOURS 38 somites 45 somites 33 somites 395 PLATE 3 Dorsal views (X 25) of same series of hearts shown in plates 1 and a a f ; ! : ! y : : ‘ yy - a . ] , yi : fe , F J 4 m4 » - 4 9 Cae ; om eee t —— § = ~~? — oa 4 ob | es d : ie” SET ee pial wa Thies > aa A # : : : ij ; mae) au 7 a pes fs pio hi ; : ar a oh a = pen meee Oats 1) se Senne Ae — Nal oie i wot a j bei ee ‘ ; ~ Ni a : : ae ou, CARDIAC-LOOP FORMATION IN CHICK PLATE 3 BRADLEY M. PATTEN 29 HOURS. 30 HOURS 32 HOURS 38 HOU RS y A 9 somites B 10 somites G ie Rene D } y 40 HOURS 16 somites 18 somites 42 HOURS F G 44 HOURS H 47 HOURS I 53° HOURS 20 somites 22 somites 29 somites 25 somites Hep. S. VAO SVE ers 65 HOURS 76 HOURS. J 33 somites 38 somites 100 HOURS 45 somites 397 PROMPT. PUBLICATION The Author can greatly assist the Publishers of this Journal in attaining prompt publication of his paper by following these four suggestions: 1. Abstract. Send with the manuscript an Abstract containing not more than 250 words, in the precise form of The Bibliographic Service Card, so that the paper when accepted can be scheduled for a definite issue as soon as received by the Publisher from the Editor. 2. Manuscript. Send the Manuscript to the Editor prepared as described in the Notice to Contributors, to conform to the style of the Journal (see third page of cover). 3. Illustrations. Send the Illustrations in complete and fin- ished form for engraving, drawings and photographs being pro- tected from bending or breaking when shipped by mail or express. 4. Proofs. Send the Publisher early notice of any change in your address, to obviate delay. Carefully correct and mail proofs to the Editor as soon as possible after their arrival. By assuming and meeting these responsibilities, the author avoids loss of time, correspondence that may be required to get the Abstract, Manuscript and Illustrations in proper form, and does all in his power to obtain prompt publication. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, No. 4, JULY, 1922 Resumen por el autor, R. S. Cunningham. La reaccién de las células que tapizan la cavidad peritoneal, incluso el epitelio germinal del ovario, a los colorantes vitales. El autor ha observado que las células de la serosa que tapiza la cavidad peritoneal almacenan los colorantes vitales de una manera muy caracteristica. Las dos manifestaciones mas sor- prendentes de esta reaccién consisten en la localizacién de la concentracioén de los granulos tintéreos en un drea circumscrita del citoplasma de cada célula y en la formacién de una roseta perinuclear. Las células mesoteliales de diferentes dreas de la superficie peritoneal presentan ciertas particularidades en sus reacciones con los colorantes vitales, las cuales son suficientes para clasificarlas en grupos mientras que todavia se conforman con el tipo general caracterfstico. Las variaciones notadas en las ecélulas de diferentes Areas de la superficie peritoneal consisten en diferencias en la cantidad de colorante almacenado, las caracteristicas de la roseta perinuclear y la orientacién de la acumulacién localizada de particulas tint6reas dentro de la célula. Las células que cubren al intestino contienen general- mente la menor cantidad del colorante, mientras que las del mesotelio esplénico y las del epitelio germinal del ovario con- tienen la mayor cantidad. El epitelio germinal almacena los colorantes vitales de una manera especial y caracteristica. Cada eélula contiene una masa de grdnulos, redonda, oval o en forma de copa, en la zona infranuclear de la célula; esta masa, en los ejemplares bien tefiidos, IHlenaba toda la porcién de la célula situada entre el nucleo y la membrana basal. Por otra parte, la roseta perinuclear ha sido hallada solo raras veces en las células del epitelio germinal. Translation by José F. Nonidez Cornell Medical College, New York AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, MAY l THE REACTION OF THE CELLS LINING THE PERI- TONEAL CAVITY, INCLUDING THE GERMINAL EPITHELIUM OF THE OVARY, TO VITAL DYES R. S. CUNNINGHAM Department of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University ONE PLATE (EIGHT FIGURES) The general trend of the large amount of work carried out on the nature and significance of vital staining has been to indicate a definite relationship between all the cells which manifest a reaction to these dyes in the same way and to the same degree. That many observers have been extravagant in regard to the various applications of this theory may be admitted, while the strict value of the principle is still adhered to. Again it has been customary to consider as important only those reactions to this group of dyes in which large, or at least moderate amounts were stored. All cells having a smaller content were more or less huddled together and left unstudied. Yet the careful study of the characteristics in those groups of cells where only minor amounts of vital dyes are stored may prove of as much interest and importance as the elaborate study of those cells in which the power to store these substances is very great. This is, I think, further suggested in the recent brilliant studies of Evans and Scott (’20) on the reactions of clasmatocytes and fibroblasts. This work, though directed towards the differentiation of these two cell-types in as exact a way as possible, revealed much of the reaction of the fibroblasts with different exposures to many vital dyes, and it is practically certain that these observations will later be of very great value in increasing our knowledge of the phases of fibroblastic activity. Since the cells lining the peritoneal cavity do not store vital dyes in large amounts, they have been among those to which but little attention has been paid. But the finding that the 399 400 R. S. CUNNINGHAM reaction of these cells is most specific in character, even though the amount of dye stored is much less than in the case of the clasmatocyte, has suggested that this may be a method which will assist in solving some of the long-discussed questions regard- ing the relationships which the cells lining different areas of the peritoneal cavity bear to each other and to other cells. Goldmann, in his studies on vital staining, gives very brief consideration to the peritoneal lining cells. In one place (’12, p. 40) he states specifically that the ‘endothelial serosal lining cells’ do not store any vital dyes, and in another (’09, p. 45) he records the observation that the germinal epithelium of the ovary likewise does not stain in the living animal. Pappenheim (713) and Pappenheim and Fukushi (’14) agree with Goldmann that the peritoneal mesothelial cells do not take vital stains. They use this lack of the ability to store vital dyes as an argument against the participation of the lining cells in the formation of the free phagocytic cells of inflammatory exudates. Tschaschin (713) carried out experiments using collargol, isamine blue, and trypan blue, and states that he found that the serosal lining cells remained entirely unstained. That peritoneal mesothelium stains to some extent, however, when exposed to vital dyes has been noted by Schlecht, Evans, Kiyono, and Foot. Kiyono (’14) has given the most elaborate description of the vital staining of mesothelium, and his are the only illustrations of vitally stained serosal lining cells which I have been able to find. His figure (a), plate (1), shows two cells containing dye from animals which had been vitally stained by intravenous injections of carmine; these cells he designates as peritoneal lining cells, but he does not state from which surface they were obtained. Kiyono also studied the reaction of these cells to trypan blue in the omentum and found that the distribu- tion of the blue was precisely the same as that found for car- mine. He suggests that the reason the trypan blue granules have not always been found in the mesothelial cells is due to too long fixation, during which the blue diffuses out of the sur- face cells. He fixed his omental spread preparations for one hour and then studied them for the distribution of the dye. He CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 401 describes a concentration of the dye-granules near the nucleus, but suggests that this is due to the greater amount of cytoplasm in that region, and he intimates that there are as many granules elsewhere in relation to the amount of cytoplasm. ‘The gran- ules, which he found, were always small and evenly distributed without accumulations in any particular areas, or irregular clumping as has been found in the clasmatocyte. His plate (1) gives a most interesting comparison between the immense amount of carmine which has been stored by the clasmatocytes and monocytes, and the sparse granulation of the serosal cells. On the other hand, the fibroblasts show amounts of carmine not very different either in amount or distribution from that of the mesothelium. Kiyono thinks that his work with vital dyes indicates a very definite and close relationship between the serosal cells and the fibroblasts, though he finds no actual transi- tion between the two cell-types. Evans (715) has also described the sparse granulation of the serosal cells, noting that the fine granules of dye were concen- trated around the nucleus, but his descriptions are very brief and do not indicate whether or not he agrees with Kiyono in regard to the more general distribution of dye-granules throughout the cytoplasm. Schlecht (’07) also describes the peritoneal mesothelium as taking vital dyes, but does not differentiate very sharply between the surface-cells and connective-tissue cells, which probably also include some true clasmatocytes. His observations are not very exact with regard to the serosal lining cells, but are sufficiently so to indicate that there are some vital dye-granules to be found in the serosal mesothelium. Tschaschin, on the basis of his-studies with vital dyes (713 a) and on experimental inflammations (’13 b), has concluded that the serosal lining cells constitute a specific group, having no relationship with the connective-tissue elements. Evans and Scott (20, p. 47) have referred to the subject of the specificity of mesothelial cells as distinct from fibroblasts and clasmatocytes in their monograph on the connective-tissue cells. They agree entirely with Tschaschin in considering the 402 R. S. CUNNINGHAM lining cells as a distinct strain and state that the use of the azo- dyestuffs has furnished, in part at least, a means of differentiat- ing these cells. They do not give any very specific discussion of the characteristics which the surface-cells display other than that the granules are always minute and that the spleen manifests them in the most marked degree. That they have observed many of the characteristic differences which the cells lining the peritoneum manifest towards vital dyes is undoubted, and their opinion is clearly in favor of their specificity, but the analysis is insufficient for establishing any basis regarding the especial peculiarities of these cells. Undoubtedly an examination of these cells with a large number of dyes would yield further interesting facts. ‘ Ribbert (’04), Schlecht (’07), Goldmann (’09), Kiyono (14), and Evans (’16a, ’16b) have described the vital staining of the atretic follicle of the ovary. But none of these authors de- scribes any staining of the germinal epithelium, Goldmann alone referring specifically to these cells, stating that they do not store any vital dye at all. Foot (19, p. 366) reports the observation that the serosal cells from the omentum stain deeply with vital dyes, and uses this reaction to suggest their having a genetic relationship to free cells formed during inflammatory reactions. In a later communication (’21, p. 635) he describes the serosal lining cells of the omentum as containing a few fine granules, and concludes that most of the dye appears to pass through the cells. Most of the work that has been done on the cells lining the peri- toneal cavity has been directed to the solution of the problem of relationship between these cells and the free cells of inflammatory exudates. But the serosal lining cells are of interest in other connections, among these the most important are their relation- ship to fibroblasts and to the fundamental physiological activities in which the surface-cells are adapted to mediate. The phenom- ena of vital staining is of very great importance in differentiat- ing cell-groups from cell-groups and has already assisted very much in outlining the absolute separation of serosal cells from clasmatocytes. Can it also be used to assist in establishing PGR sere 5, CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 403 the relationship which exists between the fibroblast and the serosal cell? Finally, a careful study of the way in which serosal lining cells react to vital dyes may throw some additional light on the interrelationships of different areas of mesothelium and on the physiology of these cells, both individually and as a living membrane. MATERIAL AND METHODS It is obvious at once to anyone who has studied the cells lining the peritoneal membrane that sections cut in the ordinary manner perpendicular to the flat surface of the cells could yield but little information as to the extent or arrangement of the dye concre- tions in the entire cell. It is, I think, this fact that has caused so many observers to conclude that the cells are entirely free from the dye; while most of those who have described the granu- lation have studied the cells in the omentum where they can be observed in their entirety by means of spread preparations. The observations reported here have been made from a series of experiments on rabbits. The animals were stained with Griibler’s trypan blue or with carmine prepared according to Kiyono’s method. Both dyes were usually administered in- travenously at intervals of twenty-four or forty-eight hours, the animals received from six to thirty doses of carmine, from three to twenty doses of trypan blue, and were usually sacrificed one to two days after the last injection. In the study of the cells several methods were used. The animal was anesthetized and the abdomen opened, cells were scraped from the surfaces of all the viscera, diaphragm, and body-wall, and were studied immediately. Smears were also prepared in a similar way, fixed by heat or alcohol and then stained in an appropriate manner to obtain good contrasts. Spread preparations of omentum and mesentery were studied fresh. Omental spreads were fixed by immersion for one hour in osmic acid or neutral formalin, washed quickly and stained; others were treated with weak (4 to 1 per cent) silver nitrate, ex- posed to sunlight, and then fixed in alcohol. Very thin blocks of all the organs which border the peritoneal cavity were fixed in neutral formalin for one hour, and then transferred to 80 per 404. R. S. CUNNINGHAM cent alcohol, dehydrated, and embedded as rapidly as possible. Blocks were also fixed in 95 per cent alcohol, it having been found that the dye did not diffuse out to any appreciable extent from tissue fixed in strong alcohol. Sections were cut parallel to the surface and all the surface sections carefully preserved in series. In this way some slight shrinkage of the tissues occurred as determined by control preparations, but any loss of dye from the cells was reduced to a minimum. Finally, very thin mem- branes were obtained by stripping small bits of the surfaces of organs while the blocks of tissue were in 80 per cent alcohol; these were stained and cleared, and while many were entirely too thick for careful study, others were obtained which were as thin and easily analyzed as omental spreads. In general there seems to have been some loss even in these preparations, as could be determined by the control studies in fresh material, but the loss was in no way sufficient to prevent cellular orienta- tion, which is obviously the one difficulty in the interpretation of the cells removed by scraping. It is a pleasure to thank Mr. Didusch for the care and accu- racy with which he made the excellent drawings. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The cells which line the peritoneal cavity may be divided into four classes by means of the reactions to vital dyes. These are all closely related to each other, agreeing in certain partic- ulars which seem to be very fundamental, while they differ in minor points which are probably in some way related to the function of the organs which they cover. The classification into four groups is not to be considered as absolute, because variations in one may approach the normal in another, but the general types are sufficiently distinct to require separation. 1. General serosal mesothelium, including the cells covering: . intestine. . body-wall. liver, pancreas, etc. . mesentery. . diaphragm. Be S57 Ss S i G CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 405 2. Cells covering the omentum. 3. Cells covering the spleen. A. Cells covering the ovary, the so-called germinal epithelium. The first division is a composite one, including all the cells which have no very sharp differences from each other, and besides all of these cells agree in general in storing smaller amounts of the dyes than do those of the spleen and ovary and differ from the cells of the omentum in certain peculiarities other than the amount of dye stored. The lining cells of the mesentery are very much like those of the omentum, but have cer- tain local differences which are more like the general lining cells elsewhere, thus placing the cells covering the mesentery midway between the ordinary serosal lining cells and the cells covering the omentum. In this way there are all gradations between the cells covering the intestine which take less vital dye than any other serosal cells, and the cells covering the spleen and the ovary, both of which show a characteristic vital staining with considerable ease. The other variations and what evidence there is of a parallel physiological relationship will be taken up later. The most obvious characteristic which has been observed in the manner in which the lining cells store vital dyes is the collec- tion of the dye concretions into an area more or less regular in shape in a definite portion of the cytoplasm. The distribution of dye-granules in a perinuclear rosette is also characteristic of the serosal cells, but requires longer exposure to the dye for its development and is never so universally present as the specific separate mass in the cytoplasm. These two specific types of staining are often found combined, but each and particularly the clump of granules may appear alone or with many minor variations, which are in part characteristic of the cellular surface, in part the result of the kind of dye employed, but to a greater extent due to the length of time during which the cells have been exposed to the dyes. Again it has been noted in general that carmine tends to remain more definitely collected in a small area, while trypan blue tends much more to form perinuclear rosettes, usually with, but sometimes without, local concentrations. It 406 R. S. CUNNINGHAM is quite likely that still other variations than those described would become apparent if a larger series of dyes could be em- ployed, and they might prove of value in further subdividing the serosal cells into smaller groups. General serosal mesothelrum In animals acutely stained with trypan blue (1.e., having re- ceived six to eight doses), the cells covering the intestine, the body-wall, the liver, the mesentery, and the diaphragm had in common the distribution of dye-granules in a fine irregular, peri- nuclear rosette with a more or less evident concentra- tion at some area in the cytoplasm. There were a few scattered granules besides, usually just adjacent to the small clump. In animals’ having had only three to five doses, the perinuclear rosette was usually represented by an occasional granule and the small cytoplasmic clump at this earlier stage was present as a small irregular ring of granules. This ring was usually the first evidence of dye in the cell and often formed an almost per- fect ring or oval, usually about one-half or one-third the size of the nucleus. The most conspicuous individual differences between the individual surfaces included in this group, as shown in acute staining with trypan blue, were the greater number of diffused granules in the diaphragmatic cells, the more sharply formed ring in the mesentery, the greater tendency to perinu- clear rosettes in the liver, and the generally sharper localization and less amount of dye in the body-wall and intestine. These differences are given more because they indicate the relative lack of extremely sharp differentiation than because they seem of great importance within themselves. In animals in which staining was carried beyond eight to ten doses of trypan blue, the most important changes were a general increase in the amount of dye around the nucleus in all the cells of these surfaces except the diaphragm where there was a more definite increase in the granules diffusely scattered around the circumscribed area of earliest staining (fig. 2). CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 407 Turning now to the reactions of this group of cells to intrave- nously administered carmine: in the early stages when the blue was found in a ring with a few scattered perinuclear granules the carmine was almost always in a small round or oval patch, always sharply localized in the cytoplasm. These carmine granules were almost always very small, uniform in size and evenly distributed. The regularity with which the early carmine staining showed this precise arrangement was quite remarkable. When the experimental animal had received more dye, ten to fourteen injections, the principal difference noted was the in- crease in the size of the patches of carmine granules and the beginning of the perinuclear rosettes. In animals in which the staining was carried much further—fifteen to thirty doses— the size of the isolated groups of dye-particles increased still more, and in many cases there were some granules which had apparently strayed away from the central fold so that these areas were no longer so sharply outlined. This distribution of the dye was particularly characteristic of the cells covering the diaphragm, the irregularity of the granules almost furnishing sufficient degree of difference to permit the classification of these cells in a separate group. These diaphragmatic mesothelial cells were the first to show perinuclear rosettes, though these were often most irregular and diffuse. Figure 8 shows two cells which were obtained from the surface of the diaphragm of a rabbit which had received twenty-five doses of carmine on alter- nate days; both the diffuse perinuclear arrangement and the irregularly scattered cytoplasmic granules are shown, but never- theless there is quite definite evidence of a greater concentra- tion of the dye in a definite part of the cell. Only in very rare instances have cells been found from any of the surfaces of the general serosa that did not present this wholly characteristic type of staining. In animals stained over a considerable length of time, surface- cells other than those of the diaphragm also contained more carmine granules, but distributed usually with greater regularity. In those over the stomach and intestine the additional granules were usually added to the preexisting small ring or mass, while 408 R. Ss. CUNNINGHAM a few scattered granules sometimes developed about the nucleus. In the cells covering the liver particularly and the other surfaces to some extent, the carmine granules, with increased staining, often developed into a long, oval belt which sometimes crossed the nucleus only on one side, and sometimes extended partially if not wholly around it. So that instead of having the cir- cumscribed perinuclear rosette which has been described as characteristic of trypan blue, these cells had a rosette in the form of a belt running all, or part way, around the nucleus antero- posteriorly. Finally, it seems important to emphasize the question of the orientation of the dye distribution in relation to the nucleus and the position of the cells in situ. These observations were made both upon living cells and upon sections, the latter being cut perpendicular to the surface. In sections the perinuclear rosette so typical of trypan blue was clearly seen as a patch of granules at either end of the nucleus, one or the other containing more blue corresponding to the area of localization. This was often extended somewhat over the surface of the end of the nucleus. But the characteristic arrangement was the principal amount of the blue close to one end of the nucleus. In the early staining with carmine the small sharply localized area of granules was usually between the nucleus and the surface of the cell, but placed laterally to the central axis of the nucleus, so that as the dye increased in amount with longer exposures the cross- sections showed red granules in both outer and inner zones of the cell. This again was the formation of the perinuclear belt, already described, from the lateral or anterolateral group of granules. Considering the relationship of the early areas of carmine staining to the center of the nucleus as distributed along its long axis, they were found to be usually somewhat nearer one end, but were often close to the center. As the carmine increased in amount to the maximum, the granules often covered the en- tire length of the nucleus, but more often formed the perinuclear belt. CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 409 The omentum When the omentum from a rabbit that had been vitally stained with trypan blue was spread on a cover-slip, treated lightly with silver nitrate and stained with carmine, the large pavement cells of the serosa were found to be very characteristically stained. They almost always contained a small ring of blue granules in one part of the cytoplasm, sometimes this ring was entirely regular and smooth in contour and again it was broken or oval shaped. These granules appeared in animals which had re- ceived only a few doses of blue; when the staining was carried further, the cytoplasm in the neighborhood of this first ring-like group of granules began to show a few additional granules, and finally the perinuclear rosette developed. In an animal in which the staining was carried out with the usual amount of dye, six to eight doses, the sharply defined area was very characteristic and the ring was still present though obscured by the develop- ment of some diffuse granules adjacent to it. The perinuclear rosette was present in about one-half to one-third of the cells, but was usually quite irregular. Perhaps the most interesting and characteristic finding was that, in the majority of the cells, the ring and its subsequently attached granules were opposite the long axis of the oval nucleus (fig. 5). Most of the mesothelial cells covering the omentum were rather elongated, and with the patches of dye-granules located in one end they presented a very characteristic appearance. With longer exposures to blue, the granules gradually extended throughout the end of the cell and a few appeared irregularly elsewhere in the cytoplasm, increasing the sharpness of the perinuclear rosette, and sometimes appearing over or under the nucleus. Occasionally there were two sharp areas of localization in a single cell, but this was not common in the normal cells except in those where there were two nuclei; in such instances the arrangement was usually of one or two types. In many cells the dye-granules were arranged about each nucleus as though the cell might be in process of division, suggesting that each group of granules eventually would be entirely characteristic of an individual cell. In others there 410 R. S. CUNNINGHAM were granules massed between the nuclei, and this mass extended arms of dye which surrounded the two nuclei in more or less irregular rosettes. In the one case the arrangement suggests that the two nuclei are functionally the centers of separate cells, while in the other the arrangement implies that the cell is truly binucleate and functionally a single unit. The collection of granules opposite the long axis of the nucleus was not always present, a few cells in every preparation having the principal mass at the side of the oval nucleus, but the proportion was greatly in favor of the other type. A few granules were often seen scattered between the nucleus and the surface or in the infranuclear zone, but the principal mass was very seldom in either of these two regions. In animals stained with carmine the same easier was observed with certain modifications. The mass of carmine in the end of the cell often extended until it almost filled the entire cytoplasmic area, but always the borders were more regular than with the trypan blue, the irregular scattered granules being much less numerous. The perinuclear rosettes were more infrequent, or rather were relatively later in appearing in the case of carmine. However, in very heavily stained animals they were to be seen in many cells, long fine arms of granules extending irregularly across or around the nucleus, or perhaps out into the free areas of cytoplasm. A similar condition is shown in figure 7, which is from the spleen. It is interesting to recall that the cells of the omentum show much more diffusely scattered granules after they have been irritated than do the cells of the other areas, especially of the spleen (Cunningham, ’22), but the significance of this still remains to be studied. The spleen In the cells covering the spleen the perinuclear rosette de- veloped very early in the course of staining with trypan blue, but it was usually accompanied by some condensation into the type of arrangement which has already been described for the general mesothelium. As has been noted, this blue rosette CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY All surrounded the nucleus parallel to its flattened surface, so that the condensation did not, as a rule, develop between the flattened surface of the nucleus and the surface of the cytoplasm, but rather it was adjacent to some point of the periphery of the nucleus. The numerous apparently different arrangements are all easily comprehensible if this fundamental type of the distribution of the dye is clearly understood. Despite the fact that in surface cells of the spleen the rosettes developed early and quickly, they contained only a small amount of dye before the condensa- tion of granules became the most obvious part of the staining. These collections of dye very rapidly increased in amount until in smear preparations the cells often seemed to contain only this single large mass of dye. The location of the mass of dye in relation to the nucleus was very interesting, and while every conceivable appearance was found both in smears and sections, careful study revealed that the dye-masses were, in the vast majority of cells, located lateral to the flat surface of the nucleus and near the termination of its shortest diameter in the per- iphery. The rapid increase in the mass produced the type of cap seen in figure 4, this cell having been selected because the perinuclear rosette was represented by only a few granules, while the entire lateral surface of the nucleus was covered by the dye. In animals having received about eight to ten injec- tions of trypan blue, this type of arrangement was very common, though more granules were usually present in the perinuclear rosette; the cells shown in figures 3 and 4 were both from an animal in this stage of staining. In sections from the spleen at this stage the nuclei of the mesothelial cells were bordered at either end, the ‘ends’ being obviously the optical appearance— rather than the anteroposterior poles—of the long axis of the nucleus, by groups of blue granules varying in amount from a small number to a large patch, practically filling the cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus. The amount of the dye in such sections was obviously dependent upon where the section divided the cell in relation to the principal mass of dye. On further increasing the amount of dye administered, the edges of the principal dye-mass extended irregularly further and 412 R. S. CUNNINGHAM further around the nucleus, until, in many cases, in sections, granules of dye were found in either or both of the supranuclear and infranuclear zones of the cells. With such increased amounts of dye administered, the cell-body increased considerably in thickness usually throughout the entire length, though a supranu- clear bulge was occasionally present. This arrangement was constantly found in most of the cells, but there was a small proportion in which certain characteristic variations appeared. In some cells the location of the primary concentration was be- tween the center of the nucleus and the pole of the long axis; in such cells the extension of the mass led to considerable irregu- larities in the relation between the nucleus and its cap of blue. Some of these caps extended around or partly around the pole of the nucleus in an irregular fashion. Again, a few cells were noted in which two localized aggregations were situated on oppo- site sides connected by arms of blue extending around the nucleus from one to the other. These double caps were found on the two poles as well as on the two flattened sides of the nucleus, although they were more numerous in the latter location. Again, it was found that the lateral mass had extended almost entirely into the infranuclear zone and had produced a reaction somewhat similar to that seen in the germinal epithelium of the ovary. Finally, it must be noted that the lateral location of the dye- mass, extending a fine outline of granules around the nucleus to form the typical perinuclear rosette, may, I think, be considered as the one most striking characteristic of the splenic mesothelial cells of the rabbit when vitally stained with trypan blue. Turning now to the results obtained with the intravenous administration of carmine, the cells of the splenic mesothelium were found to be equally as characteristic as when stained with trypan blue. In the early stages the carmine was found dis- tributed in the usual sharply localized area just lateral to the center of the nucleus and always superficial to it. As the amount of dye was increased, the area extended more and more on all sides, sometimes in a regular fashion, sometimes with fine lines and a few detached granules; figures 6 and 7 illustrate two stages in this progressive increase. ‘The perinuclear rosette was some- ——— — CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 413 times found at about this time, but was always most irregular and never so sharp and characteristic as seen with trypan blue. The area of the cell just over the nucleus, which contained the lo- calized mass of dye, was humped up often to a considerable extent. When the staining was carried to the maximum used in these experiments, the edges of the supranuclear mass extended irregularly around the nucleus and reached the infranuclear zone, in this way forming a perinuclear belt, similar to, but much more extensive than, those found in the cells of the general serosal mesothelium. The cells had by this stage increased considerably in size and over a larger surface than at the stage when there was only a supranuclear swelling. In some few cells the mass of dye seemed to be around the pole of the nu- cleus, probably the first-formed area was somewhat displaced from the region of the center of the cell. This cap formation around the longitudinal pole of the nucleus was not as common as with trypan blue. The principal difference observed in the reactions of the cells to the two types of dyes was the greater tendency of the carmine to enter the supranuclear zone and to remain circumscribed, while the trypan blue extended towards the periphery and usually towards the infranuclear zone. In general the cells covering the spleen contained considerably more dye than any other serosal cells at the same general stage of staining. It has been reported elsewhere (Cunningham, ’21, ’22) that, in cats in which the splenic mesothelial cells had been irritated, the trypan blue granules tended to collect in the infranuclear zone of the cell together with many highly refractive droplets which were developed during the progress of the irritation. Further, it was found that in experimental hydremia in cats the fluid always collected in the infranuclear zone. The normal vital staining in the cat likewise tends towards the perinuclear rosette, but with a considerably greater tendency to the infranu- clear extension. Whether these differences are very important cannot be stated as yet, sufficient data on long-continued irrita- tions of the serosa of heavily stained rabbits not being com- pleted. The area which shows the most active vital staining THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 30, NO. 4 414 R. S. CUNNINGHAM probably is important in relation to other activities, or poten- tial activities, of these cells. No further conclusions can legit- imately be drawn from these observations at the present time. The ovary The cells covering the ovarian ligaments in the rabbit are the ordinary, normal, flat mesothelial elements, but at the point of attachment these cells pass by rather an abrupt transition into the cuboidal cells which constitute the investiture of the ovary proper. These cells, commonly known as the germinal epithelium of the ovary, are cuboidal in shape and have clearly defined, sharply staining nuclei. They seem to rest upon a very definite basement membrane and the nuclei are placed in general about midway between the surface and the base. When vitally stained these cells stored the dye in the infranu- clear zone, but only in relatively small amounts in comparison with the amounts which were taken up at the same time by the clasmatocytes and other cells commonly known as the more active in their reaction to the vital dyes; so that in lightly stained rabbits there were very few granules to be seen in these cells, not more than were found in the cells of the peritoneum generally. An increase in the amount of stain given caused a greater increase in the amount of dye which was stored by the cells covering the ovary, and a very prolonged course of staining produced an astonishing picture; the amount of dye in the cells increased very greatly until the bases of the whole layer seemed entirely filled with the dye (fig. 1). A more accurate description of the vitally stained germinal epithelial cells is given from one experi- ment that demonstrates especially well the very large amount of dye that can be stored: the cells of the germinal epithelium varied considerably in size and shape, usually they were cuboidal with a tendency to columnar form, the outer border occasion- ally tended to be rounded and to show slight indentations be- tween the cells. The nuclei were relatively clear and stained well. They were located near the center of the cell, but there was aslightly wider zone between the nucleus and the basement CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 415 membrane than between the nucleus and the surface. Here and there a cell contained a vacuole in the base of the cell, though it was very difficult to determine whether these were inter- or intracellular. Most of the cells had no vacuoles. But every cell, without exception, contained a group of trypan blue granules near the basal pole of the nucleus and often forming a slight cup around it. Careful examination showed that there were a con- siderable number of types of arrangement; some cells contained an irregular circle of dye-granules; others a solid, round clump; others, a cap on the lower pole of the nucleus, and some, an irregular patch with knobs, projections, etc. Here and there an occasional granule appeared in the upper part of the cell, or a line of them extended up around the nucleus in an arm-like manner. Some of the cells were very heavily laden with granules which extended often up around half of the nucleus. Practi- eally all the blue granules were the same size, about $4 to > u in diameter. None of them was very large, as in clasmatocytes, and yet few were very fine, as in ordinary normal mesothelial cells. Here and there one found cells which were considerably flatter, being about half cuboidal, and here the dye-granules were again located in the region of the cell just medial to the nucleus. These flattened cells seemed to be from the edge of the ovary near its attachment and suggested a transition to normal peri- toneal mesothelium. When the transition from the flat meso- thelium to the cuboidal germinal epithelium was studied it was found to be most interesting. Here transition cells showed less and less staining in the characteristic area down to the ordinary mesothelial cell with its patch of granules and perinuclear rosette. Animals stained with carmine presented precisely similar pictures, the variations from the reaction to trypan blue were very considerably less than in areas such as the spleen or dia- phragm. But there was slight tendency to surround the nu- cleus, and the irregularities of staining were always more sharply shown in the animals stained in trypan blue than in those stained in carmine. In many areas in the sections of the ovaries from animals stained with carmine, cells were found just beneath the layer of the germinal epithelium proper and forming a nest-like 416 R. S. CUNNINGHAM mass bordered beneath by the basement membrane. These cells were stained exactly like the cells of the surface, having a small patch of the red granules around one pole of the nucleus, though they were notoriented in any especial manner. Whether these cells are derivatives of the layer of germinal epithelium or whether they are other cells reacting in a similar manner to the dyes is not yet clear. DISCUSSION The characteristic reaction to vital dyes which has been de- scribed for the general peritoneal mesothelium certainly suggests that there is a similarity in function which extends throughout the membrane, and perhaps may even include the germinal epithelium of the ovary. The differences noted between diverse areas such as spleen and diaphragm may eventually prove to be specifically bound up in the peculiar functions of the organs which they cover, or may be due to differences in environment, such as blood supply, movements of viscera, or other physical factors. ‘The characteristic location of the vital dye-granules in the various types of mesothelial cells may have some bearing on the differences in the physiological activities of the organs which the cells cover, but our information is far too limited at present to even hazard a guess concerning these interpretations. Obviously, the observations reported here may assist in the settlement of two general questions. In the first place, there has been much discussion regarding the relationship between the fibroblasts and serosal lining cells, some authors having maintained them to be the same fundamental type of cell mani- festing different physical characteristics under different environ- ments, and others having considered them as entirely different final types. The second question, in regard to which these findings may be of importance, is the relationship between the germinal epithelium and the general serosal mesothelium, on the one hand, and between the germinal epithelium and the structures of the ovary proper, on the other. Evans and Scott (’20) have succeeded in separating the fibro- blasts from the clasmatocytes by their reactions to vital dyes, CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY A but they have done even more in giving us a very large number of figures of fibroblasts stained with various dyes. In studying their plates it becomes evident that there is no pattern which one can consider as in common between even a small number of the fibroblasts. The typical fibroblast therefore shows no characteristic stain- ing in a definite area of the cytoplasm such as is so evident in the serosal cells from the entire peritoneal membrane. Indeed, the reactions of the fibroblast to vital dyes would seem from these plates alone to ally them more closely to the clasmatocytes than to the serosal cells. Many observers have described reac- tions of connective-tissue cells and serosal cells as being quite similar during the different stages of inflammations, and on such grounds as these have considered that they are interchangeable (Cornil, ’97; Ranvier, ’93; Schott, 09; Weidenreich, ’07; Roloff, 94, 96, and Dominici, ’01, ’02). Clarke (16), who introduced celloidin and paraffin into the general connective tissues, considered that he had produced a true experimental mesothelium which, according to him, was entirely comparable to the lining cells of the peritoneum. Among the older workers many thought that the mesothelial cells were capable of transformation into a ‘variety of forms,’ one of which was the fibroblast. Schott (09) and Weidenreich (’07) suggest that the surface-cells of the omentum are merely flattened fibro- blasts. Mallory (20), in studying tumors of the arachnoid, has concluded that they are of connective-tissue character, and because of these tumors arising from the arachnoidal cells, he concluded that these cells must be considered as flattened fibroblasts. The work done on the differentiation of fibroblasts into serosal cells seems to me inconclusive. That the normal serosal lining cell has a different reaction to vital dyes from that mani- fested by the fibroblast is undoubted, but no effort has yet been made to determine whether the cells which have formed around foreign bodies or those which have recovered denuded areas of peritoneum give reactions to vital dyes similar to those reported here for serosal cells. It seems, therefore, that the evidence so 418 R. S. CUNNINGHAM far obtained tends to indicate that the serosal cell is a specific cell-type and is not a transformed fibroblast, in the sense of being interchangeable morphologically and physiologically. The relation which the germinal epithelium bears to the ovary and to the cells lining the general peritoneal cavity has been extensively studied. In the course of these investigations there have developed two principal questions, both of which must be considered in the light of the reactions which these groups of cells manifest towards vital dyes. In the first place, are the germinal epithelial cells closely related to the cells lining the general peritoneum, or are these two groups entirely different genetically and functionally? In the second place, to what extent do the follicular cells, interstitial cells, and definitive ova have their origin in these cells which constitute the ovarian envelope? Waldeyer (’70), after long and careful study of many species, decided that the cells of the general peritoneal mesothelium were in early stages entirely similar to, and continuous with, the ger- minal epithelial cells. But later in the developmental history, all of these cells except those over certain specific areas, differing in different species, were destroyed or desquamated and their place taken by subjacent connective-tissue cells. He found that in the amphibia the cells of the general serosa retained their primitive characters in wider distribution than in the mammals, and so he considered that the peritoneal sac might be thought of as fundamentally a reproductive pouch which gradually was narrowed until, in mammals, this property was retained only by the cells of the ovarian envelope. Gatenby’s work (’16) on the frog, in which he found that the general peritoneal lining cells could bud off and produce ova, is in support of Waldeyer’s idea. But, on the other hand, many observers have considered the cells covering the genital ridge as being differentiated out of the general coelomic layers. Neumann (’75) found that there were interesting interrela- tionships between the cells covering the ovary and those lining the general peritoneal cavity in the frog. He considered them genetically identical, because they both arose from the low CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 419 eylindrical layer of cells which lines the peritoneal cavity during its formation from the coelomic layers. Later, the special characteristics of the germinal epithelium are developed in connection with their further differentiation into sexual elements. Furthermore, he found that the flat serosal cells of other areas in the peritoneal cavity of frogs may be transformed into typical germinal epithelium when sexual maturity is reached. MacLeod (80) suggests that the peritoneal epithelium also undergoes modifications in other regions, e.g., spleenand pancreas, and Kolossow (’93), in his careful studies of the normal peritoneal epithelium in both mammals and amphibia, comes to the con- clusion that the germinal epithelium of the ovary is a part of the true layer of peritoneal lining cells, which, owing to specific stimuli, has undergone a certain amount of differentiation. He also found certain differences in the cells covering the spleen in mammals and in those covering the stomach of amphibia. Coert (98) believes that the germinal epithelium is formed from the general coelomic epithelium and denies its specificity in Waldeyer’s sense, but agrees with him that the germinal epithelium gives rise to primordial germ cells. Van Beneden (’80), Allen (’04), Sainmont (’06), working with the cat, Firket (14), (20 a), using the chick, and others have come to the conclusion that the germinal epithelium of the ovary is a part of the peritoneal mesothelium which has become cylindrical. Even Waldeyer in his more recent work has modified his earlier opinions indorsing the conclusions of Coert. In general all modern work has tended to establish the genetic continuity of the general peritoneal serosa and the germinal epithelium; whatever the factors may be that determine the specific changes which have been found in the cellular layers, particularly of those over the ovaries, but also to some extent of those covering the spleen, stomach, etc., they must be asso- ciated with some stimulus coming from the structures over which the changes take place. The results of the vital staining of the germinal epithelium and the cells of the general peritoneal lining indicate a certain similarity in the reactions of these two groups of cells. There 420 R. S. CUNNINGHAM are gradations between the intestine, body-wall, diaphragm, omentum, and the spleen; the latter approaching the type of staining manifested by the ovary more closely than the others. These cells have in common the localization of the dye in a par- ticular part of the cytoplasm of the cell, and while there is no direct evidence that similarity in the storage of vital dyes repre- sents similarity in physiological function, yet it is permissible to consider such findings suggestive. The extension of such studies to species such as the frog would be helpful because there is evidence suggestive of a greater similarity between the general serosal lining cells and the germinal epithelium in these species. With regard to the second question concerning the relationship between the germinal epithelium and the internal structures of the ovary, a very large amount of work has been done. Elaborate re- views of the literature have been given by Firket, Coert, von Winiwarter, and others, and it is entirely unnecessary to repeat these here. In brief, it has been accepted by most workers that the medullary cords are downgrowths of the germinal epithelium, and many also believe the so-called cords of the second prolifera- tion are likewise derived from the germinal epithelium. The question about which most of the discussion has been centered is the relation which the germinal epithelium bears to the defin- itive ova. Waldeyer (’70) found large numbers of cells in the germinal epithelium which he interpreted as young germ-cells, and con- cluded that these cells were developed entirely from the cells of the ovarian envelope. This view has been supported in gen- eral by many workers, among whom are von Winiwarter (’01), von Winiwarter and Sainmont (’09), Sainmont (06), Lane- Claypon (’06), Gatenby (16), and von Berenberg Gossler (712). In this way a general school has been developed whose principal belief is the origin of the definitive ova either directly from the germinal epithelium or from the cellular cords which have been developed as downgrowths from this superficial layer of cells. On the other hand, Rubaschkin (’07, 712) and Swift (14) have strongly supported the theory, advanced by Nussbaum (80, ’01), that the primordial germ-cells do not originate in the germinal epithelium, but come from cells which have not given eh CELLS LINING THE PERITONEAL CAVITY 421 up their embryonic character and have not been differentiated into any especial somatic structures. Eigenmann (’91), Beard (04), and Hoffmann (’92) have also supported this view. Swift (15) derives the primordial germ-cells from a particular part of the germ-wall entoderm at the edge of the area pellucida during the primitive-streak stage. When this area becomes vascularized by the extension of the mesoderm, these cells gain entrance to the circulation and settle out in the region of the developing gonad. He agrees that the medullary cords are formed from downgrowths of the germinal epithelium, but considers the cords of the second proliferation as formed by rapidly proliferating, primordial germ-cells or oogonia. Finally, the oogonia form the definitive ova, while the cells derived from the germinal epithelium present in the cortical cords become follicular epithelium. A third group of workers have assumed that there are two sources for the definitive ova, one the primordial germ-cells which furnish a few ova, while a second generation of germ-cells develop from the germinal epithelium. This view has been supported by Felix (06), Allen (’04), Dustin (’07), and particu- larly by Firket. Firket (14, ’20 b) has described the early stages in the chick and rat, and in both species he finds the total number of the primordial germ-cells far too few to permit of their being considered the sole source of definitive ova, so that he is forced to assume an additional development of ova from the germinal epithelium. Using his two species as types of the bird and mammal, he suggests that this process may be a phy- logenetic recession. The discussion of the origin of the definitive ova from the germinal epithelium deals almost entirely with changes which take place during embryonic life, and hence, in mammals at least, would be most difficult to examine by the vital staining technique. However, it is well known that in some species there is formation of ova after birth, and in these it seems that the vital staining of the germinal epithelium might prove a useful adjunct to the study of the question regarding the origin of the definitive ova. My experiments, being confined so far to the 422 R. S. CUNNINGHAM rabbit, do not offer any assistance in settling this point. On the other hand, the similarity between the reactions displayed by the cells of the germinal epithelium and the general serosal lining cells towards vital dyes suggest a closer relationship between these two groups of cells than has usually been assumed. SUMMARY 1. The serosal lining cells have been found to store vital dyes in a very characteristic manner. The two most striking mani- festations of this reaction consisted in the localization of a con- centration of dye-granules in a circumscribed area of the cyto- plasm of each cell and in the formation of a perinuclear rosette. 2. Mesothelial cells from different areas of the peritoneal sur- face presented certain peculiarities in their reactions to vital dyes which sufficed to classify them into groups, while they still conformed to the general characteristic type. 3. The variations noted in the cells from different areas of the peritoneal surface consisted in differences in the amount of dye stored, the characteristics of the perinuclear rosette, and the orientation within the cell of the localized collection of dye- particles. The cells covering the intestine usually contained the least amount of dye, while those of the splenic mesothelium and the germinal epithelium of the ovary contained the largest amount. 4. The germinal epithelium was found to store vital dyes in an especially characteristic manner. 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WINIWARTER, H. von, ET Sarnmont, G. 1909 Nouvelles recherches sur l’ovo- genése et l’organogenése de l’ovaire des mamiféres. Arch. de Biol., T. 24, pp. 1-148, 165-276, 373-433, 627-652. PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 Section of the germinal epithelium of a rabbit which had received eight intravenous injections of trypan blue. 2 A binucleate mesothelial cell from the diaphragm of a rabbit which had received twelve intravenous injections of trypan blue. 3 and 4 Mesothelial cells from the spleen of a rabbit which had received ten intravenous injections of trypan blue. 5 624. 9 An enlarged portion of the epithelium in figure 2. End of interval. Note the enlarged superficial epithelial cells. X 572. 10 The upper part of the mucosa in figure 3 more highly magnified. Stage 1. The superficial epithelial cells are vacuolated. Under them is the beginning of the cornified layer. > 624. 11 More highly magnified portion of epithelium in figure 6. After the shed- ding of the cornified layer. Stage 3. X 624. (Drawn by Miss Edna Fisher) 448 VAGINAL EPITHELIUM OF GUINEA-PIG PLATE 3 RAYMOND M. SELLE Resumen por el autor, Ivan E. Wallin. Sobre la naturaleza de las mitocondrias. Ill. La demonstracién de las mitceondrias mediante los métodos bacteriol6gicos. El] autor ha preparado frotes de tejidos animales en porta- objetos. Las mitocondrias se tinen con los colorantes bacterio- logicos en estas preparaciones. IV. Un estudio comparativo de la morfogénesis de las bacterias de los nédulos de las rafces y de los cloroplastos. El Bacillus radicicola experimenta un desarrollo morfol6gico en los nédulos de las raices, semejante a la morfogénesis de los cloroplastos. Una nueva forma de bacteria ha sido descubierta por el autor, quien discute la simbiosis y hace notar la analogia de la simbiosis en los liquenes con su concepto de las mitocondrias. Translation by José F. Nonidez Cornell Medical College, New York AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, MAY 1 ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA III. THE DEMONSTRATION OF MITOCHONDRIA BY BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS IV. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MORPHOGENESIS OF ROOT- NODULE BACTERIA AND CHLOROFLASTS IVAN E. WALLIN Department of Anatomy and the Henry S. Denison Research Laboratories, University of Colorado, Boulder TWO PLATES (NINE FIGURES) III. THE DEMONSTRATION OF MITOCHONDRIA BY BAC- TERIOLOGICAL METHODS In a former paper (22) the author submitted evidence to show that the special mitochondrial technique in general use, including the vital janus-green method, is not specific for mito- chondria, but will also stain bacteria. While, from a purely theoretical consideration, the properties of mitochondria are of such a nature that one could hardly expect them to respond to bacteriological methods, an analysis of results in this direction is not only interesting, but also instructive. The author has not been able to find any references in the litera- ture to mitochondrial staining with bacteriological methods. The results recorded below will serve to indicate not only the reactions of mitochondria to such methods, but will also indicate possibilities in mitochondrial manipulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS The tissues used in this study have consisted of various samples from young rabbits, kittens, and mature dogs. These tissues have included lymph nodes, liver, pancreas, kidney, salivary glands, suparenal, thymus, and other tissues. Immediately after 451 452 IVAN E. WALLIN removal from the previously killed animal, smears of the organs and tissues were made on microscopical slides. The smears were then permitted to dry in the air without any other fixation. A large number of bacterial staining methods were later applied to the smear preparations. Most of these staining methods have no selective action on bacteria, and consequently the entire smear was stained and mitochondria could not be distinguished with any important degree of clarity. In a few instances Gram’s stain appeared to give a little clearer differentiation. One bac- terial staining method was found, however, that gave a sharp differentiation—Pappenheim’s pyronin-methyl green. This stain has had very extensive use in bacteriological technique. ‘Todd (18) recommends it especially for the demonstration of bacteria in cells on account of its selective action. In this study saturated aqueous solutions of pyronin and methyl green have been used in various proportions of mixture. In some instances it was found that a special proportion of the two stains was necessary to produce sharp differentiation. As Todd has recommended for the demonstration of bacteria, it is necessary to experiment with the proportions of the two stains to attain the best results. RESULTS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL STAINING METHODS ON TISSUE SMEARS Figure 6 is a camera-lucida drawing of a part of a young rabbit pancreas smear after pyronin-methyl-green staining. There was only a small area in the entire smear that appeared like the illustration. It is only in a very few cases out of a great number of attempts that anything resembling mitochondria were present in pancreas preparations. The bodies in the smear, represented in figure 6, appear like mitochondria, but not like the typical mitochondria of pancreas cells. Obviously, I am not in a position to definitely state that these bodies are mito- chondria. It appears probable to the author that these bodies are the fragments of the original mitochondria of the pancreas cells. They may be artifacts. If they are, then, what evidence do we have of the reality of mitochondria in stained preparations? ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 453 Figure 7 is a camera-lucida drawing of a part of a rabbit-liver smear after pyronin-methyl-green staining. The small stained bodies in this preparation appear like the typical mitochondria of liver cells. I can find no alibi for their mitochondrial nature. Figure 8 is a camera-lucida drawing of a portion of a rabbit- kidney smear after pyronin-methyl-green staining. It is difficult to find a place in the kidney smears where mitochondria-like bodies are distinct or present. The group of kidney cells illus- trated was more or less intact. The minute bodies in the illus- tration were sharply differentiated and are not unlike the typical kidney mitochondria. Figure 9 is a camera-lucida drawing of a part of a rabbit lymph-node smear after pyronin-methyl-green staining. The minute bodies represented in the illustration were sharply differ- entiated not only in the cells intact, but also in the cytoplasm of ruptured cells. They appear like the typical lymph-node mito- chondria. 5: In a number of lymph-node-smear preparations it was observed that in some cells the entire cytoplasm, which was apparently intact, was homogenously stained with pyronin (the member of this stain combination which stains the mitochondria). Further, in practically all tissue-smear preparations, the ruptured cyto- plasm is distinctly stained by the pyronin. This latter action of the stain is interesting on account of the supposition (original contention of Pappenheim?) that pyronin-methyl green is a selective stain for certain lymphocytes, staining their cytoplasm pink or red. It appears reasonable to the author that in the cases where the cytoplasm stains with the pyronin the mitochondrial substance has diffused into the cytoplasm. If this interpretation is correct, it assumes that mitochondria are composed of a substance that is miscible with cytoplasm. It, further, assumes that under normal conditions mitochondria have a wall, pellicle, outer membrane, or some limiting structure. The diffuse character of the mitochondrial substance has also been observed in the ordinary fixed and stained mitochondrial preparations of lymph nodes. 2 454 IVAN E. WALLIN These illustrations, it seems to me, are sufficient evidence that mitochondria may be demonstrated by bacteriological methods. In this work various problems in connection with the behavior of mitochondria have arisen. ‘These problems have no fundamen- tal bearing on the major problem of these studies, and con- sequently have not been pursued. DISCUSSION Aside from the demonstration of staining mitochondria by ’ means of bacterial technique, certain facts observed in this study are of importance in connection with the main problem. In a number of attempts to demonstrate the mitochondria in adult dog tissues with the above-described bacteriological technique, I have practically failed. Only in a very few instances have I been able to distinguish mitochondria-like structure in these preparations. These attempts were made with stains from a different source than the ones originally used on kitten and rabbit tissues. The original were Gribler’s stains. However, with the kitten and rabbit tissues the results were not the same for all tissues. It was exceedingly difficult to demonstrate any mito- chondria-like bodies in the pancreas. I have not been able to demonstrate any mitochondria in the salivary glands, thyreoid, and suprarenal. On the other hand, it appears quite easy to stain the mitochondria in the cells of lymph nodes. It must be borne in mind that in all these preparations the tissues were crushed when the smear was made. Two prominent facts stand out in these results: first, mito- chondria are not as delicate as it has been supposed; second, mitochondria vary in fragility. Regarding the delicacy of mitochondria, Cowdry (718) main- tains that the slightest desiccation of a tissue is sufficient to alter them. The above-recorded results with bacteriological methods demonstrate the fact that mitochondria may retain their form and be stained after the degree of desiccation present from complete drying in the air. These staining reactions, further, indicate the danger in formu- lating hypothesis and drawing too extensive conclusions on the basis of staining reaction alone. ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 455 IV. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MORPHOGENESIS OF ROOT-NODULE BACTERIA AND CHLOROPLASTS In a growing conception of a bacterial nature of mitochondria, one naturally would seek an example of an undisputed symbiotic bacterium forstudy. The root-nodule bacteria, Bacillus radicicola offers an example of a relationship between two organisms that is, at least, of a partial symbiotic nature. The bacterial organism in this case, apparently, exists as a free-living organism in the soil. Under favorable circumstances, it enters the root hairs of Legum- inosae and ultimately may be found in the cytoplasm of the cells of the root-nodules. The host plant responds to the infection by developing the root-nodules. The degree of symbiosis in this example is, perhaps, not ab- solute.! The bacterium can live as an independent organism in the soil. Its symbiotic qualities are of the nature of partial adjustment. In other words, the organism has not changed to such a degree that it cannot exist independently of the host organism. This status of its existence is undoubtedly respon- sible for the ease with which the organisms from a root-nodule may be grown on artificial culture media. Compared to absolute parasitism, the root-nodule bacteria are not as dependent on the host as is an absolute parasite. In the case of an absolute parasite, as well as an absolute symbiont,? the adjustment is so complete that the organism does not nor- mally live outside thehost. However, the Bacillusradicicola offers an illustration of a microscopic organism that may live and flourish within the cytoplasm of the cells of a higher organism. 1 Various classifications of symbiosis may be found in the literature. The terms employed in these classifications have been based upon individual examples and conceptions and consequently can not be employed with clarity in an en- larged conception of symbiosis. Schneider’s (1897) terms ‘“‘mutualism,” “indi- vidualism,” and “‘contingent mutualism’”’ are vague and misleading. The terms ‘absolute’ and ‘incomplete’ symbiosis have been introduced by the author on account of their simplicity, clearness, and direct significance. 2 The author chooses to use the term ‘“‘symbiont’’ employed by Schneider (1897) in preference to the term ‘‘symbiote’’ introduced by Portier (1918) for the reason that ‘‘symbiont’’ refers to either one of the two organisms entering into symbiosis, while ‘“‘symbiote” refers particularly to mitochondria in a bacterial conception of their nature. 456 IVAN E. WALLIN Further, it offers evidence of the fact that the chemical products of the bacterium in this case are essential to the life of the host plant. True, the host plant may procure these chemicals by absorption from the soil, and it may even do so in spite of the nodule organisms. This fact, per se, has no bearing on the im- portance of the phenomenon. The point at issue may be clarified by an illustration: The thyreoid gland produces a chemical substance that is essential to normal metabolism in higher, animals. The gland may be removed from an animal, but the chemical substance must be supplied artificially if life is to be maintained normally. If it were possible to stimulate the pro- duction of this chemical substance from another organ of the animal, then the thyreoid would be unessential and in all proba- bility would degenerate. Lewitsky (10), Guilliermond (’12), Regaud (11), and other investigators have ascribed to mitochondria the property of plastid formation in plants. According to these investigators, the original mitochondria transform into plastids. Accompany- ing this transformation the mitochondria take on the various functions characteristic of plastids. Various kinds of plastids are to be found in plants. From the standpoint of evolution, the more important of these plastids are the chloroplasts, or the plastids containing chlorophyl. According to Guilliermond, chloroplasts in higher plants are formed from mitochondria. He has, apparently, observed the various intermediate stages in the metamorphosis from a minute body, the mitochondrium, to a fully formed chloroplast. Such a morphogenesis is so strikingly similar to the morphogenesis of the Bacillus radicicola in the root-nodules of Leguminosae that the writer feels justified in presenting his observations on these forms. MATERIALS AND METHODS Root-nodules found on the roots of the common white clover, growing on the University campus, were fixed in the modified Flemming’s fixative described in a former paper (Wallin, ’22). After they were washed, dehydrated, cleared, and embedded ON THE NATURE OF MITOCHONDRIA 457 in paraffin, they were cut into sections 3y in thickness, mounted, and stained with Bensley’s aniline fuchsin methyl green. The author has made no original observations on chloroplast formation. The work of Lewitsky, Regaud, Guilliermond, and other investigators in this field is accepted as fully demonstrated. Bacillus radicicola A longitudinal section of a root-nodule of the white clover, when examined with a low magnification of the microscope, reveals three distinct areas in the nodule. When a higher magni- fication is employed, the three distinct areas may be seen to be composed of cells containing three distinct types of bacteria- like organisms. Figures 1, 2, and 3 are camera-lucida drawings of portions of these three areas from a single nodule. In figure 1 the typical Bacillus radicicola may be recognized. Most of the organisms are rod-shaped. ihe Cl Fe fe : Senn = a eS STEEN te tex HY if af Tee a id Ped Sf 5 3 E ; 2 jae ie : yer ihe § peau es fei 8 3 ee aa yc? ‘aanabdinaly iota ioe Lusemhtl Bb eller; “ie 1 ag aes a ~~ jin pil repiteanpy Yes ccgat Bas oy. ‘ ie ‘unleash ah ‘ Pi sige Loi aos ‘ter slietr fitalir ua roo, ghieht wien. ‘vitpiral: het > wbveuteade * AY ta PLAQUE 1 EXPLICATION DE FIGURES 1 Follicule petit, avec trés long cordon tannophile. Ovaire du type ovigéne en pleine poussée. Fixation, liquide de Bouin. Méthode tanno-ferrique. Obj. zis, oc. 2. Dessin au crayon. 2 Follicule un peu plus grand, avec cordon tannophile. Méme ovaire. Fixation, liquid de Bouin. Méthode tanno-ferrique. Obj. 75., oc. 2. Dessin au crayon. 3 Follicules 4 deux odcytes, avec un long appendice annexé (reliquat du cordon ovigéne). Cordon tannophile dans le follicule et dans l’appendice. Méme ovaire. Fixation, liquide de Bouin. Méthode tanno-ferrique. Obj.7's, oc. 2. Dessin au crayon. 4 Follicule anovulaire de Regaud en atrésie hydropique. Ovaire du type interstitiel. Fixation, liquide de Bouin. Méthode tanno-ferrique. Obj. 7's, oc.2. Dessin au crayon. 5 Follicule anovulaire petit, avec cordon tannophile. Ovaire du type ovi- géne. Fixation, liquide de Bouin. Méthode tanno-ferrique. Obj. 4s, oc. 2. Dessin au crayon. 522 FOLLICULES DE CRAAF A CORDON TANNOPHILE PLAQUE 1 A. L. SALAZAR SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX LLEN, EDGAR. The oestrous cycle in GIVE sTNOUBC MS. «..« a/c aadotereraisieiase sisterere eiarets Amphibia and insects. On certain features Ofspermatocenesis Ii: one sesce cesses est Anuran embryos. The development of the anterior lymphatics and lymph hearts in. . ACTERIA and chloroplasts. On the nature of mitochondria. ITI. The demon- stration of mitochondria by bacteriolog- ical methods. IV. A comparative study of the morphogenesis of root-nodule;...... Bacteria. II. Reactions of bacteria to chemical treatment. On the nature of mitochondria. I. Observations on mito- chondria staining methods applied to..... Baae, Hauser. J. Disturbances in mamma- lian development produced by radium EMANALLOI eee ert: «s/o « Cite lelebaeeets Betuamy, A. W. Differential susceptibility as a basis for modification and control of development in the frog. IL. Types of modification seen in later developmental RLGRETh hgaaono cos oo aoe VOD AOMbome oo te 0.0 rc Birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. The development of ClORCAT IN eee et seat ice ss cease neler Bowen, Ropert H. On certain features of spermatogenesis in amphibia and insects. . Boypren, Epwarp A. The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. .... Bronchiole. The terminals of the human... Bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference (nls Cutan Or ANiess saeco heoaodoeeasogoo 7c See ere loop in the chick. The forma- in} OM aC hoade Susedo dos caneoee sueeae tric Cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to vital dyes. The reaction of the cells lining the peritoneal............. 3 Cells lining the peritoneal cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to vital dyes. The reaction of the.......... Cells of the guinea-pig. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secretory polarity in the thyroid.......... Chick. The formation of the cardiac loop in UL CES Sea Uta COCO E aD Op ao ORG ECU OTES Chloroplasts. On the nature of mitochondria. III. The demonstration of mitochondria by bacteriological methods. IV. A com- parative study of the morphogenesis of root-nodule bacteria and Cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. 297 203 133 473 373 The development of the.................. 163 Cloacal fenestra. The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a...................: Cowpry, E. V. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secre- tory polarity in the thyroid cells of the PUN CAH DIU e ee ee raieelevericieveteiets 25 Cultures. Endothelium in tissue............ 39 CunniINcHAM, R.S. The reaction of the cells lining the peritoneal cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to vital dyes Cycle. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of the guinea-pig during the oestrous........ Cycle inthe mouse. Theoestrous............ 163 D ‘ATRESIE des follicules de DeGraaf (lap- ine), révélée par la méthode tannofer- rique. Sur une forme particuliére....... DeGraaf (lapine), révélée par la méthode tannoferrique. Sur une forme particu- liére d’atrésie des follicules de............ Development in the frog. IL. Types of modi- fication seen in later developmental stages. Differential susceptibility as a basis for modification and control of............... Development of the anterior lymphatics and lymph hearts in anuran embryos. The.. 61 Development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestracme seston te ieisie'scsoicis sins eterale Development of the saccus endolymphaticus 503 503 473 163 in Rana temporaria Linné. The.......... 231 Development produced by radium emanation. Disturbances in mammalian.............. 133 Disturbances in mammalian development produced by radium emanation.......... Dyes. The reaction of the cells lining the peritoneal cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to vital......... 133 399 MANATION. Disturbances in mamma- lian development produced by radium.. 133 Embryos. The development of the anterior lymphatics and lymph heartsinanuran.. 61 Endolymphaticus in Rana temporaria Linné. The development of the saccus........... 231 Endothelium in tissue cultures............... 39 Epithelium of the guinea-pig during the oestrous cycle. Changes in the vaginal... 429 Epithelium of the ovary, to vital dyes. The reaction of the cells lining the peritoneal cavity, including the germinal............ 399 ABRICIUS, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of................. 526 INDEX Fenestra. The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of a urodaeal sinus, and the regular oceur- TENCE Of a CLOACAN cn a. arctan e cictasiorie 163 Follicules de DeGraaf (lapine) révélée par la méthode tannoferrique. Sur une forme particuliére d’atrésie des................- 503 Formation of the cardiac loop in the chick. Caters iG aot aoc aheceons ao aan 373 Frog. II. Types of modification seen in later developmental stages. Differential sus- ceptibility as a basis for modification and control of development inthe............. 473 ERMINAL epithelium of the ovary, to vital dyes. The reaction of the cells lin- ing the peritoneal cavity, including the .. 399 Guinea-pig during the oestrous cycle. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of the. . 429 Guinea-pig. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secre- tory polarity in the thyroid cellsofthe.... 25 He inanuranembryos. The devel- opment of the anterior lymphatics and Ino biee aes. osc aati aisle spine rietete Human bronchiole. The terminals of the.... 267 NSECTS. On certain features of sperma- togenesis in amphibiaand.............. ee OTTO F. The develop- ment of the anterior lymphatics and lymph hearts in anuran embryos...... 61 APINE), révélée par la méthode tanno- ferrique. Sur une forme particuliére d’atrésie des follicules de DeGraaf.... 503 Lewis, WARREN H. Endothelium in tissue CUIEUTES Hee te een ce as piste eictenetesenst = Loop in the chick. The formation of the CATCIAC IRE Cent She ALAS. Sats 20. cease: 373 Lymphatics and lymph hearts in anuran embryos. The development of the Pinto) adr Laan SER Roan et et Cen eouErteS 61 Lymph hearts in anuran embryos. The develne a of the anterior lymphatics ‘A ry its HERA aE ie ote iat. s ain anos oh AMMALIAN development produced by radium emanation. Disturbancesin.. 133 Material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secretory polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. ‘The reticular......... 25 Méthode tannoferrique. Sur une forme particuliére d’atrésie des follicules de DeGraaf (lapine), révélée par la........... 503 Methods applied to bacteria. II. Reactions of bacteria to chemical treatment. Onthe nature of mitochondria. I. Observations on mitochondria staining................- 208 Mitochondria. I. Observations on mitochon- dria staining methods applied to bacteria. Il. Reactions of bacteria to chemical treatment. Onthe nature of............- Mitochondria. III. The demonstration of mitochondria by bacteriological methods. V. A comparative study of the morpho- genesis of root-nodule bacteria and chloro- plasts. On the nature of................. 451 Mouse. The oestrous cycle in the............ 297 Ome US cycle. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of the guinea-pig during the. 429 Oestrous cycle inthe mouse. The............ 297 Ovary, to vital dyes. The reaction of the cells lining the peritoneal cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the..............- 3 ATTEN, BRADLEY M. The formation of the cardiac loop in the chick.......... 373 Peritoneal cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to vital dyes. The reaction of the cells lining the........ 399 Physiologie reversal in secretory polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. The reticular material as an indicator of....... 25 Polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secretory......... 25 ADIUM emanation. Disturbances in mammalian development produced by.. 1383 Rana temporaria Linné. The development of the saccus endolymphaticus in......... 231 Reaction of the cells lining the peritoneal cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to vitaldyes. The......... 399 Reactions of bacteria to chemical treatment. On the nature of mitochondria. I. Obser- vations on mitochondria staining methods applied to bacteria. II.................:. 203 Reticular material as an indicator of physio- logic reversal in secretory polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. The..... 25 Reversal in secretory polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic.... 25 Root-nodule bacteria and chloroplasts. On the nature of mitochondria. III. The demonstration of mitochondria by bac- teriological methods. IV. A comparative study of the morphogenesis of............ 451 S ACCUS endolymphaticus in Rana tempo- raria Linné. Thedevelopmentofthe.... 231 Sanazar, A. L. Sur une forme particuliére d’atrésie des follicules de DeGraaf (lapine), révélée par la méthode tannoferrique..... 503 Secretory polarity in the thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. The reticular material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in........ Seti, Raymonp M. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of the guinea-pig during the oestroupicy cles .eeiaerneue pee ck teen 429 Sinus, and the regular occurrence of a cloacal fenestra. ‘The development of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the forma- fionlomarurodaedl,sy.ma. seeker tee 163 Spermatogenesis inamphibiaand insects. On cCentain features OL so--o ene = eee ele 1 Staining methods applied to bacteria. II. Reactions of bacteria to chemical treat- ment. On the nature of mitochondria. I. Observations on mitochondria......... 203 Susceptibility as a basis for modification and coutrol of development in the frog. II. Types of modification seen in later developmental stages. Differential...... 473 fee ee Sur une forme par- ticuliére d’atrésie des follicules de De- Graaf Uapine), révélée par la méthode.... 508 Thyroid cells of the guinea-pig. The reticu- lar material as an indicator of physiologic reversal in secretory polarity in the....... 25 Tissue cultures. Endothelium in............ 39 RODAEAL sinus, and the regular oceur- rence of a leoacal fenestra. The develop- ment of the cloaca in birds, with special reference to the origin of the bursa of Fabricius, the formation of............+++ 163 INDEX \ eee epithelium of the guinea-pig during theoestrouscycle. Changesinthe 429 Vital dyes. The reaction of the cells lining the peritonea] cavity, including the germinal epithelium of the ovary, to...... 399 ALLIN,IVANE. Onthenature of mito- chondria. I. Observations on mito- chondria staining methods applied to bacteria. II. Reactions of bacteria to chemical treatment... 2. ce. cericceeeenis 203 527 Wauuin, Ivan E. On the nature of mito- chondria. III. The demonstration of mitochondria by bacteriological methods. IV. A comparative study of the morpho- genesis of root-nodule bacteria and chloro- PAI h ane spon separ Ade Gnarn SOU MOOD OR MOOGO 451 Wuiresipr, Bratrice. The development of the saccus endolymphaticus m Rana GeMIporaria: WINE) eer kesnic-trelr velo tenes 321 Witton, Herpert G. The terminals of the Imuman) bronchiolers,. .eetesmende eee ete On ste i MN AL SAR tc yet “2, 4 ae HS Pal t Sh SANE MBL WHO) Library - Serials So ==: a SS: = ie aa é reste He He ith ie is} aire se Mr EH te eit yet? heer ie BoM Gatiabass sia fi ited} f ih ah Ae: yf : Cf vhs 4: - i : { f oat} aaah aia Rta Hy Atte Heit eet if i ge fep f 1! Hi teal sre = a ent UG 1 a iat — Ss Fiera Se aioe Saas 32 2S. = : : ne er Sr eee iihaneiitentes aa a rh Sete tet Snes =na= ast Se seees ae a i iy (ae fal nn 4it! rit Hi — - i 7 Ss bet 3 ites Hf if et rere poeteed 7 aoe Het ees its Ab ETE ste SECT Vt CE Eee tf cl HU ea Ha i Grint nt i ie ti Tsay a ssi 0 Hctte 7 f4h 0a! 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